/ / Propylene glycol and glycerin: comparison and harm

Propylene glycol and glycerin: comparison and harm

Recently, widespread inCosmetic, pharmaceutical manufacturing and other industries received different components. In our article we will look at what propylene glycol and glycerin are. How are these substances used by humans? What harm is there from them? Can they be helpful?

The concept of

Propylene glycol is a diatomicalcohol. It is a colorless, viscous liquid that has a sweetish aftertaste and distinctive odor. It has hygroscopic properties. The boiling point of this substance is 200 degrees, and freezing is 60 degrees. It is considered a good solvent.

Propylene glycol is part of the lipid membranes of cells in the form of essential fatty acids involved in the transport of large molecules into the cells.

Propylene glycol and glycerin

Glycerin is a chemical compoundfat with water, in which water separates fat into small elements. It is a colorless, viscous liquid that has a sweetish aftertaste and is odorless. Its boiling point is 290 degrees. Glycerin can be presented in the form of crystals that melt at a certain temperature.


Propylene glycol is produced in Germany.It was manufactured and certified for the first time at the beginning of the 20th century. The term "propylene glycol" was formed by the merger of the words "propylene" (hydrocarbon radical) and "glycol" (dihydric alcohol). Possible names for this substance are as follows:

  • Propylene Glycol.
  • Propylene glycol.
  • Monopropylene glycol.
  • Dipropylene glycol.
  • Tripropylene glycol.
  • E-1520.

Glycerin is produced in Russia. This substance was manufactured for the first time at the end of the 18th century. The term "glycerin" is translated from the Latin as "sweet." Possible names for this substance are as follows:

  • Glicerin.
  • E-422.


Propylene glycol consists of carbon, hydrogen,oxygen. These elements are taken in different ratios. The chemical formula of the component is C3H8O2. It is a liquid that is a racemic mixture of several isomeric structures. One of them rotates the plane of polarization to the left, the other to the right. This is due to the asymmetric position of the carbon atom.

The composition of glycerin includes carbon, hydrogen,oxygen. Each carbon atom is linked to a carbon atom and a hydroxyl group. The chemical formula of the substance is C3H5 (OH) 3. In addition, each carbon atom has an additional bond to the hydrogen atom. Glycerin has a valence of four. This suggests that he has a tendency to form four bonds.


Propylene glycol is often produced from some petroleum products by methods of sublimation and purification, with further testing for compatibility with cells of animal origin.

Chemical and physical properties of propylene glycolallow to make it from propylene oxide at a certain temperature, pressure. The products produced are three substances: tripropylene glycol, propylene glycol, and dipropylene glycol. The next step is the process of separation of substances. The finished products are ready to eat. Their shelf life is 2 years.

Glycerin used to be made from soap.This process was very difficult. Soap was cooked from animal and vegetable fats. When fats interacted with alkali, a soapy solution was obtained. When salt was added, soap formed. There was a mixture of glycerol with impurities. At the next stage, the substance was separated by hydrolysis, then filtered, purified.

Glycerin and propylene glycol

Recently, the process of making substancesimproved. Glycerin is formed from animal and vegetable oils. The substance is produced as follows: a certain amount of water is added to the fats; the mixture is heated and decomposed into fatty acids and glycerin, which is released, filtered, purified. The shelf life of the product is 5 years.


Propylene glycol is considered a non-toxic food grade.additive that is used in the manufacture of confectionery and baking as a water-holding and softening component. It allows you to improve the quality of food and increase their shelf life. This substance is often called E-1520.

Propylene glycol has a remarkable property.retain moisture. Therefore, it is widely used in cosmetology for the manufacture of products intended for moisturizing, cleansing the skin. In addition, propylene glycol is used in pharmaceutical production.

the ratio of glycerin and propylene glycol

Propylene glycol in the form of an aqueous solutionused in various industrial sectors. It is used in the work of heat exchange (refrigeration) equipment. This substance, for example, is used to cool and freeze thermal foods, berries, vegetables, fruits, etc.

In industrial production and transportindustries propylene glycol is used as antifreeze in the water cooling system of equipment and brake fluid. In addition, the substance is used for the manufacture of plastics.

