Infectious diseases are knownquite dangerous and insidious. And the most unpleasant is the complications that they can cause. Causes of infectious pathologies are hidden in the penetration of harmful bacteria into the body. Patients can only be cured with antibiotics. One of these drugs is the drug "Amosin" 500 mg. Instructions for use will allow to study in more detail the tool.
Description of the medicine
So, consider how the drug is positioned."Amosin" instructions for use (indications, forms of release). The medicine is a semi-synthetic penicillin. A distinctive feature of the drug is a wide range of effects and a high bactericidal effect.
An antibiotic is able to fight a multitude of gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms:
- streptococci;
- staphylococci;
- Klebsiella;
- salmonella;
- Helicobacter pylori;
- gonococci;
- listeria;
- causative agents of meningitis, anthrax.
The drug "Amosin" inhibits the synthesis of substances that are the basis of cell membranes. As a result, their integrity is violated. This leads to the death of bacteria.
As evidenced by the drug attached"Amosin" (500 mg) instructions for use, the drug has an effect on the body after 15-30 minutes, after its use. The beneficial effect lasts for 8 hours.
The drug, getting into the body, quickly andalmost completely absorbed in the digestive tract. The active substance of the drug enters not only in the blood. It penetrates the mucous membranes, bone tissue, organs, fluids.
Forms of release
The main active ingredient of the drug is amoxicillin. It has a therapeutic effect on the body. So says attached to the drug "Amosin" instruction.
The form of release of the drug allows you to choose the right medicine for any category of patients.
After all, the drug is produced in the form of:
- Pills In appearance it is a pill of white tint, flat-cylindrical. They may contain the active substance in the amount of: 250 mg, 500 mg.
- Capsules These are gelatinous containers, white. They contain white granules. The dosage of the active substance is 250 mg.
- Powder.It is designed for self-manufacturing suspension. The powder has a slightly yellowish tinge. Has a peculiar smell. The prepared suspension retains its aroma and yellowish tint. The drug is available in several dosages: 125, 250, 500 mg.
Indications for use
The drug is recommended for use whenvarious bacterial infections that are triggered by sensitive microflora. The drug "Amosin" 500 mg instructions for use advises to use with multiple infections of the respiratory tract, skin, urinary system.
The main indications for prescribing the drug are:
- diseases of the respiratory organs (bronchitis, pneumonia);
- pathologies of ENT organs (tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis, otitis media);
- diseases of the genitourinary system (pyelonephritis, urethritis, gonorrhea, pyelitis, cystitis);
- gynecological infections (endometritis, cervicitis);
- diseases of the digestive tract organs (peritonitis, typhoid fever, enterocolitis, cholangitis, cholecystitis);
- pathologies of soft tissues and skin (erysipelas, impetigo, dermatosis);
- listeriosis;
- leptospirosis;
- Borreliosis (Lyme disease);
- dysentery;
- meningitis;
- salmonellosis;
- endocarditis (for prophylactic purposes);
- sepsis.
Recommended dosage
How then advises to take the drug "Amosin" instructions for use (in pills and capsules)?
The summary of the drug gives the following recommendations:
- In any form, Amosin is intended for oral administration.
- Capsules instructions for use advises not to chew and do not grind. They should be consumed before or after meals.
- "Amosin 500" (pills) instructions for use recommends taking without regard to food. The pills are allowed to chop, split into parts.
- Take the medicine at regular intervals.
- The recommended course of treatment with this tool is determined only by a doctor.
- Adults and children from 10 years of age, if the body mass of the latter is above 40 kg, is prescribed 500 mg of the drug 3 times a day.
- If the pathology is severe, the doctor may recommend a higher dose of the drug. In this case, the patient is prescribed to take 750 -1000 mg 3 times a day.
- How to recommend taking the medicine "Amosin" instructions for use (in tablets for children from 5 to 10 years)? These patients are prescribed 3 times a day to use 250 mg.
- On average, the duration of treatment is 5-12 days.
Specific treatment regimens
Дозировки медикамента могут варьироваться в depending on the pathology. It is necessary to consider the patient’s condition, age and weight. That is why it is important that a specialist selects a treatment regimen. Consider how recommends taking the drug "Amosin" instructions for use. In tablets or capsules are not important.
The following schemes are shown:
- In the acute stage of gonorrhea, the patient is prescribed to take 3000 mg of the drug once. For women, it may be recommended to take the medicine again at the same dosage.
- Для лечения болезней ЖКТ и гинекологических Ailments are recommended to use 1500-2000 mg 3 times a day. Another treatment regimen may be prescribed. In this case, the patient should be taken 4 times a day for 1000-1500 mg.
- Leptospirosis is cured by taking 500-750 mg of medicine. The multiplicity of the use of the drug - 4 times a day. Assign such treatment for 6-12 days.
- If salmonellosis is detected, it is recommended to use 1500-2000 mg 3 times a day. According to this scheme, the drug is used for 2-4 weeks.
- For the prevention of endocarditis, as well as in the case of surgery, the patient is prescribed 1 hour before the intervention, the administration of an agent in a dose of 3000-4000 mg.
- Repeated medication is possible only after 8-9 hours after the first dose.
- People who have impaired functioning of the kidneys, the doctor will reduce the frequency of taking the medicine. In this case, the dosage of the drug is saved.
- The maximum dose for patients with anuria is 2000 mg.
Features of powder intake
Now let us analyze how Amosin (500 mg) recommends taking the medicine instructions for use (in powder form).
The powder is used as follows:
- The drug is intended, as mentioned above, for the manufacture of suspensions.
