/ Paradontax Toothpaste. Medicinal toothpastes

Toothpaste «Paradontax». Tooth-paste therapeutic

paradontax toothpaste
Кровоточивость десен является самым первым a sign of tissue disease. In the absence of proper treatment, such a pathological condition may ultimately lead to the most terrible — the loss of one’s own teeth. In this regard, dentists recommend the use of such a modern product for daily use, as Paradontax toothpaste. It not only helps to effectively remove plaque, but also permanently eliminates bleeding gums.

The main causes of inflammation and bleeding gums

It should be noted that such a deviationis one of the most common problems of modern people. A variety of diseases and habits can contribute to the appearance of bleeding gums:

  • gingivitis (or inflammation of the gums);
  • use a toothbrush with too stiff bristles (in this case, you should simply replace it);
  • scurvy;
  • periodontitis;
  • diabetes;
  • smoking;
  • large accumulation of plaque on the teeth;
  • hemophilia and others

Before proceeding to the treatment of bleeding, it is imperative to identify the true cause of this deviation. However, this is the task of the dentist.

medicinal toothpastes

Methods for the treatment of inflammation and bleeding gums

Medicinal toothpastes quite oftenprescribed by doctors to eliminate those or other diseases. For example, if you have bleeding gums on the background of poor oral hygiene, then to prevent even more plaque on the teeth, doctors recommend brushing your teeth every day at least 2 times.

As practice shows, toothpasteParadontax can relieve a person of gum disease after 2 weeks of regular use. But in more advanced cases, these products are ineffective. Therefore, sometimes such patients can not do without the help of a specialist and professional cleaning.

Choosing the right toothpaste


Крайне важно правильно выбирать зубные пасты therapeutic. After all, today there is a fairly large assortment on the market, and sometimes it is quite difficult for a buyer to purchase exactly the product that suits him best.

In most cases, many consumersare guided either by the recommendations of advertising or the advice of friends. However, it would be best to contact an experienced dentist. After all, only a highly qualified doctor will be able to give practical advice based on the condition of your teeth. Of course, this is a more expensive method. However, its effectiveness is much higher than the independent and often spontaneous selection of toothpaste.

The main types of pastes "Paradontak"

Paradontax Toothpaste is produced asfluorine-containing, and without this element. This substance is known to help prevent the development of caries. That is why before purchasing this product for permanent use it is recommended to consult a dentist. After all, only he is able to determine which pasta is best for you.

Paradontax Toothpaste: the composition of the product

paradontaks toothpaste Price

The composition of the presented toothpaste includes about 70% of the active ingredients. These include the following:

  • sage;
  • mint;
  • chamomile;
  • warriors;
  • myrrh;
  • Echinacea.

In addition, certain types of medicinal pastesinclude 1400 ppm of fluoride. It is impossible to ignore the fact that the mineral salts and extracts of herbs that make up this product, give it a unique taste, which is noted by almost all of its consumers.

Why should you buy this particular toothpaste?

Quite often, patients ask their doctors aboutwhy when bleeding gums can not use therapeutic and prophylactic pastes, which contain various antiseptics? The fact is that with prolonged use of such a product in the periodontal, all inflammatory processes may become even more acute. In this regard, experts recommend to pay attention to the products for daily use, which is based on medicinal herbs. Thus, Paradontax toothpaste can be an ideal option. Its price varies between 120-140 Russian rubles for 50 milliliters. This is a very low cost for such a quality product.

The principle of operation of Parodontax toothpaste

As mentioned above, toothpaste"Paradontak", reviews of which we present below, contains about 70% of the active natural ingredients, including extracts of various herbs. Due to this, this product quite effectively cleans the teeth from plaque and relieves gums from inflammation and bleeding.

In addition, Paradontax toothpaste has the following advantages over many other products.

Paradontaks toothpaste composition

  1. Chamomile, which is part of the paste, hasantimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, promotes rapid healing of minor and minor periodontal damage, and also eliminates the increased sensitivity of teeth.
  2. Ratania makes the gum more elastic and resilient, it has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Myrrh is able to quickly and effectively strengthen all periodontal tissues and stop bleeding.
  4. Sage, which is also part of the paste, has a tonic and antibacterial effect on periodontal tissue, and also quickly removes accumulated toxic substances from the cells.
  5. Peppermint reduces pain, refreshes breathing and has an anti-inflammatory effect on oral tissue.
  6. Echinacea destroys fungi and viruses.

Consumer reviews about Paradontax Paste

paradontaks toothpaste instruction

Toothpaste brand "Paradontak" prettypopular not only among those who have problems with the gums, but also among those who have quite healthy and strong teeth. After all, for the first time using this product, many consumers immediately note its unique taste, which is often described as salty. Of course, not everyone likes it. However, if such a paste is recommended for treatment by a dentist, then for the sake of the desired effect, you can suffer a little. After all, after 7-14 days after the first use you get used to this unusual taste. By the way, it is due to the fact that the paste contains a fairly large amount of active ingredients in combination with a mineral salt (or sodium bicarbonate) and herbal extracts.

Those who have ever used this product fortreatment of gums and teeth, it is noted that he quickly and effectively copes with its direct task. If Parodontax toothpaste is actively used as a preventive measure, then a person can, until old age, not learn about bleeding and inflammation of the gums, as well as plaque on the teeth.

Parodontax Toothpaste Complex Effect

The effectiveness of the presented toothpasteconfirmed by multiple clinical trials that have been conducted for over forty years. That is why modern experts note that this product has a complex effect, namely:

  • completely eliminates bleeding and inflammation of the gums, and also prevents their further occurrence;
  • acts as a wound healing agent;
  • significantly improves periodontal condition;
  • reduces pain caused by hypersensitivity of the teeth;
  • gently cleans teeth from accumulated plaque;
  • prevents the occurrence of caries;
  • sodium bicarbonate (or mineral salts) neutralizes the action of acids that adversely affect tooth enamel;
  • thanks to a combination of herbal extracts, microflora is formed in the oral cavity, where harmful bacteria simply cannot reproduce.

Paradontax Toothpaste: instructions for use

paradontax reviews
Presented toothpaste is not recommendedUse for children under 12 years old. It is advisable to brush her teeth twice a day (before bedtime and after breakfast), but not more than three times a day. In this case, it is desirable to use the paste in a small amount (the size of a pea), using a brush with a bristle of medium hardness. After thoroughly cleaning the teeth, the mouth should be rinsed for a long time with warm or slightly cool water, and only after that spit. In this case, swallowing toothpaste is highly undesirable.


  1. Before brushing your teeth with Paradontax Paste, be sure to read the instructions on the package.
  2. Keep the paste must be out of the reach of children.
  3. If irritation occurs, discontinue use immediately.
  4. Before you start applying the presented paste (for therapeutic purposes or preventive measures), you should definitely visit and consult with an experienced dentist.