Glycerin is used as a food additive for confectionery and baking:

  • to improve their taste;
  • to increase their shelf life;
  • to give them a soft structure and a special sweet taste;
  • to prevent discoloration, etc.

It is part of various alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. This component is called E-422.

Glycerin is used in cosmetology forproduction of moisturizers, face masks, hands, body. This component is part of various pills, ointments for skin problems. This substance is used for the manufacture of laxative medicines. There are many recipes for traditional medicine based on glycerin. These are recipes for cough, for joint pain.

Glycerin is used in agriculture and inindustry. It is used for seed treatment. It is used in the transport industry: it is part of antifreeze and brake fluid. Glycerin can be used as a lubricating oil for mechanical parts of products. This is due to the fact that gasoline and benzene in glycerin do not dissolve. Indispensable glycerin and in everyday life. For example, you can use it to remove stains, clean leather products, add gloss to the laminate, etc.


Propylene glycol in moderation is notconsidered toxic and dangerous to the human body. It does not irritate the eyes and mucous membranes, does not cause allergic reactions. Due to this property, it is used in cosmetology for the manufacture of various shampoos, balms, lipsticks and other cosmetics. This is due to the fact that the component perfectly binds fats, displaces the fluid in the upper layers of the epidermis, resulting in a smooth skin effect.

This substance is cheaper than glycerol.Therefore, it is the main component in many cosmetics, which by 10–20% often consist of propylene glycol. This component in moderate doses is used in pharmaceutical production for the manufacture of various medicines.

In food production propylene glycolused as a dispersing, water retaining and softening element. It is part of the following products: cookies, energy and soft drinks, candy, etc.

The physical properties of propylene glycol boil andfreeze at a certain temperature used in food and industrial production. It is used, for example, to freeze berries, vegetables, fruits. An aqueous solution of this substance is used as a cooler for various equipment.

Note: пропиленгликоль используется для создания "smoke effect" at concerts. For this purpose, special smoke. Due to the correct concentration of this substance, high and harmless vaporization can be achieved.

Glycerin has a low cost.Therefore, it is convenient to use in various industries. It moderately improves the taste and quality of pastries and baked goods. The ability to adsorb moisture from the environment allows it to be used in cosmetology for the production of moisturizing agents.

Glycerin and propylene glycol proportions

Glycerin has good antiseptic andhealing properties, which allows its use in pharmaceutical production. Drugs based on it are considered more concentrated. Glycerin has excellent laxative properties. It reduces mucosal irritation. For example, it is used to reduce eye pressure. Glycerin helps reduce weight.

Note: One of the secrets of beauty and health of the Japanese model Masako Mizutani is a mask of vitamin E and glycerin, which she regularly uses.

Drugs, which include this component, perfectly protects the bark of trees from pests. The physical properties of glycerin allow it to be used effectively in industry.


Propylene glycol is used in cosmetology.But in large quantities it causes addiction of the body and various side effects. Allergic reactions can occur on the body, which are accompanied by dermatitis of the skin. In large doses, propylene glycol is considered a toxic component for the respiratory system, and can adversely affect the nervous and immune systems. Therefore, manufacturers are trying to use this component in moderate concentrations.

Penetrating into the human body, propylene glycolIt behaves like a protoplasmic and vascular poison that can cause changes in the liver, kidneys and other organs. Pure propylene glycol leaves burns on the skin.

propylene glycol glycerin bases

Pairs of this ingredient are not annoying.action on the eyes and mucous membranes do not cause dangerous allergic reactions, but breathing them is still not recommended. In high concentrations, propylene glycol can spoil pastries and pastries, causing an unpleasant taste.

Glycerin causes an improper use.skin dehydration. This is due to the fact that it intensively draws moisture from the deep layers of the epidermis to the surface, instead of taking it from the environment. The skin becomes drier, the drying of the upper layers of the epidermis is enhanced.

When ingested, side effects may occur.effects in the form of bloating, vomiting, dizziness. Glycerin is contraindicated in women who are pregnant or nursing a child. In sensitive people, it can cause irritation and an allergic reaction due to intolerance to the components.

