/ / Coprogram: stercobilin in feces

Coprogram: stercobilin in feces

Fecal excrement, like urine, is the finalthe product of human life. They are formed in the large intestine as a result of a variety of biochemical processes. They include water, undigested food particles, metabolic products, bacteria and others.

Do not underestimate the analysis of feces (otherwise -coprogramme). Sometimes this study allows you to identify a person's stomach and bowel disease, liver disease, pancreatitis. But in most cases it is carried out not only to diagnose diseases, but also to control treatment.

Let's look at this topic in more detail and define: sterkobilin in feces is positive - what is it?

stercobilin in feces

Basic concepts

Coprogram, or stool analysis, is one of the mostimportant ways to study the functions of the digestive system with a large set of indicators. It reveals diseases of the stomach, liver, small intestine and colon, gallbladder, pancreas, and also allows you to follow the development and progression of already obvious diseases.

As a result of the coprogram, you can:

- To study the physical and chemical properties of feces. This is the color, consistency, stercobilin in the feces (you should not be afraid of the positive reaction, because it is normal), etc.

- Perform microscopy of the material.

- Identify helminth eggs.

- Detect hidden fecal blood.

- Make a bacteriological study (detection of pathogenic microorganisms, analysis of feces for stercobilin and intestinal microflora).

Four stages of fecal analysis

The coprogram consists of several stages:

1. The study of the physical properties of feces.When it is performed, the appearance of the chair is determined: the color, shape, texture, smell, the presence of pathological microorganisms and impurities, the identification of undigested food particles, parasites.

2. Chemical examination includes the identification of several parameters (blood in the stool (which cannot be detected with the naked eye), bilirubin, stercobilin in feces, and other substances).

stercobilin in feces positive what is it

3. Microscopic examination is used to assess the degree of assimilation of food, the presence of parasites and yeast.

4. Bacteriological analysis, as a rule, is carried out with the purpose of identifying dysbiosis, microflora disorders and pathogenic bacteria.

How to prepare for the delivery of feces for analysis?

To obtain more accurate results 3 days before the passage of the study must adhere to several rules.

First, it is strictly forbidden to do a cleansing enema. Also, do not take medicines (laxatives or antidiarrheal drugs) that affect the intestines.

Secondly, do not introduce candles into the anus or other similar drugs.

Thirdly, it is not necessary to use drugs that change the color of feces.

And most importantly, doctors recommend, before making an analysis of feces (reaction to stercobilin), to follow a certain diet. Two types are suitable for this purpose:

- Pevzner's diet.Its main goal is to load the human body as much as possible. Within one day, you need to eat 400 grams of white bread, 250 grams of roasted meat, 100 grams of butter, 40 grams of sugar, buckwheat or rice porridge, fried potatoes, salad, sour cabbage, compote and apples. Calorie high enough - 3250 kcal. If you choose this diet, then be sure to consider the condition of your digestive system. It will allow to detect even a small degree of indigestion;

stool test for stercobilin positive

- Schmidt's diet.This daily diet includes 1-1.5 liters of milk, 2-3 boiled eggs, white bread and butter, 125 g of minced meat, 200 g of mashed potatoes, 40 g of boiled oatmeal. Daily caloric content - 2250 kcal. Power must be distributed in 5 receptions.

Preparation for the study of stool for hidden blood

Before examining a stool for hidden blood, doctorsWe strongly recommend that patients eat such foods as: green vegetables (cucumber, cabbage, zucchini, green peppers, broccoli, etc.), meat products, fish, eggs.

In addition, you need to refrain from taking drugs that contain iron.

In the case when a person needs to urgently doa coprogram and reveal what the reaction will be to stercobilin in feces, or the patient cannot follow one of the above diets for health reasons, experts recommend not to drink alcohol and coffee a day before the study.

Top Rules for Collecting a Chair

For research it is necessary to take only morning feces.After a bowel movement, the patient collects a small amount of feces with a wooden spoon or spatula and places it in a clean container, then closes it tightly. In order to identify sterkobilin in the feces, enough 10-15 g of stool.

stercobilin in feces positive

There are some recommendations for collecting feces:

1. Before collecting feces, rinse the back area well.

2. Women should not collect feces during menstruation, because there should not be an admixture of menstrual blood in the stool.

