/ / How is Chlamydia treated? Basic principles of therapy

How is Chlamydia treated? Basic principles of therapy

Chlamydia is one of the mostcommon sexually transmitted diseases. The cause of the disease is an infection that is transmitted sexually. The question of how to treat chlamydia is very relevant. After all, in the absence of timely assistance, the inflammatory process spreads to different systems of organs, which leads to complications such as infertility, chronic pelvic pain, respiratory system damage, etc.

What is chlamydia?

where to treat chlamydia

Как известно, хламидии поражают в основном органы reproductive system. You can get infected during unprotected sexual intercourse, but the everyday way of transmission is practically impossible. In addition, the infection can be transmitted from mother to child.

Before to learn or find out, as treat a clamidiosis, costs or standsfamiliarize yourself with the main symptoms of the disease. As a rule, the first signs appear 1-3 weeks after the infection. Patients complain of itching in the area of ​​the external genitalia, as well as uncharacteristic discharge from the vagina (in women) or urethra (in men).

On the other hand, chlamydia often occurs withoutany noticeable symptoms, which makes such a disease dangerous - an infected person does not even suspect a problem and becomes a carrier of the infection.

In any case, inflammation can have negative consequences - the infection often affects the testicles, cervix and some other organs, leading to infertility and impaired functioning of the reproductive system.

How is Chlamydia treated?

If there are signs of disease,consult a doctor. And given the possibility of asymptomatic flow, do not neglect the planned medical examinations. The earlier the problem is identified, the faster the treatment process will be.

what drugs to treat chlamydia

In no case should not try to engage.self-treatment - only the doctor will be able to tell you what medicines to treat chlamydia. The fact is that chlamydia parasitize inside the cell, so the drugs used should easily penetrate the cell wall.

Naturally, you first need to pass tests,the results of which confirm the presence of the disease. By the way, both (all) partners must undergo diagnosis and sometimes treatment at once. And, of course, during therapy, sex is not allowed. So how is chlamydia treated?

Of course, the only way to get rid ofinfections are antibiotics. To date, the most effective are natural and semi-synthetic groups of macrolides. In particular, patients are often prescribed such drugs as Macropen, Erythromycin, Vilprafen, Rulid, etc. The daily dose is determined depending on the age and body weight of the patient. In most cases, antibiotics take about two weeks, although this period may be increased or decreased depending on the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy.

how is chlamydia treated

Полезным будет прием витаминов и минералов, а also some immunomodulators. The normal functioning of the immune system contributes to the rapid recovery and prevents the spread of infection to other tissues and organs.

Naturally, biopreparations are needed, soas antibiotics violate the normal composition of microflora. For this purpose, the preparations “Subalin”, “Bifiform”, “Biosporin” will perfectly suit. Women also recommend the drug "Vagilak", which restores the vaginal microflora.

In some cases, therapy includes antihistamines, anti-inflammatory drugs, antiseptic solutions and ointments for the treatment of external genital organs.

Treatment can last from a few weeks toseveral months. Throughout the course of therapy, the patient must undergo repeated tests several times, since this is the only way to determine the effectiveness of the treatment and, if necessary, correct it.

Another question that interests patients:"Where to treat chlamydia?" In fact, almost any specialist venereologist will be able to make a scheme of therapy. There are also clinics that specialize exclusively in the treatment of sexually transmitted infections.