Cosmetics should contain about 7% of this.substances, then it will have a positive effect. Glycerin has a high diuretic effect, so we recommend taking it in moderation.

Glycerol vapors are too heavy for breathing andsweet taste. Cases of fainting from glycerin smoke have been reported. In its application, there is a need to use modern equipment, which turns these vapors with the help of special liquids into harmless smoke.

Глицерин ядовит.A pure, chemical substance is considered non-toxic in moderate doses. But during thermal decomposition and long storage, it forms acrolein, which is easily absorbed into the skin and causes cancer in large quantities. I would like to emphasize once again that glycerin vapor is especially dangerous, even if we forget about acrolein.


Propylene glycol and glycerin have practicallysame use. In our article we will try to figure out which component is better. Propylene glycol, glycerin are used in cosmetology, food and pharmaceutical production, industry.

Glycerin and propylene glycol have similarphysical properties. Glycerin has a higher viscosity, unlike propylene glycol. Propylene glycol is better absorbed into the skin. Propylene glycol vapor dissipates better, faster and gives a feeling of strength. Propylene glycol causes irritation and a strong allergic reaction even in small quantities, unlike glycerin. This component is cheaper than glycerin.

70 propylene glycol 30 glycerin

Glycerin has a more pronounced sweettaste. Thinner glycerin. Propylene glycol has a thicker concentration. The molecules of these substances have similar bases. Propylene glycol and glycerin are composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, but their molecular formula and production process are different.


In our article we will consider the question of whether a mixture of propylene glycol and glycerin can be useful. These substances in a certain ratio are used in different areas of production.

For example, propylene glycol and glycerin are included inThe composition of the liquid for cartridges for electronic cigarettes. The vapor that an e-cigarette fan inhales is a certain ratio of glycerin and propylene glycol. The decomposition of substances produces acrolein, which in high doses can cause cancer.

Better propylene glycol glycerin

These are some dangerous substances for humans.be propylene glycol, glycerin! Nicotine, which is released in tobacco smoke, will seem childish prattle! In addition, the vapors of these substances have an irritating and even narcotic effect. It all depends on the concentration and dose of steam.

В настоящее время наукой доказано, что эти пары they settle in the human lung, do not dissolve, are not removed from the body. It is worth guessing what will happen to the electronic cigarette lover in 15-20 years, when the lungs absorb these harmful substances.

Due to its adsorbing properties, propylene glycol is the main active ingredient in e-cigarette cartridge fluids. Comparison of substances is discussed above.

Note: Currently, about 65% of smokers in Russia use e-cigarettes. This is a staggering figure, given that they are expensive. The simplest device will cost 1000 rubles.

By their physical properties of the componentsare different. It is very important to choose the right ratio of glycerin and propylene glycol. The following proportions are considered optimal: 70% propylene glycol, 30% glycerin. This is due to the fact that propylene glycol is easier, better absorbs smell and taste. For the production of liquid mix glycerin, propylene glycol. Flavors are added last.

Where can I buy

Glycerin and propylene glycol can be purchased atany pharmacy in small quantities without a prescription. They are inexpensive. For example, 100 ml of glycerin can be bought for 95 rubles. A mixture of these components is more expensive. Propylene glycol and glycerin are mainly used in e-cigarette cartridge fluids.

Глицерин и пропиленгликоль оптом можно приобрести on different sites on the Internet or in professional stores that specialize in the sale of these substances. Before buying, we advise you to ensure the reliability of the site, examine the reviews, certificates. At the moment, these components have different costs, depending on the region of Russia. For example, 100 ml of a mixture (propylene glycol, glycerin) to Moscow and the Moscow region will cost more than in other regions of Russia.


Over the past 15 years there are few statistics aboutthe use of propylene glycol and glycerin. However, it became known that the vapor of these substances causes less harm to human health. This is due to the use of new technologies in all sectors of production. Substances and their effects are not well understood by man. How do glycerol and propylene glycol affect the body? The proportions of these components can be very different. It all depends on them.

Hence the conclusion:it is necessary to study propylene glycol and glycerin. Modern equipment should be used to work with these substances, study their interaction in order to make them harmless to the body. They must be beneficial to human health. This is the only way to ensure that these important components are in the service of a person.