/ Why bleeding gums when brushing teeth: causes and treatment

Why bleeding gums when brushing teeth: causes and treatment

Why does the gum bleed when brushing my teeth? If you are concerned about this issue, our article will be useful to you. We consider the causes of bleeding and several ways to combat this phenomenon.

why bleeding gums when brushing teeth

Mechanical impact

In some cases, the culprit of bleedinggums during the hygienic procedure can be a brush with a stiff bristle. Of course, healthy tissues should not react to this factor. However, some patients have too sensitive gums. Therefore, experts recommend that they use brushes with an average degree of rigidity.

It is necessary to perform the hygienic procedure correctly, neatly. Too zealous mechanical action can damage soft tissues and cause bleeding.

Removing food residues with dental floss should also be performed carefully. Excess time to injure healthy gum tissue is undesirable. An open wound is the gate to infection.

bleeding gums when brushing teeth cause

Poor oral condition

Another reason that after brushing your teethbleed gums, can be a banal non-compliance with the rules for oral care. Untimely removal of the plaque leads to the fact that the pathogenic microflora begins to actively multiply, causing inflammation of the soft tissues. On the teeth are formed stones, pushing the edge of the gums. Simply put, the gate opens for the penetration of microbes into the body. All this can cause a person to bleed gums while brushing his teeth. If the process takes a regular course, you should immediately contact a specialist.

after cleaning teeth bleed gums

Medication administration

Некоторые препараты могут спровоцировать bleeding soft tissues. Basically, these are medicines, which contain components that dilute blood. In this case, this reaction should be indicated in the instructions. These drugs include "Aspirin", "Warfarin", modifications of heparins, "Clopidogrel". In principle, this situation is not dangerous for the patient. After stopping medication, the vascular system returns to normal.

Unbalanced nutrition

Why do gums bleed when brushing the teeth of thosewho often sits on different diets? The health of the body as a whole is directly dependent on a balanced diet. The vascular system is acutely responsive to a lack of vitamins and microelements. Therefore, the diet should be only an experienced specialist. Lack of vitamins B, C, E, K will immediately affect the condition of the gums. A person should understand that the manifestation of painful symptoms, edema or bleeding is a signal to the body for help. Chronic deficiency of vitamin C is especially dangerous for us. This can provoke such a terrible disease as scurvy.

Orthopedic designs

If after installing the crown or bridge bleedgum when brushing teeth, what to do? In this situation, the cause of the unpleasant phenomenon is clearly visible. Poor quality work of an orthopedist always delivers many problems to a person. If the edges of the crown are badly fitted, this leads to permanent injury to the delicate gum tissue. Observed swelling, redness, discomfort in the area of ​​the prosthesis. In such situations, you should contact a specialist.


If the patient regularly notes that after cleaningteeth gums bleeding and swollen, this may indicate the occurrence of a chronic inflammatory process. Diseases of the oral cavity include gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease. The regular nature of bleeding should immediately lead the patient to a specialist. After all, the disease must be diagnosed. Only proper treatment will solve the problem.

It is worth noting that the inflammatory processes inThe gums can quickly transform into serious diseases, such as periodontal disease. This ailment is no longer curable. In some cases, the patient even loses teeth.

gums bleed while brushing your teeth

Why is it important to consult a doctor in a timely manner?A person is not able to independently determine why the gums bleed when brushing their teeth. Not always because the disease is localized in the oral cavity. The causes may be common illnesses, for example: diabetes mellitus, immunodeficiency, vascular diseases. Therefore, it is extremely important to seek help from a specialist. Only he is able to correctly diagnose the disease, examining the results of surveys.


