/ / Medicinal properties of mountain ash: indications and contraindications

Therapeutic properties of mountain ash: indications and contraindications

Medicinal properties of rowan berries are known to manyto people. However, in fact, the benefits of this plant brings much more than it seems. It has long been believed that mountain ash is a plant that brings happiness to a house and protects it from evil spirits. Not for nothing appeared such legends. Rowan really protects people, but not because of the magical influence on their aura, but due to the fact that it has a huge amount of healing properties. From the berries of this plant prepare jam, jams, infusions, teas. They are dried so that in winter you can always get a portion of fresh vitamins and minerals.

Wild and varietal rowan are equally useful.Many people are repelled by the bitter taste, which is felt after eating this berry. Do not let this worry you, because behind this unpleasant moment is a huge benefit. Rowan can be red and black.

Medicinal properties of mountain ash

Useful properties and contraindications of red rowan

This plant is common in almost allregions of Europe. Red rowan, whose medicinal properties and contraindications are interconnected, often does not attract the attention of people. It is considered a beautiful tree, from which there is no practical use. Because of this, the therapeutic properties of mountain ash are often underestimated, which is a big mistake. So, the use of mountain ash red is in its qualities:

  • Рябина – это природный кладезь витаминов.It is especially rich in vitamin C, which is much more in berries than in lemons. Therefore, when colds, ash tea will be very useful. In addition, no pharmaceutical agent will cure vitamin deficiency in the same way that mountain ash does.
  • Macroelements this plant is also not offended.The therapeutic properties of rowan also consist in the fact that it is possible to find zinc, manganese, magnesium, copper, and potassium in it. By the way, this plant contains iron much more than apples.
  • People with a slow metabolism caneat mountain ash dishes to speed it up. This also applies to patients who have undergone heavy surgery. The healing properties of the fruits of mountain ash red saturate the cells and tissues of the body with a large amount of energy needed to restore the body.
  • Red rowan significantly enhances the therapeutic effect on the body of nettle. When anemia is useful to use the infusion of these plants.
  • If you have problems with blood vessels, use mountain ash as a healing plant.
  • Red rowan perfectly stimulates the cardiovascular system. It is difficult to overestimate this property.
  • Organs such as the liver and stomach are daily exposed to harmful factors. Curative properties of mountain ash protect them from negative impact.
  • If you have kidney problems, eat rowan, which has a diuretic effect.
  • Constipation can be treated with rowan if necessary, as it has a slight laxative effect.
  • If you have poor blood clotting, then you probably need to know that rowan can stop bleeding with various injuries.
  • Berries are also able to suppress gas formation.
  • Rowan slows the growth of any pathogenic bacteria.
  • The healing properties of mountain ash can prevent any fungal diseases, including thrush.
  • Also useful is the bark of mountain ash, whose medicinal properties consist in the fact that decoction can significantly reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.
  • In diabetes, rowan significantly reduces the risk of all sorts of complications.
  • Even in cosmetology applies this berry. It contributes to the rejuvenation of the skin, smoothing wrinkles and eliminating skin blemishes.

There are also contraindications to the use of this plant. These include:

  • Increased acidity of the stomach.
  • A peptic ulcer.
  • Pregnancy in the early stages.
  • Thrombophlebitis and susceptibility to this disease.
  • Increased blood clotting.

There are not so many contraindications to the use of rowan, but they should be treated with caution. In order for the plant to bring maximum benefit, you need to know how to use it.

Chokeberry, medicinal properties and contraindications, pressure

How to apply rowan

You need to pick berries after the first frost, so that the healing properties of mountain ash are not lost over time. Apply it like this:

  • Eat fresh.
  • Make a decoction, juice.
  • Cooked jam or jam.
  • Make tea.
  • Dried berries.

In the latter case, you need to know how to properly dry the plant so that it does not lose its beneficial properties.

How to dry the berries of mountain ash red

After harvesting, most people dry it,to enjoy the berries in winter. However, during the drying process, it is necessary to use the correct technology so that the therapeutic properties of mountain ash are preserved in full. So, the algorithm of actions in this case:

  • Clean the berries from dirt, twigs and other useless items.
  • Rinse the crop thoroughly.
  • Blot the berries with a towel, leave them lying on it until dry.
  • Spread the berries in an even layer on paper or a special dryer.
  • Stir the berries from time to time to prevent the formation of mold.
  • After drying, sort the berries, throwing out all the blackened fruit.
  • Put the berries in a glass or wooden dish, tightly covered with a lid.

