/ / TCD of cerebral vessels. Transcranial Doppler of Cerebral Vessels

TKDG of cerebral vessels. Transcranial dopplerography of cerebral vessels

Headaches and decreased mental activitydo not arise just like that. Most often, these symptoms occur in vascular diseases. Poor blood circulation in the arteries and veins of the brain leads to ischemic damage. In severe cases, due to lack of oxygen, stroke can occur. As you know, this disease is quite dangerous. Acute circulatory disorders in the vessels of the brain often leads to paralysis, the development of convulsive syndrome, in severe cases, death is possible. Chronic hypoxia occurs due to the narrowing of the lumen of the arteries by atherosclerotic plaques (plaques). As a result, functions such as memory, sleep, mental abilities are impaired.

To assess the state of blood circulation, performTCD of cerebral vessels. This study is necessary in cases of suspected dyscirculatory encephalopathy, stroke, abnormal arteries and veins. This diagnostic procedure can be performed in almost any clinic.

tkdg brain vessels

TCDG research - what is it

There are many methods in the modern world.diagnosis of pathologies of the central nervous system. Every year, research is improved, becoming less harmful to the body and more informative. The diagnostic method such as transcranial doppler sonography of cerebral vessels meets these requirements. Through this study, it is possible to assess not only the condition of the arteries and veins, but also the blood flow inside them. The basis of TCDG is ultrasound diagnostic method. The essence of the method lies in the fact that the device has the ability to capture the echo signals from the red blood cells. After that, the information is displayed on the monitor connected to the sensor.

With the help of similar equipment, the doctor can evaluatethe shape and location of the vessels, the state of their lumen, the direction of blood flow. These data are of great diagnostic value, as they allow to judge about the presence of such pathologies as encephalopathy, malformation, aneurysm, and stroke. These diseases are socially significant, as they often lead to disability. Therefore, in case of suspicion of such pathologies, the TCD of cerebral vessels is a mandatory diagnostic method. The study is safe for the body and highly informative.

Doppler study of cerebral and neck vessels

Indications for trancranial doppler sonography

Doppler study of head vesselsbrain and neck is performed on an outpatient basis, as it is not an invasive diagnostic method. It is completely painless and safe. TCD is not accompanied by radiation on the body of the subject and the doctor. Indications for the Doppler of the vessels of the neck and head are suspected violations of blood flow and narrowing of the lumen of arteries or veins. Such changes indicate vascular diseases, which require constant monitoring of the physician and treatment. Indications for dopplerography:

  1. Acute circulatory disorders of the brain. These include hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke, as well as conditions preceding the stroke.
  2. Atherosclerosis of the arteries of the neck and head. With this pathology, the lumen of the vessels is narrowed due to the fact that fatty deposits, cholesterol plaques, accumulate in the endothelium.
  3. Encephalopathy. It occurs on the background of chronic hypoxia. DEP can develop due to atherosclerosis and osteochondrosis. In advanced cases leads to dementia.
  4. Vascular malformation. Refers to congenital anomalies and is the wrong location and connection of the arterial and venous systems.
  5. Aneurysm of the neck and head vessels, as well as an increase in blood pressure.

TCDG must be performed not only if you suspect these pathologies, but if they are present. This is necessary to evaluate treatment control.

transcranial doppler of cerebral vessels

Variants of transcranial dopplerography

Doppler study of head vesselsbrain and neck can be performed in different ways. The choice of methods depends on the symptoms of the disease. Based on the clinical picture, the doctor has the opportunity to suspect the localization of the affected vessel. There are 3 options for conducting research:

  1. Carotid ultrasonography - performed withinstalling the sensor on the surface vessels of the neck. Given that the carotid artery nourishes the cerebral vessels, this study suggests the presence or absence of cerebral ischemia. Indications are fainting, memory loss, neurological disorders.
  2. TKDG of cerebral vessels - deviceset in the projection of the large cerebral arteries. With the help of transcranial access assess the state of the brain. The temporal, occipital and temporal regions are examined.
  3. Transorbital scan. Conducted with suspected changes in the eye vessels.

Contraindications for TCD

research tkdg what is it

The main advantage TKDG vascular headThe brain is that research is safe for the body. It can be performed for pediatric patients, pregnant women, as well as people suffering from chronic pathologies. There are no contraindications for transcranial Doppler. Nevertheless, it is undesirable to perform it in acute attacks of heart and respiratory failure.

Preparation for TCD of the arteries and veins of the head and neck

Doppler head and neck arteries are notaccompanied by harmful effects and is a painless method. Therefore, preparation for TCD is not necessary. Especially impressionable patients should explain the purpose of the procedure. Sedative preparations as preparation are not shown. Before the procedure, you need to remove the jewelry and remove the mobile phone.

tkdg brain vessels where do

Survey Technique

Транскраниальная допплерография проводится в the position of the patient sitting on a chair. With this access, duplex or triplex scanning is performed. The ultrasonic sensor is mounted relative to the auricle. The study begins from the front, then the device is moved up (to the temporal and parietal regions), then back. This allows you to evaluate the blood flow in all areas of the brain. At the end of the study, the sensor is placed in the back of the head. Thus, it is possible to judge the state of the cerebellar zone, the veins of Galen and Rosenthal. Also, with the transcranial scan, the state of the vertebral artery is assessed.

tkdg brain vessels transcript

TKDG of cerebral vessels: decoding results

The results of TCD vessels are evaluated in modereal time physician functional diagnostics. Due to the fact that the image enters the screen, a specialist can immediately make a conclusion about the state of the arteries or veins. When triplex scanning vessels are painted in red and blue. This allows you to judge the interaction of the venous and arterial systems. Thanks to TCDG, one can estimate the blood flow velocity through the vessels, its direction. Doppler sonography also makes it possible to judge the state of the valve apparatus, the inner wall of the arteries. Slow blood flow or turbulence indicate a narrowing of the vessel lumen. In this case, it is necessary to consult a neurologist and a vascular surgeon.

In which clinics perform TCD

If a vascular disorder is suspected, a neurologistalmost always directs patients to the cerebral vascular TCD. Where to do this survey? The choice of clinic does not affect the outcome of the procedure, so the patient can decide for himself: where to perform the procedure. TCDG is carried out in almost all paid medical centers, as well as in polyclinics of a wide profile with a functional diagnostics department.