Often women who are preparing to become mothersface the problem at hand. During pregnancy, the body undergoes significant changes, an additional burden falls on it, there are violations or failures in the work of all body systems. In future mothers, gums often bleed when brushing your teeth. How to treat? It is enough to consult a dentist to rule out the presence of diseases of the oral cavity. If everything is normal, then after giving birth the bleeding gums will pass by itself.

bleeding gums when brushing teeth what to do

Bleeding gums when brushing your teeth: medication

So, if the problem in question has brought you to the doctor’s office, that’s good. First of all, a specialist will examine, appoint an examination and diagnose.

If inflammatory diseases are detectedcavity, the doctor will prescribe medication. Before you begin, you will need to carry out professional teeth cleaning. The specialist must remove a hard coating in order for the treatment to lead to a positive result.

Next, the doctor selects a set of drugs:antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, antiseptics and vitamins. Today, lincomycin hydrochloride, Levomycetin, Olazol, Sumamed, etc. are often used. These medicines are classified as antibiotics.

Be sure to include in the complex therapyspecial gel or ointment. Antimicrobial drugs will help relieve swelling, reduce the appearance of inflammation (Cholisal, Kamistad, Metrogil Dent). The active ingredients of this group of medicines are able to penetrate only into the mucous membrane, without touching the bone tissue. It is for this reason that they are prescribed as the primary means only in the treatment of weak inflammatory processes.

In some situations, a specialist furtherprescribe antiseptics or epithelial drugs (Solcoseryl, Actovegin). They are effective in cases where the inflammatory process has led to tissue breakdown or is accompanied by stomatitis.

In addition to drug treatmentThe specialist recommends that the patient balance the diet. If he does not have the opportunity to consume the necessary food in sufficient quantities, it will be rational to start taking a course of vitamins and microelements.

bleed gums when brushing your teeth how to treat

Hardware treatment

Modern technologies make it possible to effectivelyfight gum disease. With the help of special preparations, it is possible to carry out deep cleaning of periodontal pockets. They also contribute to the improvement of tissue regeneration. It is these features that make hardware treatment in demand.

Devices allow you to effectively deal withvarious periodontal diseases. Thanks to them, the doctor removes even very hard dental stones, removes granulation tissue from the pathological periodontal pocket.


This technique is used to treat chronic inflammatory processes. In moments of aggravation it is not prescribed. The specialist in certain situations recommends the patient a set of procedures.

  • Soft tissue massage. It is performed manually or with the help of a special apparatus.
  • The method of darsonvalization is prescribed in the absence of inclusions of pus in the area of ​​the gum pockets. There is an impact current on the affected areas. As a result, blood circulation is normalized.
  • The method of vacuum therapy involves the use ofspecial pumps. The action of the device is aimed at the artificial rupture of superficial capillaries. This forms a hematoma. At the time of its resorption, the body activates its regenerative abilities.

bleeding gums when brushing teeth treatment

Traditional methods of treatment

Rinsing decoction is always important if the gums bleed when brushing your teeth. The cause of the phenomenon must undoubtedly be established. Experts do not recommend self-medication.

Often doctors themselves after professional cleaningprescribe treatment with the help of various applications of decoctions of medicinal plants. Or, simply rinsing the mouth will help eliminate bleeding. We propose to take note of several recipes.

  • Chamomile flowers have beautifulanti-inflammatory and regenerating properties. In order to prepare the broth, you need 1 tablespoon pour boiling water (1 cup). After the decoction is infused, it must be drained and used for rinsing the mouth.
  • A decoction of oak bark is famous for its astringent effect. This raw material can be called the first assistant in the fight against bleeding gums. Prepare a decoction as well as a means of chamomile.
  • In the same proportions, we can prepare an infusion of sage. This plant has excellent antibacterial properties. Rinse decoction can have an anesthetic effect.
  • As a duty rinse wecan advise soda. After all, the necessary healing plant may not always be at hand. Soda solution is perfect for rinsing. It has antimicrobial properties, reduces inflammation.

So, we have discussed in detail why they bleedgum when brushing your teeth and what to do about it. All solutions to problems are given as an introductory information. If you experience these symptoms, it is extremely important to consult a specialist in a timely manner.