Store rowan at room temperature. If you do it right, the plant will retain its beneficial properties for 2 years.

Popular ways to use rowan red

For centuries, the tried and tested methods of applying rowan can not be compared even with modern medical methods of treatment. So, how to properly apply the plant for various problems:

  • If you have gastritis, then eat 1 teaspoon of rowan juice before each meal.
  • If you need to clean the intestines, then drink 50 g of rowan juice three times a day. You can add honey to it.
  • If you need to strengthen the immune system, saturateorganism with vitamins or get rid of anemia, take 1 teaspoon of rowan berries, fill it with 2 cups boiling water, cool the broth, add honey to it and slowly drink during the day.
  • Rowan can also relieve sore throat. To do this, add 1 teaspoon of fresh berries to 1 cup of boiled water and rinse the resulting infusion throat throughout the day.
  • Rowan is useful not only for diseases.Medicinal properties and contraindications for women are of particular importance, because with the correct dosage, the juice of this plant eliminates toxemia. In this case, you just need to eat fresh rowan berries in small quantities. You can also add honey in them.
  • To get rid of warts, wipe them with rowan juice for several weeks.
  • To use mountain ash as a cosmetic tool, skip the berries through a meat grinder, after which from the resulting mass make masks for the face.

You must also know what harm this plant can do.

Chokeberry, medicinal properties, pressure

Possible harm of mountain ash red

Хотя растение обладает огромным количеством beneficial properties should not be underestimated and the harm that it can cause if used improperly or neglected contraindications. So, the harmful properties of mountain ash:

  • Parasorbic acid, which is contained inred rowan berries, in large quantities acts on the body as a strong antibiotic. In this regard, you can not eat many fruits of the plant in one day. You risk significantly degrading the immune system and making the body vulnerable to certain types of bacteria.
  • If you digest raw foods badly, then you should not get carried away with Rowan berries. Pectin, which they contain, can provoke gastric disorders, diarrhea and abdominal pain.
  • With hypertension, the use of rowan can significantly worsen the condition if it is in large quantities.
  • Modern doctors claim that the treatment of rowan juice does not bring any benefit to an open wound.
  • If a mountain ash removes a sore throat, then it can aggravate stomatitis. Do not rinse your mouth with fruit juice if you have this disease.
  • If you are prone to allergic reactions, rowan will most likely not benefit you, as it is one of the most powerful allergens.
  • If you have been diagnosed with acid reflux, the juice of mountain ash will only aggravate the situation.

All these factors can only occurIf you use rowan in large quantities. With proper use, none of the above side effects threaten you. That is why these factors can not be called contraindications.

Remember that if you eat driedfruits, they lose the properties of the antibiotic. In this case, you can not be afraid that there will be problems with the work of the immune system after eating berries.

Red rowan has a low calorie content, so with proper nutrition or dieting, the fruits will not harm you.

Black ash: medicinal properties and contraindications

Medicinal properties and contraindications of chokeberry

Chokeberry is popularly called chokeberry.It has the appearance of a small shrub with black fruits. Unlike red rowan, the plant with black fruits does not grow everywhere, it is grown for decorative or medicinal purposes. Use only leaves and berries of chokeberry, the use of bark was not found. Rowan berries are harvested in early October, although it ripens in late summer. This is due to the fact that the berries will most benefit in the fall. By the way, at this time of the year only black chokeberry can boast of such nutrients. Medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of the plant are known to all traditional healers.

About the beneficial properties of this plant can talk for a long time. It is not inferior to the red mountain ash, and in some moments even surpasses it. So, the healing properties of black chokeberry berries:

  • Rowan is able to bring blood cholesterol levels back to normal.
  • Due to the presence of pectin in the composition of berries, black chokeberry is capable of removing slags and toxins from the intestines.
  • It is useful to use the berries of black mountain ash with increased pressure, since the plant is able to treat hypertension.
  • Rowan has a diuretic effect.
  • The fruits contribute to the treatment of atherosclerosis, it is proven by scientific means.
  • For any problems with the cardiovascular system, black chokeberry will help strengthen it.
  • Potassium contained in the plant, prevents the formation of edema.
  • If you use black mountain ash with diabetes mellitus, the risk of complications will significantly decrease.
  • Since black chokeberry is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, it is very useful for beriberi or catarrhal diseases. It enhances immunity and fights viruses.
  • The plant significantly increases the acidity of the stomach, contributing to the secretion of gastric juice.
  • Rowan juice is an excellent antiseptic.
  • Like red ash, chokeberry eliminates blood clotting problems.
  • Surprisingly, black mountain ash is capable of excreting radioactive elements and heavy metals from the body.
  • Aronia destroys harmful microorganisms and fights against oncological diseases.
  • Rowan stimulates the liver, protecting it from the harmful effects of various food components.
  • Even with nervous tension it is useful to use black rowan berries. They reduce the degree of stress, leading to a person’s emotional state of stability and balance.