3. It is not recommended to collect feces after passing X-ray examination of the esophagus with the help of barium.

4. You can not collect feces after the introduction of candles and other drugs that affect the color of feces.

5. It is not recommended to collect after an enema and the use of laxative pills that affect the work of the digestive system.

After collecting feces, wash hands thoroughly with soap and dry them with a clean towel!

Other important recommendations

To detect fecal helminth eggs, feces must be fresh and stored until they are delivered to the hospital in a warm place.

For bacteriological examination of feces(especially on stercobilin in the feces of a child) the patient needs to get a sterile cotton swab in the laboratory. Enter the tube into the anus will only specialist.

To detect hidden blood in feces is necessary inWithin 3 days before the analysis, exclude from the diet meat and mushrooms, as well as drugs with iodine, bromine and iron. On the fourth day, the patient collects feces and sends to the laboratory.

In case of severe constipation, a special colon massage should be performed. If this does not lead to anything, the doctors do an enema and take only dense stools for examination.

Normal analysis performance. Sterobilin in feces positive - what is it?

The norm is considered a dense texture of feces and a cylindrical shape. Brown color, without caustic and harmful odors. During visual inspection, food particles and harmful parasites should not be detected.

Microscopic examination in the fecesthere must be no blood cells, connective tissue muscle fibers, fats, starch, eggs of harmful parasites, yeast and protozoa (amoebae, Giardia).

Samples for hidden blood, protein, bilirubin usuallymust be negative. If you have a normal stool test, the response to stercobilin is positive, because it is this pigment that gives the feces a brown color.

Indicators when abnormal

Key indicators that are not typical for normal stool:

1. Formless feces.

2. Too hard feces.

3. A strong smell.

4. The presence of visible or hidden particles of blood.

5. Positive reaction to bilirubin.

6. The presence of muscle fibers.

7. Found fat in the stool.

8. A change in color (black or white clay), which indicates that there is no stercobilin in feces.

9. The presence of food particles.

10. The presence of leukocytes (white blood cells).

11. Larvae and eggs of dangerous parasites.

12. Giardia and amoeba.

Analysis of the results of the coprogram in the child

Decoding the stool analysis of children should be carried outpediatrician or pediatric gastroenterologist. In the study it is important to consider the age of the child and the nature of the food. In babies under the age of one year old who do not yet take solid food, a high concentration in the feces of undigested muscle fibers and fats is allowed.

stool test for stercobilin

If a baby is deficient in lactase (an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar - lactose), starch can be found in the feces.

In dysbiosis, stool analysis isadditional research method. The main considered to be microbiological analysis. However, the coprogram shows stercobilin in the feces positive in a child or negative, the intestines are inflamed (mucus and fecal leukocytes are found in the feces), the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, proteins and fats are disturbed (muscle fibers, fats, starch are found in the stool). After the analysis, the doctor may conclude that the child has dysbacteriosis.

If your baby has hepatitis, feces becomegrayish white and resemble clay. This suggests that stercobilin is absent in the baby’s feces (which stains the normal stool brown) and bile does not enter the intestine.

If a child has chronic pancreatitis,the frequency of his bowel movements per day will be increased, the color of the chair will turn gray. The consistency of feces with pancreatitis is pasty, the smell is sour. Muscle fibers, fats, starch and a large number of leukocytes can also be detected - all these are signs of inflammation in the body and the fact that stercobilin is absent in the feces.

The black stool of a child and the presence of hidden blood in it is a consequence of the formation of ulcers in the stomach.

