/ / Where do elevated red blood cells in the blood come from?

Where do elevated red blood cells come from?

Elevated red blood cells: physiological erythrocytosis

elevated red blood cells

Red blood cells - the red blood cells, the mainwhose function is to transport oxygen and carbon dioxide. In the alveoli of the lungs, the red bodies are saturated with oxygen and carry it throughout the body. Hemoglobin also forms compounds with an exchange product such as carbon dioxide, carrying it to the tissues of the lungs. Quite often, during laboratory analysis, it is found that the patient has elevated red blood cells. In fact, this problem may arise under the influence of many factors, both external and internal environment. Sometimes the causes of erythrocytosis are quite harmless, but in most cases such a violation indicates the presence of the disease. The so-called physiological erythrocytosis is associated with this function of red blood cells. Elevated erythrocytes in the blood are observed in residents of high mountain areas, where the concentration of oxygen and air is much higher. The same applies to professional athletes, as their bodies absorb much more oxygen. In fact, it is a completely normal phenomenon that does not require treatment.

Elevated red blood cells and associated diseases

elevated red blood cells in a child

Unfortunately, the causes of erythrocytosis are not always so harmless. Quite often, such a violation indicates the presence of serious diseases:

  • For example, elevated red blood cells in a childmay be the result of severe dehydration. Indeed, in childhood even vomiting and diarrhea can lead to such a violation. In adulthood, erythrocytosis from dehydration is diagnosed much less frequently, but nevertheless it is possible.
  • Increasing the number of red blood cellsoften occurs as a compensatory reaction in various heart diseases. After all, if the heart muscle does not cope with its work, then, therefore, the tissues do not receive enough oxygen, as a result of which erythrocytosis appears.
  • Quite often elevated red blood cellsmay indicate pathologies of the respiratory system, for example, bronchitis, inflammation, rhinitis, intense allergic reactions. After all, if the lumen of the respiratory tract decreases, then, accordingly, the amount of inhaled oxygen decreases.
  • Sometimes this problem is associated with impaired bone marrow, which begins to produce an increased number of red blood cells.
  • In some cases, erythrocytosis can signal cancer of the liver and kidneys.

Erythrocytes in the urine

elevated red blood cells in the urine

Another fairly common problem isthe presence of a large number of red blood cells in the urine. In case of such violations, it is worthwhile to immediately conduct additional studies and begin treatment. After all, the presence of blood impurities in the urine often indicates the presence of serious problems. In particular, such a violation occurs in acute and chronic glomerulonephritis. The same symptom appears when kidney stones are formed. The formation of tumors (malignant or benign) in the tissues of the kidneys or the urinary canal is also accompanied by an increase in the number of red blood cells in the urine.