/ / Drug "Duovit" for women: reviews, composition, price

The drug "Duovit" for women: reviews, composition, price

duovit for women price

Стрессы, беспокойства, неправильное питание и accelerated pace of life contribute to the development of fatigue, lethargy and weakness in women. Add to this all kinds of diets, which are tormented by female representatives. Against the background of these causes, anemia, osteoporosis, fragile and dull hair develop, skin fades. How to avoid these consequences?

Drauje "Duovit" for women: reviews and benefits

Such diseases are a warning signallack of elements in the body. Solve the problem will help you vitamin-mineral complex "Duovit" for women, reviews about which for the most part are positive. The complex is designed specifically for the female body. It contains 12 vitamins and 5 minerals. All the elements of the tablets are combined taking into account the interaction between them. To prevent and treat anemia, preparations containing vitamin B12, folic acid and iron.

duovit for women composition

Vitamin C promotes better absorption of iron, andalso the formation of collagen, which provides healthy skin and hair. In combination with B vitamins, it is involved in providing protection and skin tone. Vitamins A, C and E are excellent antioxidants that protect cells from premature aging. The combination of B vitamins, vitamin A, biotin and zinc helps to strengthen the health of nails and hair. Calcium plays an important role in the proper condition of teeth and bones, and vitamin D is involved in the process of assimilation. The combination of calcium, magnesium, zinc with vitamins A, B, C, D contribute to the formation of bones and prevent the development of osteoporosis. All the necessary elements are collected in the preparation "Duovit" for women. Reviews of the food supplement make it possible to judge its effectiveness. Most women noticed the disappearance of white spots on the nails and ease of lifting in the morning, as well as an improvement in the overall condition of the skin.

Structure of the preparation

Сбалансированный рацион не заменят никакие drugs. However, it is possible to help the body by eating such supplements containing useful microelements, as Duovit pills for women. The composition contains a vitamin complex, which consists of ascorbic acid (C), tocopherol acetate (E), niacin (PP), calcium pantothenate (pantothenic acid), biotin, colecalciferol (D), riboflavin (B2), folic acid, thiamine monohydrate (B1), pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6), cyanocobalamin (B12).

duovit for women reviews

The mineral complex consists of calcium.carbonate, potassium iodide, calcium phosphate hydrate, iron fumarate, zinc oxide, magnesium oxide. A huge number of useful substances distinguishes among other drugs tablets "Duovit" for women, reviews of which are on the page of any pharmacy in the network. Other ingredients include magnesium stearate, stearic acid, povidone, polyvinylpolypyrrolidone, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (E464), titanium dioxide and other auxiliary substances.

Indications, contraindications, price

Vitamin and mineral complex take 1tablet daily with meals for 1 month. Before use, you should consult with your doctor to avoid hypervitaminosis. In the season of hypovitaminosis, during pregnancy and lactation, you can also take Duovit tablets for women. The price depends on the number of tablets in a package: 270-316 rubles for a package of 30 tablets and 348-438 rubles for a package of 60 tablets. The specific cost varies within these limits and depends on the course of drugs of your chosen pharmacy. Food supplement is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components. Store away from light and moisture in a sealed package at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.