The drug "ATSTS 200" for today isone of the most effective and popular mucolytic agents. It is produced mainly in the form of powder or tablets for the preparation of hot solution, although there are also syrups and liquids for intramuscular injection.
Preparation "ATSTS 200": composition and pharmacological properties of the drug. The main active substance of this drug is acetylcysteine.
This is a fairly effective expectorant. Penetrating into the lungs, acetylcysteine dilutes sputum (sometimes while increasing its volume) and greatly facilitates its departure.
Properties of the drug are directly related to the propertiesits active component. As a rule, acidic mucopolysaccharides of sputum have a rather dense consistency, which makes expectoration more difficult. Free sulfhydryl groups of acetylcysteine break bonds between monomers of mucopolysaccharides, reducing the viscosity of sputum.
The medicine "ATSTS 200" also has some properties of antioxidants. To some extent, the drug has anti-inflammatory effect.
The preparation "ACTS 200": indications for use. As already mentioned, this remedy is used for those diseases that are accompanied by a conglomeration of viscous sputum and mucus. In fact, the spectrum of drug use is quite wide:
- ACS is used in diseases of the respiratory tract,which are accompanied by a violation of sputum discharge. It can be bronchitis, pneumonia, tracheitis, cystic fibrosis, bronchiolitis, emphysema or lung abscess, laryngotracheitis, bronchial asthma and others.
- With purulent and catarrhal otitis, severe sinusitis or sinusitis, the preparation "ACTS 200" is used to stimulate the passage of secretions and mucus.
- This drug is often prescribed to remove viscous mucus from the respiratory tract, which accumulated as a result of trauma or in the postoperative period.
- In medical practice, the drug solution is used to flush the nasal passages, maxillary sinuses and the middle ear cavity. Used and after surgery in the nasal cavity.
- ACS is often prescribed as a preparation for bronchitis, drainage, bronchoscopy and other procedures.
The dose and mode of use determines onlyTherapist. Here much depends on the variety of the patient's illness, the severity of his condition, age, the presence of chronic diseases and contraindications. It is not recommended to cure yourself with this remedy.
The drug "ACTS 200": contraindications. There are several groups of patients who are notthe use of this medication is recommended. The drug should not be taken if there is an allergy to its components. It is very necessary to be very careful during pregnancy or breastfeeding - it is always necessary to consult a doctor.
ATSTS can not be used ifThe patient was diagnosed with a peptic ulcer disease, especially if the ulcer is at an acute stage. Varicose veins of the esophagus can also be considered a contraindication. It is not recommended treatment with this remedy in the presence of pulmonary hemorrhage or in the presence of blood in the sputum (at least until the results of the analysis).
With bronchial asthma it is forbidden to administer the drugintravenously - this can lead to a persistent spasm of the bronchi. For this purpose it is better to use other forms of release - tablets, syrups or soluble powders.
Hepatic and renal insufficiency,hypertension, adrenal diseases - all these are contraindications to admission. If the medicine is prescribed for a patient with diabetes, attention should be paid to the content of sucrose.
Despite the fact that the drug is normalis perceived by the body, in some cases, there are reactions such as headaches, nausea and vomiting, weakness, drowsiness, fever, heartburn, reflex cough. It is comparatively rare to have stomatitis.
Reviews. ATSTS 200 is often used by doctors,which undoubtedly consider this drug effective enough. Of course, it is used as part of a comprehensive therapy. Consumers are also satisfied with the effect of the medication - sputum discharge becomes significantly easier after a day after the first intake.