/ / "Glucosamine + Chondroitin" ("Doppelgerts"): description, composition, and instructions for use

"Glucosamine + Chondroitin" ("Doppelherz"): description, composition and instructions for use

Many older people (and not only)suffer from bone diseases. Such pathologies manifest intolerable pains, frequent fractures, cracks. Patients are forced to regularly take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory compounds in order to somehow alleviate their condition. Many doctors prescribe for the reception of components such as glucosamine, chondroitin. "Doppelgerts" produces a drug that in the complex contains these substances. You will learn about it from today's article.

glucosamine chondroitin doppelgerts

What is Doppelgerts Active Glucosamine + Chondroitin?

Instructions for use characterizesdrug as safe for all individuals, but at the same time effective. The drug acts directly on the musculoskeletal system and regulates the level of calcium in the body. The drug belongs to non-prescription drugs. It can be purchased in almost all pharmacies and some supermarkets. Approximately 450-500 rubles worth the drug "Doppelgerts Active Glucosamine + Chondroitin." 30 capsules placed in three plates (10 pieces). The drug does not apply to drugs, and is a dietary supplement.

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The composition of the drug and the action of the main components

The main components of the drug aresubstances glucosamine, chondroitin. "Doppelgerts" produces a tool that has, respectively, 750 and 100 milligrams of these components. It is they who determine the work of the dietary supplement.

Glucosamine as Glucosamine Sulfatethe amount of 750 mg contributes to the retention of calcium in the human body, and also establishes the correct exchange of calcium and phosphorus. This substance prevents the destruction of cartilage tissue, which can be caused by various factors. Glucosamine is the so-called building material for human cartilage.

Chondroitin is found in the product aschondroitin sulfate (100 mg). This component is designed to fill the missing level in the bones and connective tissue. Chondroitin is a high molecular weight polysaccharide that normally regularly enters the human body with food. But under certain circumstances, its level decreases.

As additional components in the preparationGelatin, silicon dioxide, water, magnesium stearate and titanium dioxide are available. These components do not have a therapeutic effect on the patient. They are needed only to obtain the appropriate form of the drug.

Purpose of dietary supplements and contraindications

In what cases a person becomes necessarysubstances like glucosamine, chondroitin? "Doppelgerts Active" is indicated for diseases of the bone tissue when destruction of the joint and cartilage occurs. Also, the medicament is needed for persons who have a tendency to develop pathology: athletes, weightlifters, the elderly, and adherents of diets. The instructions indicate that capsules are prescribed in the following cases:

  • frequent fractures;
  • osteoporosis;
  • osteoarthritis;
  • osteochondrosis.

It is contraindicated to take "Glucosamine +Chondroitin "(" Doppelgerts ") with individual intolerance to the components (including components). Also, do not use capsules for pregnant and lactating women. Not used in pediatrics until the child is 14 years old.

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Method of application: two regimens

Take the drug should be after consultation witha doctor. Depending on your condition, the doctor will choose a separate scheme. The duration of use of the capsules is at least two months. If necessary, a biological additive is consumed up to six months (only on the recommendation of a doctor).

  • Instructions for use recommends taking capsules once a day. It is preferable to use the additive during the meal (with the aim of maximally correct assimilation).
  • In severe situations, doctors prescribe two capsules once a day for up to three weeks. After that, the patient must go to the standard regimen: one tablet per day.

doppelgerts active glucosamine chondroitin instruction

"Doppelgerts Chondroitin with Glucosamine": reviews

Opinions about this tool are very different.Most consumers are satisfied with the medication. Users say that the capsules are quite attractive price. One pack with a standard regimen is enough for a whole month of treatment. The result of therapy becomes noticeable after a few days. Patients say they are less likely to take analgesics, nonsteroidal drugs, and glucocortisoids. Some people have completely abandoned these drugs. All thanks to the drug from "Doppelgerts Active".

Opinions of physicians who form about capsules,diverge greatly. Some doctors say that the medication is effective and safe. It is impossible to overdose. The drug copes well with its task. Other experts claim the futility of this tool. Indeed, the effectiveness of dietary supplements to this day has not been fully proven.

Negative reviews about this toolHardly ever. There are, of course, users reporting a poor effect of the medication. But their words are more often based on the appearance of side effects, and not on the uselessness of the composition. Among the negative reactions that can trigger the tool, there are allergies, indigestion, headaches. If you have any, be sure to inform your doctor.

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Instead of concluding

Из статьи вы узнали о биологической добавке, which supplies glucosamine, chondroitin to the human body. "Doppelgerts" (the price of the drug is presented to your attention) manufactures products in Germany. The composition of this tool is chosen to prevent further destruction of bone and cartilage tissue. It is worth noting that each biological supplement tablet contains sugar. If you have reason not to use it, then you need to discuss the possibility of replacing the drug with an alternative remedy with your doctor. Remember that even the most innocuous formulations and vitamin complexes should be used carefully, do not treat yourself. I wish you success!