/ / After how many after childbirth will begin monthly: features of the menstrual cycle

After how many months after the birth will begin monthly: the features of the menstrual cycle

When the baby was born, the woman thinksalmost only about him. But after some time, a young mother remembers about herself and her health. Many are particularly interested in the question of how much after childbirth menstruation will begin. Let's find out this.

after how many after childbirth begin period

How is everything going?

We will try to understand what happens afterthe birth of crumbs. So, childbirth is a serious shake-up, as a result of which the hormonal background will be disturbed during a certain period. It can take about 6-10 weeks to fully restore it.

But if you want to know how many periodsafter the birth can begin in an ordinary woman, do not forget that she can breastfeed her baby. A special hormone, prolactin, affects the production of milk. So laid by nature that it suppresses ovulation. It is probably necessary for a woman to be able to feed one baby, and only then give birth to another. So in the period of lactation menstruation may be absent, this is the norm.


So, how many after childbirth will begin monthly? Consider a few situations:

  • after how many months after childbirth
    If the newborn after birth in the first minutesattached to the breast, and he receives only milk on demand and often enough (at least six times a day, including late at night), the first menstruation may occur during the period when the number of feedings will decrease (for example, with the introduction of complementary foods or gradual termination lactation).
  • If the crumb was put on his chest in the very first minutes of his life, but he is on mixed feeding, then the monthly cycle after birth can recover in about two to four months.
  • When feeding on the mode of production of prolactin is violated, so that after 3-5 months, we can expect the first menstruation.
  • If the crumbs were applied to the chest after birth, but the mother stopped feeding him, then the cycle can enter the usual direction after 1-2 months after the termination of lactation.
  • If a child is applied to the breast late, then with infrequent feedings, menstruation can begin in two to four months.
  • After how many after childbirth begin period, if a woman decided not to feed at all? This can happen literally in one and a half to three months.

monthly cycle after childbirth

When to go to the doctor?

If you want to know how much after deliverybegin monthly, you should understand that certain features of the body can also affect the timing, like other factors. For example, some diseases (even banal cold) can provoke a failure. Stress also affects hormones and menstruation.

But if even two months later (and even more so) after the completion of lactation there are no periods, then you should go to the gynecologist.

And a few words about the first menstruation.Allocation can be abundant, the duration of menstruation often increases. This is due to the fact that the uterus has not yet completely freed itself from the remnants of placental tissue, which were supposed to come out with lochia. But abundant bleeding that lasts more than 7-10 days is a reason to go to the gynecologist.

Follow the regularity of the cycle!This is especially important if you do not want to get pregnant in the near future or, conversely, plan a second baby. Although in any case, deviations from the norms (especially significant) should be alarming.