/ / Immortelle: useful properties and contraindications for use

Immortelle: useful properties and contraindications for use

Immortelle, useful properties and contraindicationsto the use of which are known in folk medicine for a long time, is a perennial herbaceous plant of silver color, received its name due to the vitality of its inflorescences. Even if you break it, the flower will not fade for a long time and will retain its beautiful color. Immortelle is called still a dry flower, golden or cat's paws. This useful plant contains flavonoids, apigenin, kaempferol, tannins and essential oils, as well as sugars and organic acids, mineral salts and microelements and vitamins necessary for the body.

immortelle useful properties and contraindications

Grass immortelle (indications for usewhich is better discussed with the doctor, and do not undertake the application yourself) is unpretentious and grows on dry sandy and stony soils, near rivers, under pines and oaks. The distribution area of ​​the plant is the European part of the continent and Central Asia, as well as Australia, Madagascar and the Mascarene Islands and South Africa. There are several types of immortelle (more than six hundred), which differ in color and the number of flowers.

infusion of the immortelle

Immortelle, useful properties and contraindicationsthe use of which must be known before use, has choleretic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing, as well as antibacterial effects. Already after one course of admission, the composition of bile is significantly improved, the level of cholesterol and bilirubin decreases in blood. Therefore, it is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the liver, stomach and the whole digestive system, as well as colds. Infusion of the immortelle, by the way, helps also in the event that it is necessary to stop vomiting. And this plant is also used in cooking as a condiment for dishes from fish and meat and in vegetable stew. His flowers are sometimes used for salads, giving them an unusual taste. Essential oil immortelle contributes to the regeneration of tissues and the restoration of the skin, so it is used to heal both wounds and ulcers. Immortelle (useful properties and contraindications it is well studied) helps with muscle spasms, cramps, various pains, bruises, burns, arthritis, various diseases of the respiratory system. It also helps to cleanse the body of heavy metals and toxins, and the heart and liver - from fat deposits.

Immortelle is included in a number of medicinaldrugs produced by the pharmaceutical industry, but can be used as a herb, that is, you can cook the infusion yourself. To do this, take a couple of spoons of flowers, pour them with boiling water, hold for half an hour in a water bath, then cool and, straining, drink a couple of times a day for 15 minutes before eating.

grass of immortelle
Immortelle, useful properties and contraindicationson the prescription of which are well known to doctors, should be applied with caution. The fact is that it accumulates in the body and can even lead to stagnation of bile in the liver. You can not take this herb and those people who suffer from acidity in the stomach. And, of course, pregnant women, nursing women and those who have intolerance to drugs from the immortelle.