Almost every person in his lifehave to deal with allergies. Such a reaction may be seasonal or constant. Often, patients complain of dust, blooms, pollen and animal hair. No less rarely allergies provoked by food and household supplies, medicines. Such a state always requires qualified treatment and timely therapy. The presented article will tell you about the use of activated carbon for allergies. The principle of action and treatment will be presented to your attention.
Description of the preparation
Before you figure out how to drink activatedcoal with allergies, you need to know some information about the drug itself. Available medication in the form of tablets. They can be round or oval. The dosage of the drug remains constant. One pill contains 250 milligrams of active ingredient. In its role is the component of the same name - activated carbon. The manufacturer does not use additional components.
The product is available in packaging in quantities from 10 to 100 tablets. The cost of a small pack will be about 10 rubles.
When does a patient need appropriate therapy?
Activated carbon how to take? For allergies, the drug is used in the following situations:
- reaction to the use of food or any drugs;
- seasonal manifestation of pathology (usually on flowering plants), pollinosis;
- urticaria, itching on the skin, dermatitis;
- swelling of the mucous membranes or external tissues caused by the allergen, and so on.
Many patients do not wait for the appointment of a doctor.They use the drug themselves, having previously studied in foreign sources information about how to properly take activated carbon in case of allergies.
Contraindications: are there any?
If you purchased activated carbon liketake this medication for allergies? First you need to read the instructions and find out if you have any contraindications. Otherwise, the likelihood of complications and adverse reactions.
The medicine is never prescribed to patients.having damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. A contraindication will be a stomach ulcer. It is forbidden to use tablets for the treatment of allergies for bleeding of unknown origin. If the patient has previously been diagnosed with individual intolerance to the components of the drug, the therapy is carried out with other drugs after consultation with the doctor.
Activated carbon: how to take for allergies? Habitual scheme and its refutation
As mentioned above, many patientsself prescribed this medicine. At the same time, a completely wrong treatment scheme is being used in the people. Therefore, often with self-therapy, the consumer cannot achieve the desired results. The usual and familiar habit of using tablets "Activated carbon" involves the use of one piece for every 10 kilograms of weight. This means that an adult with a weight of 60 kilograms should drink 6 tablets.
The correct instruction informs other information.So, you purchased activated carbon in the pharmacy chain. How to take it with allergies right? A single dose for an adult will be 1-2 grams. Per day you need to make 4 doses. This means that a lump portion will be equal to 4-8 tablets. The daily rate of the drug does not exceed 32 pieces. As you can see, this is not 6 pills.
Use in children
How to apply activated carbon for allergieschildren? If an unpleasant reaction has developed in children, then it is necessary to consult a doctor. Adult people love to self-medicate. However, this should not endanger the child.
The dosage of the drug for kids is determined inaccording to their body weight. A single dose should be 0.05 grams of the drug. Per day is carried out 3 doses. We make an approximate calculation. If a baby weighs 10 kilograms at the age of one year, then he is entitled to 0.5 grams of the drug at a time. This amount is contained in two tablets. The daily rate for such a child is 6 tablets.
Duration of use
The drug activated carbon is taken whendifferent types of allergies. However, the duration of treatment is always different. If the reaction has developed due to the use of certain foods or medicines, then a short course of therapy is prescribed. It is its duration from 3 to 7 days.
In case of chronic allergic reactionthe drug is prescribed a little differently. The drug is prescribed in two weekly courses up to 4 times a year. In this case, one of the periods of treatment should fall in the spring and summer season. After all, it is then that the aggravation of pathology occurs.
Very often, patients ask:How to take activated carbon for allergies (before or after meals)? Doctors unanimously say that the use of the drug should not coincide with the meal. Be sure to take a break in 1-1,5 hours. It does not matter much, before or after the meal you will use the medicine.
Consumers by their own researchWe learned that effectively activated carbon helps with allergies. The principle of the drug is the rapid cleansing of the body from toxins and toxins, as well as allergens. The drug suppresses the production of histamine, which is the source of unpleasant reactions. Also, the drug normalizes the state of immunoglobulins. An important consequence of taking the medication is the growth of T-lymphocytes.
Consumers say that already throughseveral days of therapy, the condition is significantly improved. The body is cleared, the allergy gradually begins to recede. Do not wait for an immediate response. The drug gradually cleans the body. If you want to get a faster and more pronounced effect, you should consult a doctor for an antihistamine. However, it is worth remembering that it is impossible to take drugs and activated charcoal at the same time. It is necessary to take a break between them.
White coal
Альтернативным средством привычному препарату "Activated carbon" has become the so-called white coal. This tool is composed of silicon dioxide and microcrystalline cellulose. The drug is also a sorbent, but in his testimony there are no allergic reactions. Despite this, the patients themselves prescribe this remedy.
A feature of the drug is that itsneed to use in much smaller quantities. The daily maximum is 8 tablets. Also pay attention to the fact that the pill should not be used for intestinal obstruction and persons under 14 years of age. The remaining contraindications coincide with those for activated carbon. It is necessary to make a decision on the choice of a particular drug with a doctor. In this case, you can be confident in the effectiveness of therapy.
You have learned how you can with affordable and allhabitual activated carbon to cope with an allergic reaction. Remember always that the drug has its own contraindications. Also, be sure to calculate the dosage before using it.
Patients may get stained during treatment.a chair is quite normal. However, if you detect constipation, abdominal pain, fever and abnormal absorption of nutrients, you must stop taking and consult a doctor for help. Successes you, live without allergies!