/ / Osteoarthritis of the fingers: symptoms and treatment

Osteoarthritis of the fingers: symptoms and treatment

Such a diagnosis as arthrosis of the fingers, mostlyis placed for the elderly, mostly women. This is explained by the fact that with age, the representatives of the fair sex are hormonal changes in the body and reduces the production of collagen. The disease is characterized by a decrease in the mobility of the fingers, and its chronic form leads to impairment of the functions of the hands and deformation of the joints. There is also damage to the joint bag. So what is arthrosis of the fingers? Symptoms and treatment of this pathology will be discussed in detail in the article.

Features arthrosis of the joints of the fingers

This pathology mainly affects the elderlyage. The articular structures wear out with time, the bone density decreases, the cartilage thinens, its cracking occurs, and bony outgrowths arise. An untreated disease contributes to the curvature of the fingers, the appearance of severe pain, which increases with the load on the joints, the movements become limited, and stiffness appears. In failed cases, a person can not perform basic things: it is impossible to take a fork in his hands or unscrew the lid on the bottle.

arthrosis of the fingers

The causes of the appearance of pathology

The main cause of the pathologicalstate is a genetic predisposition. If in a family someone had such a disease, then the probability of its appearance in the next generation is also great.

Another reason that causesarthrosis of the joints of the fingers of the hands, are considered increased loads on this area. The risk group for the development of the disease includes such professions as pianist, masseur and office workers. The work of the latter is related to the constant typing of text on the computer.

arthrosis of the fingers symptoms and treatment

Provokes the emergence of sugar pathologydiabetes, endocrine system diseases. The hormonal restructuring of the woman's organism during the menopause leads to a decrease in the level of estrogens, resulting in a loss of moisture, which causes the cartilaginous tissue to thin out, and the bones and joints become brittle.

The most common cause of developmentpathologies are injuries of the wrist joints and flanks of the fingers, especially when an inflammatory process occurs. Also, the occurrence of the disease leads to the abuse of alcohol, smoking, frequent colds, weak immunity, radiation exposure, endocrine disorders, allergic reactions, infectious diseases (chlamydia).


If arthrosis of the fingers occurs, the symptoms of thisdiseases can be different. When you move your fingers, there is a crunch and aching pain, which after a while becomes chronic. There is a thickening of the joints, which is very noticeable from the side, and the affected area begins to swell. Periarticular muscles are almost always in a stressed state. Such symptoms are characteristic for the initial stage of the disease, when there is a loss of elasticity of the joint bag.

In the second stage, the cartilage becomes thin anddeformed. There is a constant pain, movement of fingers becomes limited, the affected area is red, the body temperature rises. Swelling begins to further increase, and the finger or even the entire brush loses its sensitivity.

arthrosis of the joints of the fingers of the hands

The last stage of such a disease as arthrosisfingers, is accompanied by complete destruction of the cartilage, with severe pain, fingers deforming, and their change in length. Tumescence and swelling in the affected area go to the nodules of Bushard and Geberden. Formation of the first occurs on the extreme joints of the fingers, the second - on the middle. Joints and bones are deformed, fingers practically cease to move. Appendages instead of cartilage on periarticular bones.

If in this case there will be no treatmentarthrosis of the fingers, it is possible to completely immobilize the hand. The formed nodules often accompanies such a disease as rizartroz, affecting the base of the thumb, the signs of which resemble the common arthrosis.

Diagnosis of the disease

To diagnose arthrosis of the fingers, a doctorHe examines the patient and palpates the affected area. To clarify the diagnosis, the doctor sends the patient to a radiograph and blood tests. The deformities of the bones, the narrowing of the slits of the affected joints, and the osteophytes can be clearly seen on the images obtained. Blood tests should be within normal limits, and if there are deviations, the doctor assumes the occurrence of other, more serious diseases, for example, arthritis.

treatment of arthrosis of fingers

Methods of treatment

If arthrosis of the fingers appeared, how to treat this pathology? The result will be much more effective when carrying out complex therapy, which includes such methods as:

  • physiotherapy;
  • acupuncture, massage;
  • use of medicines;
  • ethnoscience;
  • surgery.

A remarkable effect is achieved whenuse of ointments. They are able to eliminate pain, restore mobility, increase the flow of blood to the pathological site. Such medicines include "Diclofenac", "Indomethacin", "Voltaren-Emulgel", "Dolgit-cream", "Butadion".

At an early stage, the likelihood of a fullcuring of deforming arthrosis of interphalangeal joints and restoration of cartilage tissue. At the 2nd-3rd stage, the pathology becomes irreversible. In this case, the doctor prescribes preservative therapy aimed at preventing further changes and destruction of tissues.


If arthrosis occurs in the joints of the fingers, the treatment is usually done with medications that only the doctor should prescribe.

The initial stage of the disease is rarely treatedmedicines. Usually the patient undergoes a course of therapy with chondroprotectors (chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine), which help restore cartilage tissue and feed it. It is very effective at the initial stage to conduct physical procedures. It is also necessary to take vitamins and minerals. With the help of warming compresses the pain syndrome is removed.

The second stage of the disease is accompanied bythe emergence of severe pain, inflammation and impaired mobility of the joints. The doctor in this case appoints non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, Ketoprofen, Butadion, Diclofenac, Piroxicam), chondroprotectors and hyaluronic acid. Treatment of arthrosis is recommended to be carried out in a complex way, so the course of therapy also includes the use of vasodilators. Basically it is "Pentoxifylline", "Agapurin", "Theonikol".

arthrosis of the joints of the fingers

At the third stage usually already use strongpainkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, such as "Naise", "Fastum-gel." Surgical treatment is carried out when all of the above methods were ineffective, and deformation of the cartilaginous tissue caused a complete loss of mobility of the fingers.

Home Treatment

If there arthrosis joints of the fingers, the treatment is carried out and folk ways. But they are directed not to fight with symptoms, but to strengthen immunity and restore metabolism.

arthrosis of the fingers symptoms

There are following ways of treating the disease at home:

  • Physical exercises that promote soft heating of the joints and stretching of the muscles;
  • compliance with diet, but fasting is prohibited;
  • visiting the sauna, the steam room which activates metabolic processes and softens the muscle tissue;
  • the use of hirudotherapy, as the substances contained in the saliva of the leech dilute the blood and eliminate the pain syndrome;
  • treatment with herbs, but in this case, you should be careful, because the simultaneous administration with anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs causes a strong allergic reaction.

Preventive measures

To avoid such a terrible disease as arthrosis of the fingers, doctors recommend taking care of preventive measures, namely:

  • perform moderate physical activity;
  • keep your hands warm, do not allow them to cool;
  • adhere to proper nutrition.

Such preventive measures are the best remedy for the pathology of the fingers.

arthrosis of the fingers


Thus, we found out what is arthrosisfingers, symptoms and treatment of this disease have also been considered. This pathology arises mainly in the elderly, when the body is already worn out. This ailment causes unpleasant sensations, and subsequently severe pain. It is important not to start such a disease, and if all the recommendations of the doctor are followed, a complete recovery occurs.