/ / "Nurofen" in tablets for children: instructions for use, analogues, reviews

"Nurofen" in tablets for children: instructions for use, analogues, reviews

The most commonly prescribed drugs for childrenare antipyretic drugs. Most of them belong to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These tools can not only reduce the temperature. They have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Today's article will introduce you to the medicine "Nurofen." The dosage for children of different ages and how to use the medication will be described for you.

Nurofen tablets for children

Varieties of the drug "Nurofen"

The manufacturer of the drug is "RekittBenkizer ". The company is located in the UK. Therefore, all packs have the foreign name of the drug. In the pharmacy chains, you can find several types of drugs. All of them differ in the form of release. So, what is the drug" Nurofen "?

  • In tablets for children aged 6 years or more.
  • In the form of suppositories intended for use from 3 months to 2 years.
  • In syrup or suspension for children from birth to 6 years old (can be more).
  • Tablets "Nurofen Express NEO" (allowed from 12 years).
  • "Nurofen" for women "Express Lady".
  • Capsules with a liquid composition "Nurofen Ultrakap" (valid for use from 12 years).
  • "Nurofen Forte" with a double dose.
  • Tablets for the treatment of migraine "Multisimptom".
  • Means "Nurofen" in the form of a gel for external use concentration of 5%.

What does the instruction on Nurofen say about preparations?application? For children, not all of the above medicines can be used. It all depends on the age of the child and the existing symptoms. Let us consider in detail how the drug "Nurofen" is used (in tablets) for children.

Description of the medicine for children

What is the composition of "Nurofen"?Tablets contain 200 mg of active ingredient (ibuprofen). Also in the preparation there are additional components: sodium cellulose croekarmellose, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium citrate, stearic acid, colloidal silicon dioxide, talc, titanium dioxide, copper, sucrose, black ink and so on.

Nurofen is produced in tablets for children, 8 pieces per pack. The average cost of such a tool does not exceed 150 rubles. Each tablet is coated for ease of application.

Nurofen instructions for use for children

Indications for the appointment of NSAIDs

When recommends taking Nurofeninstructions for use? For children, this medicine is used both according to the recommendation of a doctor, and without it. The drug is often available from parents in the first-aid kit. After all, the child's well-being may deteriorate at any time. The following situations are considered to be real indications for the use of the drug:

  • a rise in temperature of a different nature and cause;
  • pain syndrome (toothache, headache, muscle pain);
  • migraine and neuralgia;
  • otitis and tonsillitis, as well as other diseases of ENT organs.

The drug is often used in combination with other drugs as a symptomatic therapy. The tool is prescribed for inflammatory diseases.

Nurofen instructions for use pills 200 mg

Important information about child medicine: contraindications

As you already know, a cure is recommended."Nurofen" (in tablets) for children from 6 years only. Younger children are prescribed as a suspension. For babies up to three years, it is preferable and more convenient to use candles. But not only age can be a reason for refusing this medicine. What else has contraindications drug "Nurofen"?

Instructions for use tablets (200 mg)Prohibits taking in the presence of high sensitivity to the active substance or additional components. If a child has intolerance to acetylsalicylic acid, then you should also refuse to use the medication. It is forbidden to use the tool for children with heart failure, high blood pressure, diseases of the optic nerve. Children's pills are not prescribed for some diseases of the circulatory system, hearing impairment, pronounced pathologies of the vestibular apparatus. If a child has ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract or progressive bleeding in this area, then it is strictly forbidden to take this medication.

Additional information on restrictions

Describes other limitations in use.medication "Nurofen" instructions for use. Tablets 200 mg should be taken very carefully and only after prior consultation with the doctor in the following situations:

  • kidney and liver failure;
  • ischemic disease and diabetes;
  • if the child has an allergy, the correction of which is carried out by oral corticosteroids;
  • diseases of the stomach and intestines of different nature and severity.

The annotation also states that under the supervision of adults, it is necessary to give medicine to children under 12 years of age.

nurofen dosage for children

"Nurofen": dosage for young children

На прием ребенку показана одна таблетка.The frequency of use of the drug should not exceed 4 times a day. The interval between use of the drug is 6 hours or more. The maximum daily dose for children up to 12 years is 1200 mg of the active substance (ibuprofen).

The duration of pain therapy is notmust exceed 5 days. If the medication is used to eliminate fever, then it should not be taken for more than 3 days in a row. If after the specified period all symptoms persist, then it is necessary to stop treatment and consult a doctor for correction of therapy.

pills nurofen from what

How does the drug work?

You already know a lot about Nurofen tablets:what helps, how accepted and when prohibited. Many parents are interested in the principle of the work of the medicine. After all, they have to give medicine to their children. How and how much does a pill work?

