/ / Strodal syrup for children: reviews of pediatricians

Syrup "Stodal" for children: reviews of pediatricians

Homeopathy is a division of naturopathic medicine,which has a long history of success. Over the past twenty years there has been a significant interest in homeopathy. It is the fastest growing area of ​​integrative medicine in many developed countries, the second most popular form of general medicine in the world.

Homeopathic medicines are based onmicrodoses of plant, mineral and other natural substances. They are safe and effective, without side effects, do not have undesirable drug interactions, which allows you to take conventional medications as needed along with homeopathic treatment.

С приходом зимы у многих детей появляется кашель, which is extremely troubling, especially during nighttime rest. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract in children is an extremely urgent problem for most parents. How to treat a cough? Perhaps the answer to the most common pathology is the homeopathic drug Stodal, produced by Laboratory Boiron. For children (reviews of many parents confirm this), Stodal syrup is one of the most effective drugs that provides cough treatment of various etiologies.

Its action is due to a multicomponentcomposition. These are active substances - pulsatilla, rumex krispus (sorrel curly), vascular justice, ipecacuana, spongia toast, pulmonary stylus, antimonium tartaricum, myocardium, coccus kakti, drosera.

Definitely, it will be useful to know the effect of these components that are included in the complex formula of the drug "Stodal". For children (reviews pharmacists certify this) they are safe and are included in a children's homeopathic first aid kit.

A popular herbal ingredient is PULSATILLA. Pulsatilla extract is recommended as a sedative in the treatment of dry cough and cough with abundant sputum.

RUSEX CRISPUS (curly sorrel) - an excellent source of vitamin A and proteins, rich in iron and potassium. The tool is effective when teasing cough, disturbing sleep.

ЮСТИЦИЯ СОСУДИСТАЯ - сильный стимулятор respiratory activity. An effective drug in the treatment of acute catarrhal diseases of the respiratory tract - paroxysmal cough with airway obstruction, cough accompanied by sneezing.

IPECACUANA (or emetic root).Decoctions, infusion, ipecac powders are used for shortness of breath, constant squeezing in the chest. When coughing prescribed in small doses as an expectorant.

LOST TOSTA (dried sea sponge) is a great remedy for symptoms of respiratory problems with cough and croup.

STICK PULMONARY (pulmonary moss) is recommended for rhinitis, bronchial catarrh, and influenza.

ANTIMONIUM TARTARIKUM (or emetic stone) is prescribed for a wet "rolling" cough with difficult expectoration.

Myocardial Expectorant is used for bronchitis, bronchial catarrhal replenishment.

MEXICAN COSCHINE (Coccus cacti). In clinical conditions, used for spasmodic attacks of cough, which end with vomiting with thick mucus.

DROZERA is a very important spasmodic.

As an auxiliary expectorant, TOLU syrup, POLIGALA syrup is used in the formula.

Syrup "Stodal" (feedback from experts isclaim) facilitates the condition for all types of cough - dry, productive, etc. The drug is approved for use in children and adults with colds, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis.

Sore throat passes, usually on the second day. It provides 100% help with dry coughing.

On the third day, sputum color changes (from greenish to white).

It completely eliminates sneezing with nasal discharge on the fifth day.

Frees from wheezing associated with cough on the sixth day.

Provides disposal of productive cough in 77 percent of cases on the seventh day.

Clinically proven drug "Stodal" forchildren (testimonials from pediatricians based on the studies that have been carried out testify to this) turned out to be the best means. Healing all types of cough, it has no contraindications.

Children from 1.6 to 15 years old are recommended to takeone teaspoon three to five times a day or as prescribed by a doctor. Adults - one tablespoon three to five times a day. There are also no contraindications during pregnancy and breastfeeding (however, prior medical consultation is required).

In accordance with the instructions syrup "Stodal" forchildren up to one year can also be applied, one teaspoon three to four times a day. He has no age limit. However, it should be borne in mind that the agent as a preservative contains a small amount of alcohol, as well as sugar. Therefore, it is best to consult a pediatrician before taking it.

The international scientific community is interested in homeopathic research, and the described drug Stodal is no exception. For children (reviews of Russian pediatricians also confirm this) it can appoint as an alternative to allopathic therapy in the treatment of acute respiratory infections.