Практически всеми необходимыми для здоровья human substances possesses chokeberry. Healing properties and contraindications, as already mentioned, are closely linked, so you should talk about when the plant can not be used. It is forbidden to use chokeberry if you have:

  • increased blood clotting;
  • the period of exacerbation of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • hypotension.

Не только в этих случаях запрещена к употреблению black Rowan. Medicinal properties and contraindications apply only to adults. Children, the elderly and pregnant women before using chokeberry in any form should consult a doctor.

Black Rowan: medicinal properties, recipes

Chokeberry: medicinal properties and contraindications. Pressure

Particular attention should be paid to the mountain ash as foodcomponent that strongly influences pressure. This is due to the fact that the plant is prohibited in hypotension. If you have problems with pressure or even a predisposition to them, then before eating rowan for food, you should consult with your doctor, but it is better to completely abandon the use of chokeberry. The plant reduces the pressure, so it is effective in hypertension, and if the disease progresses. It is better to treat the pathology, which is at the initial stage, in other ways, the black ashberry is not suitable for this. Medicinal properties (the pressure it lowers perfectly) has long been used by medicine.

How best to use chokeberry

In order for the plant to bring maximum benefit, you need to properly prepare it. Basic rules for the use of rowan:

  • If possible, eat fresh chokeberry more often.
  • In winter, you can wither rowan, make juice, mousse or jam from it.
  • The plant does not lose its properties and frozen.

Chokeberry has a pleasant sweet and sourtaste with bitterness, unlike the fruits of mahogany, so you can eat it fresh. It will not bring harm if you are not allergic to the plant. Also, do not abuse rowan. In very large quantities, it can lead to indigestion.

Black mountain ash, whose medicinal properties are preserved only with minimal processing, will not be beneficial if it is dried. Instead, it must be withered. Below we will explain how to do this.

Rowan: medicinal properties and contraindications

How to wither black chokeberry

To wither black chokeberry, you need to wash it, dry and spread out in a thin layer on paper, leaving to dry in the sun.

You can also achieve a similar effect withovens. To do this, the fruits of mountain ash must be dried, spreading them on the baking sheet. Initially, the temperature needs to be adjusted so that one is in the range of 30-40 degrees. When the berries stop secreting the juice, increase the temperature to sixty degrees. Make sure that the plant does not lose black color, because it is an indicator of the preservation of all the necessary beneficial properties.

An alternative to dried mountain ash isfrozen chokeberry. However, while the berries lose vitamin P, but the remaining beneficial properties are preserved. In the cold season, the mountain ash needs to be defrosted. It preserves the taste, so it is pleasant to eat it raw.

Rowan: medicinal properties and contraindications for women

Chokeberry: medicinal properties. Recipes

To strengthen and maintain health, it is not enough just to know about the beneficial properties of mountain ash, you need to know how to cook it properly. Here are some medical recipes:

  • Pour the berries with water in the ratio of 1:10.Heat the resulting liquid slowly over a fire. Broth need to insist at least twenty minutes, then strain, divided into 3 portions and use them throughout the day. This recipe strengthens the immune system and nourishes the body with vitamins.
  • With hypertension, it is enough to eat 100 grams of rowan berries each day.
  • Варенье из рябины является универсальным means of preventing diseases. It is prepared very simply. Boil the berries for five minutes, then add two glasses of sugar to the liquid. Boil the mixture until a thick mass. Let the jam cool, after which it can be sorted into banks.
  • Alcohol tincture of black mountain ash isexcellent tonic. To prepare it, you must grind the berries of mountain ash in a homogeneous mass. After that, add sugar, cloves to the container and let the berries stand in a dark, cold place. After two months, add alcohol to the container, mix thoroughly. Finished tincture can be added to tea.

Thus, mountain ash is universal.remedy for many diseases. It has a huge number of useful properties, with virtually no contraindications. It is worth considering that the berries can cause allergic reactions, but if you do not use them in large quantities, then you have nothing to fear.

Red and black fruits are different in composition.and properties, so you need to know about the features of both types of plants. Do not forget that with improper use, you can get the result opposite to the expected.