/ / When is ascorbic acid needed?

When is ascorbic acid needed?

Ascorbic acid is artificiallyreceived vitamin C. It allows you to quickly pay off the body's need for vitamin, thanks to the correct dosage. It is recommended for use for various purposes, not only for vitamin deficiency ...


Today, ascorbic acid is produced in differentpharmacological form: in large tablets, in pills, in the form of powder and even solution in ampoules. Large tablets have a different taste: orange, strawberry, lemon, mint. The manufacturer sometimes adds sugar or glucose, as the tablets are quite sour to the taste. In this package 10 tablets of 0.025 g. This amount is enough for an adult for 1 day (the daily need for a vitamin of an adult healthy person is 2 times less).

When to start taking

  • Ascorbic acid is very useful for children and pregnant women during breastfeeding.. It is indicated for use by older people.During pregnancy, ascorbic is necessary because it reduces the likelihood of stretch marks, heavy bleeding during childbirth, and reduces the likelihood of complications during pregnancy. Children like ascorbic like because of her taste. It brings invaluable benefits to the child's body, increasing its immunity. Vitamin C intake is also important for the elderly to prevent diseases, to heal quickly, heal wounds, normalize metabolic processes and blood circulation.
  • Doctors often prescribe ascorbic acid.to patients with certain diseases: mainly, with avitaminosis, as well as with bleeding, intoxication, infectious diseases and diseases of the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract and others.
  • It is used as an antioxidant and to improve metabolic processes in the body, as a disease prevention.
  • And also with increased loads, physical and mental.
  • To reduce the harm from cigarettes, hormonal pills.
  • Not to mention the prevention of colds.


Despite the fact that in 1 pack quantityvitamin 2 times more (250 mg) than you need (100 mg), for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes it is necessary to consume just as much (maximum 300 mg). Maximum dosages for children:

up to a year - 35 mg;

from 2 to 3 years - 40 mg;

from 4 to 10 years old - 45 mg;

from 10 to 14 years - 50 mg;

closer to 18 years can be given as adults, but a maximum of 200 mg per day, i.e. less than 1 pack of any ascorbinka.

Nursing and pregnant women should not exceed doses of more than 80 mg.

In some cases, the doctor may prescribe up to 500 mg per day, both for an adult and for a child. But this can only be done by a specialist!


Ascorbic acid is completely contraindicated.suffering from diabetes, people with a tendency to thrombosis (clots in the vessels), with increased blood clotting and with individual intolerance to acid.

An overabundance of artificial vitamin is derived fromorganism, therefore, ascorbic acid in the urine can be detected in the next 4 hours. If you are going to take tests, it is better to stop taking pills for 1 day before going to the clinic.

And, despite the peculiarity of ascorbine to be consumed quickly, the main danger still lies in overdosing: it can lead to impaired renal and pancreatic functions.

About overdose prompt side effects: heartburn, diarrhea, skin rash. Such consequences occur with prolonged use of ascorbinka in large quantities (more than 1 g per day).

Как только почувствуете себя лучше переходите на fruits, berries and vegetables with a high content of vitamin C: wild rose, black currant, mountain ash, sea buckthorn, rutabaga, citrus, red pepper, cabbage, potatoes, rutabaga. It should enter into your diet and greens: parsley, green onions, dill. Ascorbic acid will never replace the benefits of natural products.