"Nurofen" refers to anti-inflammatorynonsteroidal drugs that have analgesic and antipyretic effects. After ingestion, the tablet quickly dissolves and is absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The drug inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, it blocks inflammation. This reduces the sensitivity of the receptors: pain passes. Also within an hour comes the antipyretic effect. The effect of the drug is quite long. The instructions indicate that the drug works from 4 to 8 hours. Usually, a second dose of the drug is required no less than 6 hours. In some cases, a one-time medication is enough.

Side effects

Tablets "Nurofen" from which help - you alreadyis known. The drug has an effective analgesic and antipyretic effect. In addition, the composition reduces inflammation and improves the general condition of the patient. But the drug can cause side effects. That is why before applying you need to carefully study the instructions and follow all its points. The following side effects are indicated in the abstract:

  • disorders of the digestive system (nausea, flatulence, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain);
  • allergic reactions (edema, urticaria, pruritus, rash, increased bronchial cough);
  • headache, dizziness, clouding of consciousness;
  • impaired renal function and malfunction of the blood-forming organs.

If any of these symptoms occur,consult a doctor. In case of mild complication, no action or medical measures are required. It is enough to cancel the treatment. If there are adverse reactions in a severe form, the patient is washed stomach, prescribe sorbents and cleansing drugs. Sometimes hospitalization is required.

Nurofen for children 4 years in pills

Children after 12 years old can be given other forms of Nurofen.

Upon reaching this age, the drug cangive and in another form. Children after 12 years are shown the use of drugs intended for adults. The dosage of medication will also be increased. Preparations "Nurofen Express" (capsules), tablets "Nurofen" taken 200 mg up to 4 times per day. Multisymptum is recommended for 1 pill up to 3 times a day.

Tablets "Nurofen Forte" contain a double doseactive ingredient. They contain 400 mg of ibuprofen. This tool is prescribed to children after 12 years, 1 tablet no more than 4 times per day. Typically, this medication is used when other forms of the drug are ineffective.

"Nurofen" (pills): parents reviews about medicine

Parents of children say that described inArticle drug is one of the most popular. The tool has long been used in pediatrics to treat bacterial and viral diseases, accompanied by fever and pain. For children it is very convenient to use the drug "Nurofen". After all, it is valid for 6-8 hours. You can give medicine to your child before bedtime and get a good rest. After all, it will not be necessary to worry that the temperature will rise until the morning.

Many mothers and fathers use the drug "Nurofen"for children (4 years). In tablets, medication for this age is not prescribed. But if a child weighs more than 20 kilograms and is able to swallow the medicine without prior grinding, then it is perfectly acceptable to use this form. This information is indirectly communicated to the consumer instructions for use.

Drug substitutes: structural analogues and other drugs with the same effect

There are many drug substitutes."Nurofen" (pills). Analogs have an identical active ingredient. Pay attention to the content of ibuprofen. After all, it may differ. Therefore, the dosage will be different. The most popular analogues include Advil, Ibuprofen, Brufen, Burana, Mig, Dolgit and others.

You can also replace the medicine with many others.analgesics with antipyretic effect: "Aspirin", "Citramon", "Paracetamol", "Panadol", "Analgin" and so on. All analogues of the drug should be selected by the doctor after taking into account all the individual characteristics. Please note that acetylsalicylic acid based medicines can be given to children only after 16 years of age. They are not suitable for the treatment of younger patients.

nurofen tablets analogs

Medical recommendations

Doctors give only positive feedback aboutmedication "Nurofen". Pediatricians say that this drug has long been one of the most popular, affordable and effective. The drug almost never has a negative effect. The most common side effect of it is allergy.

Doctors also report that the remedy is oftentaken by yourself. If a child suddenly has a fever or a headache, then this is completely justified. But if the symptom reappears, you should already see a doctor. After all, the drug is essentially symptomatic. It removes the manifestations of the disease, but does not eliminate its cause. Only an experienced doctor can determine what exactly happens to a child. After examination, the doctor will prescribe drugs that can be combined with the drug "Nurofen."

The instructions indicate that the pills do notIt is recommended to use simultaneously with aspirin or other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The drug is not combined with some antibiotics. Diuretic compositions and sorbents reduce the effectiveness of antipyretic and analgesic agents. Pediatricians do not recommend to increase the dose of the drug on their own or to give the kids the drug in pills. This type of medication provides for its solid intake (without prior grinding). Small children are not always able to swallow a pill.


Эффективное средство «Нурофен» используется при many diseases. It is universal, able to remove the main symptoms of the disease. The drug is available in different forms. This gives the consumer the opportunity to choose the most convenient medicine. But this does not mean that the drug should be consumed thoughtlessly and on their own. Especially when it comes to children. Remember that you should not give tablets to a child with acute abdominal pain. After all, the tool can relieve symptoms, with the result that the doctor will put the wrong diagnosis. Use the medication yourself only in emergency cases (to reduce the high temperature). In other situations, consult with a pediatrician. Good health to your baby!