Gout is a fairly common pathology.joints. She has been known since the time of Hippocrates. The essence of this disease lies in the fact that uric acid salt crystals begin to deposit in the joints, which leads to an inflammatory reaction.
Gout is characterized by severe pain. The therapy does not always give positive results, since patients often seek medical help when the disease is already running.
What is the drug "Fulflex"?
In the past, gout patients tried to eliminatepain syndrome with improvised means, forgetting that self-medication can harm health and lead to serious complications. To date, the pharmacological market presents a new drug "Fulfeks", reviews of which are positive. It relieves the symptoms of gout and helps get rid of this disease.
The composition of the drug "Fulflex"
Reviews of patients indicate that this particularPhytopreparation can be considered a real breakthrough in the treatment of lesions of the joints, and not only gouty, but also rheumatic aetiology. Thus, the tool "Fulfeks" is successfully used for arthritis, myalgia, lumbago. It is produced not only in the form of tablets for oral use, but also in the form of an ointment for application to painful areas.
The main components of this drug arethe roots of white willow and fragrant martinis. It also includes adjuvants (extracts of other plants), vitamins E, PP, as well as rutin, which together provide a good therapeutic effect in the treatment of articular pathologies.
Therapeutic effect of the tool "Fulfleks"
Clinical practice confirms the effectiveness of the drug "Fulflex." Reviews of people with lesions of the joints also talk about it.
This remedy effectively fights the main symptom of osteoarthritis of any origin - stiffness of the joints. No wonder the word "fullex" translated from English means "full flexion."
Martiniia fragrant, which is contained in the preparation"Fulflex", shows pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. In addition, the extract of this plant is able to bind excess uric acid, which is subsequently excreted from the body with urine. This significantly improves the condition of patients with gout, as the swelling of the affected joints and their inflammation decreases. The use of martinia can also reduce the concentration of cholesterol in the blood. The extract of white willow, which is also contained in this preparation, exhibits antiarrhythmic, as well as a calming and tonic effect.
Another form of this herbal medicine
Так, таволга вязолистная содержит аскорбиновую acid and salicylates, which quickly stop the inflammatory process in the joints and reduce pain. Horse chestnut extract relieves swelling. The active removal of salts from diseased joints is facilitated by the presence of birch extract in the ointment, which, when applied topically, also perfectly removes the swelling of the affected areas.
Additional components are soybean and petroleum jelly, panthenol, beeswax, and cosmetic stearin and grape seed oil.
Features of the use of the tool "Fulflex"
Reviews of high efficacy of the drug lead tothe fact that people with lesions of the joints actively use it, often without consulting a doctor. Despite the relative safety of this herbal medicine and the absence of side effects, you should consult with a specialist before taking it. He will establish its dosage and duration of treatment depending on the clinical course of the disease.
Следует помнить, что терапия должна быть complex and include not only taking the medicine "Fulfeks", but also a diet. So, people with gout are advised to limit the use of foods that contain a lot of purines. These include meat, fish, seafood, and meat by-products (liver, brains, or kidneys). It is also forbidden to use a lot of mushrooms, green peas, cauliflower. With dietary compliance, the effectiveness of any drug increases.
Let's sum up the results
Like any tool that is used withfor therapeutic purposes, the drug "Fulfeks" has certain contraindications. So, it can not be used by women during pregnancy and lactation, children under 14 years old, as well as people with individual intolerance to its individual components.
If you decide to take Fulfex medication,the price of which varies from 150 to 340 rubles, depending on the form of release, before that you should consult with your doctor. He will control the entire treatment process, adjust it if necessary and make additional appointments, which will help to quickly and reliably get rid of the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.
Следует понимать, что одним больным он помогает completely get rid of swelling, pain and stiffness of the joints, and others this drug is more suitable as a prophylactic agent that reduces the risk of recurrence of diseases. This is especially true of chronic arthritis and arthrosis.
The doctor in each case of illness cancombine the use of ointment and taking tablets "Fulfeks." In addition, there are times when there is a need for repeated courses of treatment. With insufficient therapeutic effect, other pharmacological drugs from the group of painkillers, anti-inflammatory or hormonal should be prescribed.