/ / "Codelac Neo": reviews, instructions for use

"Kodelak Neo": reviews, user manual

Cough medicine has been used.always and everywhere. With the progress of medicine, the need for such drugs has not decreased. However, consumers can now choose formulations that match the characteristics of cough. The latter, in turn, may be wet or dry, allergic or unproductive. To find out exactly what you are dealing with, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will help you find the right remedy for coughing.

One of the popular drugs is CodelacNeo". Reviews about him are different. Some consumers regularly use this medication and are very pleased with it. Others report that the drug is useless and ineffective. This article will tell you about the drug "Codelac Neo." Reviews, instructions for use will be described below.

kodelak neo reviews

Type and composition of the drug

What can be said first of all about medicine“Codelac Neo”? Consumer reviews report that the advantage of the drug is the ability to use it in the form of drops or syrup. The patient, after consulting with a physician, may choose a more convenient method of application. It should immediately be said that the drops are assigned in smaller quantities than the suspension.

The active ingredient of the drug isbutamirata citrate. In 20 milliliters of drops it contains 100 mg. In 100 ml of syrup of active ingredient 150 mg. Also, depending on the type of drug, you may find additional ingredients.

Work medication

The drug "Codelac Neo" reviews has positivedue to its effectiveness. The maximum concentration of the active substance in the blood is reached within an hour and a half. The effect of the drug lasts for six hours. Consumers say you can just take the medicine and forget about coughing.

The medicine "Codelac Neo" blocks coughreceptors that are normally irritated by bronchial mucus. Also, the drug has anti-inflammatory effect. If there is sputum, then the described means contributes to its expectoration.

kodelak neo reviews for kids

Indications for use of the drug

What else is reported about the drug "Codelac Neo" reviews?For children and adult patients, the drug is equally effective. It is prescribed when coughing. That you already know. However, doctors say that this information is not enough. Be sure to take into account the nature of pathology. The instructions indicate the following indications for the use of the composition:

  • diseases of the upper and lower respiratory tract, accompanied by irritation of the bronchial tree;
  • dry cough, including during whooping cough;
  • performing diagnostic operations, during and after which an annoying cough occurs.

Often the drug is prescribed in combination with other formulations. However, it is not recommended to take it with reverse-acting drugs that dilute sputum and contribute to its removal.

What can be said about contraindications to the appointment?

The drug "Codelac Neo" reviews has positivefrom many sides. However, there are situations in which the use of the drug is unacceptable. Direct contraindication to the use of liquid antitussive is hypersensitivity to its components. Syrup is not prescribed to children under the age of three. Up to two months from birth, the use of the drug is unacceptable in any form.

It is worth remembering that the drug contains ethanol.During treatment, you should avoid responsible work and not drive a vehicle. If you need to perform recent actions, you should consider replacing the drug with a similar one.

kodelak neo drop reviews

Method of application

The medicine "Codelac Neo" has consumer reviewsgood because of its ease of use. The drug is taken orally shortly before a meal. The peculiarity of the drug is that the drops must be pre-diluted in a small amount of water. If you use syrup, it is acceptable to take it in the usual, undiluted form.

The dosage of the medicine must be determined by the doctor. However, if the physician did not give individual recommendations, then it is worthwhile to study the instructions for use and act according to it:

  • The drug is prescribed in a dose of 10 drops up to 4 times perday. This portion is shown to the smallest patients under the age of 12 months. Up to three years, the dose of the drug is 15 drops with the same frequency of use. For older patients, the drug is given in a dose of 25 drops.
  • Syrup is recommended for use after 3 years.For such children the composition is prescribed in a dose of 5 ml three times a day. After 6 years, the children put 10 ml of suspension. Adult patients and children after 12 years of the drug is given for 15 milliliters.

The duration of use is always determined by the doctor. However, the instruction does not recommend using the described tool for more than five days in a row. In the absence of the effect is to consult a doctor.

kodelak neo syrup reviews

Opinions about the described cough medicine

Препарат «Коделак Нео» (сироп) отзывы имеет positive. Consumers say that the taste of the medication is quite pleasant, despite the content of ethanol in it. The medicine does not irritate the larynx and does not cause disgust.

About the drug "Codelac Neo" (drops) reviews saythat they are very convenient to take. In contrast to the suspension, the drug must be taken in smaller quantities. This type of drug can always take with you.

Doctors report that the drug "Codelac Neo"cannot be used alone. If you have an inflammatory process in the bronchi, which requires sputum to pass, then the use of this medicine can cause complications. Indeed, in such a situation, the sputum will not separate, but, on the contrary, accumulate. As a result, there is a high likelihood of pneumonia. If you feel worse, seek medical attention immediately.

codelac neo reviews instruction manual

Short summary

You met with antitussive medication.Codelac Neo. Positive opinions about him are due to an affordable price. The average cost of the drug is 150 rubles. Use remedies to cough properly. Good health to you!