- To prepare the solution, you need to pour ina glass of boiled water (cooled) in an amount of 10 ml. The contents of the bag are poured into it (500 mg of powder). Stir until a uniform suspension is formed. If you are using a product containing 125 mg of active ingredient, then you will need 2.5 ml of the liquid. For 250 mg of water powder take 5 ml.
- Suspension taken immediately after its preparation.
- If you are using a preparation packaged invials or jars, it is necessary to fill the contents with water in the amount of 62 ml. Vigorously shake the container until the drug is completely dissolved. The prepared suspension contains in 1 ml of 50 mg of amoxicillin.
- Adults recommended 3 times a day to use 500 mg of the drug. A single dosage corresponds to 1 sachet of powder.
Baby treatment
What dosage recommends the use of the drug "Amosin" (500 mg) instructions for use? Children can take this drug from an early age.
The annotation of the drug contains the following rules:
- Patients over 10 years old, with a body weight of more than 40 kg, are recommended to use the medicine in the same way as adults. Appointed 3 times a day to take 500 mg of the drug.
- For children from 5 to 10 years is better to usetablets containing 250 mg of amoxicillin or powder in the same dosage. It is recommended for such children 3 times a day to use 1 pill (250 mg) or to dilute 1 sachet of medication.
- Children 2-5 years old are prescribed to take 125 mg three times a day.
- A dose of up to 2 years is calculated based on a body weight of 20 mg / kg.
Side effects
During treatment with medication, undesirable reactions may occur. About this warns attached to the drug "Amosin" instructions for use.
Tablets (500mg), capsules and powder can cause problems with a number of systems. It:
- Gastrointestinal tract and hepatobiliary system.Against the background of therapy, dysbacteriosis, diarrhea, vomiting, taste disturbance may appear. Occurrence of glossitis, stomatitis, nausea, pseudomembranous colitis is sometimes noted. In some cases, there is an increase in the activity of liver enzymes.
- Blood system Patients may experience the development of neutropenia. Sometimes the drug provokes leukopenia, anemia, thrombocytopenic purpura.
- Nervous system.Patients may complain of the appearance of excitement, increased anxiety, disturbed sleep. Some patients experience confusion, ataxia, the onset of depression, and behavioral changes. Headache, peripheral neuropathy, cramps, dizziness may develop.
- Аллергические реакции.Therapy with this remedy sometimes leads to itching, rash, hyperemia of the integument, urticaria, erythema, exfoliative dermatitis. Allergic conjunctivitis, rhinitis may appear in some patients. There are cases when the drug caused anaphylactic shock and reactions resembling serum sickness.
In addition to the above negative signs, there may be:
- labored breathing;
- arthralgia;
- interstitial nephritis;
- candidal vaginitis;
- tachycardia;
- superinfection.
In case of such symptoms, consult a doctor. He will cancel the drug and select another agent for treatment.
The drug can not be taken for such ailments as:
- allergic diathesis;
- Pollinosis;
- lymphocytic leukemia;
- lactation period;
- diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in history;
- Infectious mononucleosis;
- liver failure;
- hypersensitivity;
- bronchial asthma;
- children's age, younger than 3 years (this applies to tablets, capsules).
Some patients sometimes have a question aboutwhether it is possible to combine alcoholic beverages with the drug "Amosin" (500 mg). Instructions for use and alcohol - these are important points that are worth paying attention to. The use of alcoholic beverages during treatment with a drug is prohibited.
In addition, activities with high concentration should be limited.
Very carefully the drug can be prescribed to pregnant women, patients with renal insufficiency. Patients with a history of bleeding require special attention.
Overdose Symptoms
If a patient takes a high dose of a medication, the following symptoms may develop:
- diarrhea;
- vomiting, nausea;
- impaired water and electrolyte balance;
- abdominal pain.
Specific antidote to this drug is notexists. Therefore, in case of overdose, symptomatic therapy is undertaken. Initially, the patient is washed stomach. The patient is shown the use of enterosorbent drugs.
It is important to protect the body from electrolyte water disturbances. For this, the patient is recommended measures aimed at maintaining balance in the body. Saline laxatives are also prescribed.
To reduce the plasma concentration of amoxicillin, the doctor may recommend hemodialysis.
Drug analogues
You can replace the original tool with other, no less effective, medicines. However, remember that only your doctor can prescribe or cancel antibiotics.
Preparations analogues:
- Flemoxine Solutab;
- Ecobol;
- "Amoxicillin";
- "Amoksisar";
- "Hikontsil";
- "Gonoform";
- Ospamox;
- Danemox;
- "Grunamoks".
Opinions about the medicine
Above is a list of how the drug is positioned."Amosin" (500 mg) instructions for use. Reviews of people who took the drug, cause great interest. Therefore, consider what the patients say about the medicine.
Opinions about the drug rather twofold.Some people claim that they were prescribed medicine for severe stages of ailments, such as bronchitis, pneumonia, otitis media with complications. Such patients testify that Amosin helped them to recover from serious pathologies. However, they argue that the improvement occurred literally in a couple of days. Having drunk the medicine according to the scheme prescribed by the doctor, they completely restored the body. At the same time, they did not have any side effects.
A slightly different opinion is shared by another category.people. They claim that they started taking antibiotics without a prescription. They managed to achieve a therapeutic effect - the illness retreated. But after the therapy some consequences have arisen. Most patients complain of dysbiosis. This category of people had to struggle for a long time with the negative effects of self-treatment.
And of course, there are testimonies thattaking the drug in the first days provoked the development of side effects. Such people do not undertake to assert the effectiveness of the remedy, but emphasize that the medication can be the source of the appearance of quite unpleasant symptoms.