Diseases that provoke changes in the composition of feces in adults

In diseases of the digestive system is veryIt is important to monitor the increase in the amount of feces during the day. This is usually due to pathological processes that lead to indigestion and absorption of food and water in the intestine. The decrease in the number of stools per day is observed in diseases that are characterized by prolonged constipation, such as peptic ulcer. Let us consider in more detail the main changes in the composition of feces, which indicate the appearance of various diseases:

one.Discoloration of feces is observed, as a rule, with cholestasis. This forms gallstones that disrupt the flow of bile into the intestine. Jaundice develops, the chair loses its color, acquiring a white tint. In the case (we are talking about research, when sterkobilin is detected in feces) of a positive reaction, the color of the feces would be brown, and the state of the body would be normal. The appearance of discolored feces with obstructive jaundice is mainly combined with nausea, belching, fever. If the stool becomes black, it means that the patient has a peptic ulcer. This is due to a rupture of the blood vessels at the bottom of the ulcer. Esophageal varicose veins are common in people with cirrhosis of the liver.

sterkobilin in feces baby

2. The appearance in the feces of blood particles. If fresh blood was detected during visual examinations, this indicates the appearance of such diseases as ulcerative colitis, hemorrhoids, anal fissures, dysentery.

3. Changing the smell of the chair.Sharp, sour, unpleasant smell of feces is the result of the appearance of inflammatory processes in the body, a sign of chronic pancreatitis and confirmation that there is no stercobilin in the feces. This disease is characterized by insufficient production of pancreatic juice, which is involved in the process of digesting carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the body. A large number of undigested food debris leads to an increase in putrefactive bacteria, which cause a strong smell of feces.

four.The presence of protein in the stool indicates the occurrence of chronic atrophic gastritis, which does not produce gastric juice in the stomach. With its lack of protein in the small intestine is not split, and leaves the body along with the feces. Other symptoms of chronic atrophic gastritis - heaviness in the stomach after eating, belching with a rotten smell. Chronic pancreatitis also leads to the appearance of protein in the stool. Its symptoms are bloating, unpleasant pain in the epigastric region or around the navel, low body mass index.

5. Hidden blood in the stool.Blood cannot be visible to the naked eye. These microscopic particles can only be detected by passing a special analysis for hidden blood. Occurs with ulcers in the stomach and inflammation of the duodenum. Polyps of the stomach or intestines - a disease that is characterized by the growth of the mucous membrane, the formation of polyps that cover the intestinal wall or stomach. Food, passing through the digestive tract, damages polyps, which leads to the appearance of a small amount of blood that enters the feces. Helminthiasis or the presence of worms in the intestines also become causes of hidden blood in the feces, since harmful parasites damage the intestinal walls.

6. Positive reaction to bilirubin.Bilirubin is a bile pigment, which under the action of colon microflora turns into sterkobilin. Acute gastroenteritis and food poisoning lead to an increase in the rate of passage of food through the digestive tract. Bilirubin bile simply does not have enough time to turn into sterkobilin in the large intestine, and then it is simply excreted in the feces. A positive reaction to stercobilin in the feces (a positive result is the norm) would mean that everything in the body is in order.

7. The presence of mucus in the stool.Slime is a jelly-like substance that serves to better glide food. It is impossible to detect with the naked eye, because it is evenly mixed with feces. The appearance of mucus in the feces indicates inflammation of the colon, as well as the occurrence of infectious diseases: dysentery and salmonellosis.

8. The appearance of muscle fibers in the stool is a consequence of chronic atrophic gastritis and chronic pancreatitis.

9. The presence of fat in the stool is the result of disturbed pancreatic activity, which produces a special substance - lipase, which breaks down fat in the intestine.

10. Detection of fecal starch is characteristic of chronic pancreatitis.

11. The presence of leukocytes in the stool.White blood cells, or white blood cells, are designed to fight infections in the body. If they appear in the feces, this indicates the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the intestine.

stool analysis

12. Fecal parasites.As a rule, in the study of feces parasites should not be detected. This suggests that the eggs, malicious cysts, helminth larvae are absent. If the result is positive, it means that some type of worms was found in feces.

13. The appearance of Giardia in the feces.Giardia are parasites that live in the intestines. Accurate diagnosis of giardiasis is carried out additionally with the help of special blood tests. The appearance of Giardia in the body is accompanied by severe abdominal pain.

So now we know what about workThe digestive system can be judged on the basis of an analysis called coprogram. Doctors strongly recommend holding it every 6 months to track the occurrence of possible diseases in the body.