The appearance in the nose painful crusts, woundsor pustules - this is a problem that almost everyone faces. But what to do, if in a nose sores are constantly formed? Treatment in each case can only advise a specialist. After all, a large number of different reasons can provoke the appearance of this problem. In the article we will try to understand them and how to treat the disease, taking into account its etiology.
Why in the nose there are abrasions, wounds and ulcers
Doctors name many reasons for which sores are constantly forming in the nose:
- Inflammation of the mucous membrane.It is most often caused by acute or chronic rhinitis. In most cases, sinusitis or sinusitis is to blame for the appearance of painful crusts. In addition, a mucosal injury may result in a pathological process (for example, due to the habit of picking in the nose or due to a bruise), which results in abscesses, hematomas, or subcutaneous hemorrhages.
- Boils. Hypothermia, stress, infection that got on the mucous membrane from dirty hands, and the presence of chronic diseases that reduce immunity often leads to this problem.
- Sycosis nostrils.The cause of the appearance of sores in sycosis is the presence of a source of permanent purulent discharge (sinusitis, sinusitis, etc.). As a result, a person develops a purulent inflammatory process in the hair follicles, located at the entrance to the nasal canal. They are caused by a staph infection.
Treatment of nasal sores
Small inflammatory processes can be treated andat home. They can be very effective in cases when sores and ointments (zinc, streptomycin, acyclovir, tetracycline, oxolinic) are constantly forming in the nose. The use of antiseptic solutions (“Chlorhexidine” or “Miramistin”) also gives good results, which do not allow developing infection in wounds and speeds up their healing.
When boils appear, it is also possibleAn independent solution to the problem, but in most cases, long-term treatment is required, primarily aimed at strengthening the immune system. At the initial stage of furunculosis, the patient is prescribed antibacterial ointments (for example, Triderm), as well as antibiotics (Ceflazin, Vancomycin, etc.). Anti-inflammatory drugs are also used (for example, Diclofenac). And in order to avoid surgical intervention, possible in the more severe stages of the disease, the patient is prescribed laser therapy.
Sycosis usually has a long courseOften there are relapses, so the main attention in the process of its treatment is directed to the elimination of the main cause of the disease. In addition, the patient is offered to make lotions from antiseptics and astringents. Several times a day, the affected sites are recommended to be treated with ointments ("Gentamicin", "Levomekol", "Flucinar", etc.). To get rid of crusts, gauze turunds soaked in trypsin solution are injected into the patient's nose.
What is ozena
If the nose constantly develops sores and the smell is bad, then the doctor may suspect the presence of a rather rare disease - ozenes. It is also called fetid rhinitis.
Until now, the causes of this disease beforeThe end has not been studied, but most often it is observed when a mucous bacteria are infected with the bacterium Klebsiella ozaenae, with pathologies of a pterygopathic or sympathetic node, as well as with endocrine disorders.
This disease has a chronic form, andtreatment aims to relieve symptoms. To do this, carry out the washing of the nose with saline, lubricate the wounds with streptomycin ointment, make intramuscular injections of the drugs Gentamicin, Lincomycin, Oxacillin, etc.
Eczema and erysipelas of the nose
В некоторых случаях причиной тому, что в носу constantly formed sores, eczema is. This pathology most often develops in children and adults suffering from purulent sinusitis, in response to constant irritation of the dermis with secretions.
The first sign of the disease is redness andswelling of the skin surface at the entrance to the nostrils, then small bubbles filled with fluid appear. When bursting, they leave a wet surface on which cracks and crusts form.
Patients in such cases complain of pain and itching in the affected areas and, trying to remove dry crusts, further aggravate the process.
No less serious disease of the nasal areaerysipelas is also present. It develops due to minor abrasions that occur in the wings of the respiratory organ as a result of squeezing out small suppurations, picking in the nose, etc. If at the time of injury an infection gets into the wound, then the process can cover the entire nasopharynx and even lead to a narrowing of the larynx.
If the nose constantly develops sores in the form of eczema, they will have to be treated for a long time. And the focus will have to focus on eliminating the causes of the disease. To do this, it is necessary to reorganize the sinuses and adenotomy.
To eliminate skin lesions apply lotion from a solution of resorcinol or tannin. Yellow mercury ointment and syntomycin emulsion are rather effective in these cases.
Erysipelas is treated only in a hospital.Therapeutic measures include the massive use of antibiotics, the treatment of affected areas with antiseptics, ointments and emulsions (for example, silver nitrate solution, Burov's fluid, ekteritsid, streptotsidnoy ointment or emulsion, etc.). In addition, patients are affected by ultrasound and laser therapy.
Problems caused by serious illnesses
Separately, should be called and severe pathology,which can lead to the fact that in the nose constantly formed sores. We will not put a photo of the signs of these diseases and a description of their treatment here, since this is too big a topic. And the pathologies themselves require a long and qualified treatment. But all of them should be listed.
- Syphilis.At the beginning of the development of the disease at the entrance to the nostrils may appear hard chancre, after which the mucosal edema develops, accompanied by purulent discharge. In childhood, congenital syphilis can be detected, accompanied by chronic rhinitis, which is almost not treatable. At the last stage of syphilis, the patient has persistent ulcers in the nose, the nasal bone is destroyed, with the result that the back of the nose sinks.
- Tuberculosis of the nose. It is manifested by sores and tumors, similar to those that occur with sarcoma.
- Tumors. In the nasal cavity, both benign and malignant neoplasms can develop, requiring urgent examination and emergency care.
Why do children always have sores in their nose?
The child often have sores in the nose,associated with the development of a bacterial infection. Golden and epidermal staphylococcus most often settle on mucous membranes, as a result of which small wounds are formed, from which mucus is secreted. This causes herpes sores near the nostrils, redness of the nasopharynx and its swelling.
При обнаружении перечисленных признаков It is necessary to show the child to a specialist - LOR - for the appointment of therapeutic procedures. Otherwise, the patient faces severe complications in the form of pneumonia, meningitis, etc.
Treatment of staph infection
If a small patient has a constant nosesores are formed than to treat them, only a specialist should decide. Most often, the ENT prescribes antibiotics ("Azithromycin" and others), as well as medicines that help restore the microflora of the mucous surfaces of the nasopharynx ("Linex" and others).
A very effective tool is the use of salt solutions, which the child washed the nose, as well as vasoconstrictor drugs.
Herbal inhalations give a good effect. But the treatment of infectious lesions of the nasal mucosa requires the obligatory observation of a doctor and the individual selection of drugs.
Prevention of diseases
The most common ulcers, sores and cracks in the nasalcavities are formed in people whose immunity is weakened. For the same reason, women complain that the nose constantly develops sores after childbirth. In order to avoid their development or recurrence of already observed problems with the mucous membrane, you should follow some rules:
- at the end of winter and spring, it is necessary to take fortifying vitamins;
- do not supercool;
- do not touch your face with unwashed hands;
- Do not use someone else's makeup, handkerchiefs or towels;
- if dry crusts appear in the nose, they should not be damaged in order not to provoke the spread of the infection;
- during medical procedures, take a new cotton swab each time to lubricate the wounds;
- during the cold, it is better not to use handkerchiefs, but disposable napkins.
And remember that any disease is easier to prevent than to cure.