/ Scoliosis: treatment in adults. Features of the treatment of scoliosis in adults

Scoliosis: treatment in adults. Features of the treatment of scoliosis in adults

There are many diseases that negativelyaffect not only the physical condition of a person, but also his self-perception. Such a disease includes scoliosis. Treatment in adults, various types and methods - this is what I want to tell in this article.

scoliosis treatment in adults

What kind of problem is this?

Initially, you need to understand what kind of disease it is.So, scoliosis is a curvature of the spine. It is important to note that some vertebrae can unfold around its axis, violating the functionality of the chest. There are 5 main types of this disease:

  1. Cervicothoracic. At the same time, the facial and cervicothoracic spine is bent.
  2. Thoracic. Transformations occur in the area of ​​8-9 vertebra.
  3. Lumbar-thoracic. Curvature occurs in the region of 9-11 vertebrae.
  4. Lumbar. In this case, the first and second lumbar vertebrae are deformed.
  5. Combined. Affects the lumbar and thoracic vertebrae.

Also distinguish four main severity of the disease. Depending on this, the recovery process will take place.

 treatment of scoliosis in adults

The main causes and symptoms of the disease

Considering the treatment of scoliosis in adults, the causes, symptoms - I should also say at least a few words about it. So, among the causes of the disease, doctors call the following:

  • Idiopathic curvature. The cause is almost impossible to establish. Most often, it is a disease that has been neglected since childhood or on time.
  • Secondary scoliosis.In this case, the cause may be various diseases that soften the bones and cause them to deform, inflammatory, degenerative-dystrophic diseases, and surgical interventions.

Studying the topic “scoliosis in adults: treatment”, signs, symptoms of the disease - you should also find out about this. What they can be at this problem?

  1. Back pains.
  2. Asymmetry in the shoulders, waist and hips.
  3. Numbness, weakness. Indeed, in this case, various nerves and the spinal cord can be affected.

The basic principles of treatment

What can be the treatment of scoliosis in adults? So, with this disease, the focus will be on:

  1. Elimination of the cause of the disease itself.
  2. Elimination of blocks that interfere with patient mobility.
  3. Relief of all kinds of changes in the joints, change in gait.
  4. Normalization of the skeletal system, its condition. It is important to strengthen the bone structure.
  5. Elimination of secondary symptoms.
  6. Improving blood circulation and blood supply to the damaged area of ​​the back.

conservative treatment of scoliosis in adults

The main methods of getting rid of the problem

We consider further the treatment of scoliosis in adults. Features of the techniques that are used in this case:

  1. Orthotics. Those. the patient must wear a special corset that helps to cope with the problem.
  2. Physiotherapy. Getting rid of the disease with the help of special exercises and physical exertion.
  3. Manual therapy Getting rid of the disease with the help of osteopravstvo (popular name for this method).
  4. Physiotherapy. Those. treatment with the help of natural and artificial physical factors on the patient's body.
  5. Treatment with medications.
  6. Operative intervention.

Treatment with a corset

If the patient is diagnosed with scoliosis,Treatment in adults may be wearing a corset. The main purpose of using this tool is to stop the transformation of bones and alignment of the arc. By itself, the corset is designed to hold the spine, greatly facilitating the work of the muscles. The main types of this tool:

  1. Supportive It is appointed most often in the postoperative period when the arc of curvature is extremely small.
  2. Corrective. Wear it for at least six months. The main goal is to correct the curvature.

scoliosis in adults symptoms diagnosis treatment


The conservative treatment of scoliosis in adults consists in the use of various medical drugs that help fight the problem. It may be such drugs:

  • Vitamins. It is important to take vitamins Ca, P, D.
  • Various creams, fluids, talkers for rubbing into the spinal column.
  • Desensitizers (for intramuscular administration).
  • Painkillers.

If the patient has scoliosis, the treatment in adults cannot be exclusively medical. So, with the help of drugs to cope with the problem is impossible. Other methods are also important.


Treatment of scoliosis in adults can also be carried out using various means of physiotherapy. However, it is important to note that this is also an adjuvant, but not the main type of treatment.

  1. Heat therapy.
  2. Hydrotherapy.
  3. Magnetorerapia.
  4. Mud therapy
  5. Electrical muscle stimulation.

adult scoliosis treatment signs of symptoms


It is also very important to use massages with suchproblem like scoliosis. If he is done by a good specialist, the healing process will come much sooner, and his posture will change only for the better. The purpose of the massage is to bring muscles in tone, alignment of posture, improve blood circulation.

Therapeutic gymnastics, yoga

If the patient has scoliosis, the treatment in adults will bealso carried out with the help of therapeutic gymnastics. So, it is worth noting that it is very important for any kind of disease, as well as for any degree of disease. The goal of gymnastics is the formation of a corset of muscles, their strengthening. Moreover, such exercises do not allow the disease to develop further, while correcting the posture. It is worth noting that swimming, skiing, as well as position correction can be included in therapeutic gymnastics. All exercises should be selected exclusively by the attending doctor, depending on the type of disease.

Breathing exercises are also very important. It is especially effective for scoliosis of the thoracic spine.

 surgical treatment of scoliosis in adults

Operative intervention

Sometimes it also happens that the surgical treatment of scoliosis in adults is simply necessary. Indications for surgery:

  • Constant, incessant pain. The main purpose of the operation is to combat pain. If it turned out to get rid of unpleasant sensations with the help of drugs, most often the operation is not performed.
  • Complete inefficiency or low efficiency of various conservative methods.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Deformation of higher degrees. If the disease is 3 or 4th degree, the operation is most often indicated.
  • Cosmetic defect. In this case, girls aged 25-35 years old insist on surgery.
  • Cardiopulmonary insufficiency.

It is worth noting that it is the operation that makes it possible to rigidly fix the spine in the correct position.

The main objectives of surgery

What are the main goals of surgery?

  1. Stopping the progression of the disease.
  2. Lowering pressure on the spinal cord.
  3. Lowering pressure on the nerve roots (to avoid neuralgia).

treatment of scoliosis in adults

Scoliosis complications

We consider further the topic "scoliosis in adults."Symptoms, diagnosis, treatment - all this has already been considered. It is worth noting that the cure itself is very important. And all because this disease can cause various complications:

  1. The most common complication is impaired blood circulation in the brain. In this regard, the work of multiple internal organs is weakened.
  2. The asymmetry in the area of ​​the shoulder blades directly affects the change in volume and lung function.
  3. Arterial blood may decrease oxygen levels. Body tissues do not breathe properly. And this leads to multiple problems and diseases.
  4. The risk of developing various cardiovascular diseases increases, and blood pressure often increases.
  5. If there is a torsion of the pelvis in women, it threatens them with enormous problems during labor.
  6. In general, scoliosis can cause problems such as allergies, dysbiosis, and weakened immunity.

Folk remedies

It is worth noting that it is also possible to get rid ofproblems apply and various folk methods. It can be infusions for ingestion, ointments and talkers for external use. However, before using them, you should definitely consult with your doctor and make sure that it does not bring any harm to the body.