/ / Tablets "Lopedium": instructions for use, reviews

Tablets "Lopedium": instructions for use, reviews

Lopedium is a depressant drug.peristalsis. It is a gelatin capsule with a hard shell, painted in gray or dark green color (they contain a whitish homogeneous powder) or white tablets.

Pharmacological properties

Таблетки «Лопедиум» (инструкция по применению given in this article) consist of a substance capable of binding to the opiate receptors of the intestine. Thanks to this connection, the release of acetylcholine and prostaglandins is suppressed. In this way, the pulse peristalsis is reduced and the temporary period of passage of food through the digestive tract is significantly increased. Also, the intestinal walls absorb more fluid, come to tone the muscles of the sphincter.


Most of the loperamide that came inthe organism is absorbed in the intestine, however, due to intensive metabolism of the first passage, systemic bioavailability is only a quarter of a percent.

tablets lopeedium instructions for use

Thanks to research, it was found thatthe drug is distributed relative to the intestinal wall, and binds to the receptors of the longitudinal layer of the muscle membrane. Mostly loperamide binds to proteins, especially albumin.

Tablets "Lopedium" (instructions for usecarries them to safe drugs) is almost completely absorbed by the liver, where they are metabolized, conjugated and excreted in the bile. Due to the very intense effect of the first passage of the drug through the liver, the concentration of the drug in the blood decreases significantly, while remaining very low. The drug is completely excreted from the body after eleven - fourteen hours.

Indications for use

"Lopedium" (tablets) instructions for userecommends taking in case of chronic and acute diarrhea. This drug can be taken by people involved in travel ("tourist's diarrhea"). In this case, the treatment should be two days. However, in the case of detection of blood in the faeces, it is not necessary to use the medicine until the reasons for the doctor’s illness are determined.


Do not use the pill in the event that there is a hypersensitivity to loperamide hydrochloride or any other component of the drug.

lopedium tablets instructions for use

The main contraindications for patients:

- bacterial enterocolitis resulting from the activity of certain microorganisms:

- acute dysentery accompanied by bloody diarrhea and fever.

It is necessary to combine the drug with any antibiotics with extreme caution. Be sure to say this to the doctor.

Do not use tablets "Lopedium"(instructions for use cautions patients) with the development of constipation, abdominal distention or intestinal obstruction. Avoid means in case you need to avoid oppression of peristalsis.

How to take "Lopedium" tablets

The drug can be used by adults and children over six years. Capsule (pill) must be swallowed whole, washed down with a small amount of clean water.

Lopedium tablets instructions for use for children 3 years

For chronic and acute diarrhea, dose for adultsshould be 4 mg of the drug (two pieces). For children, one thing will be enough. The drug should be taken after each liquid bowel movement. The maximum daily rate for children and adults is six to eight tablets.

If the symptoms of acute diarrhea do not disappear within forty-eight hours, the drug should be stopped.

Lopedium tablets for children

Elderly patients do not needspecial dosage adjustment capsules. The same applies to people suffering from kidney impairment. "Lopedium" (pills) does not recommend giving the instructions for use to children of 3 years.

Application features

Обычно лечение диареи имеет систематический character. If the patient has the opportunity to determine the etymology of the disease, then in this case it is necessary to carry out specific treatment. It is possible that this drug is prescribed by doctors during the use of antibiotic therapy. In parallel with the administration of Lopedium (tablets), instructions for use for children recommend replacement therapy to replenish electrolytes and fluids. This should be done if there is an imbalance and dehydration of electrolytes.

Lopedium tablets instructions for use during pregnancy

Patients who have acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), with diarrhea should immediately stop taking "Lopediuma" in case of abdominal distention.

"Lopedium" (tablets): instructions for use during pregnancy and lactation

Врачи не рекомендуют принимать препарат pregnant and lactating women. This is due to the fact that a small amount of loperamide can pass into breast milk. That is why women "in position" should definitely consult a doctor before buying the drug.

Interaction with other drugs

Scientists have known cases of interaction withdrugs that have similar pharmacological features. Drugs that have a depressant effect on the central nervous system cannot be combined with Lopedium.

It is worth considering that loperamide is a substrateP-glycoprotein. The simultaneous use of Lopedium, as well as quinidine and ritonavir, can lead to a significant increase in the concentration of the drug in the blood. Dose may increase two to three times. A similar effect is observed when using itraconazole and ketaconazole.

how to take pills lopedium

It was found that drugs that have similarpharmacological properties, can enhance the effect of loperamide several times. But drugs that speed up the process of passing the contents through the gastrointestinal tract, on the contrary, reduce its effectiveness.


Tablets "Lopedium" (instructions for usedescribes the symptoms of overdose) can lead to loss of coordination, headache, drowsiness, stupor and urinary retention. If you find these symptoms, you can take Naloxone. In rare cases, wash the stomach and drink activated charcoal.

Adverse Reactions

Skin rashes may develop, including Stevenson-Johnson syndrome; erythema multiforme; swelling; itching and hives.

The drug can adversely affect the nervous system. Patients may experience drowsiness, impaired coordination, loss of consciousness, hypertension, and tremor.

On the part of the digestive system, patients may notice dry mouth, constipation, nausea, flatulence, vomiting, and intestinal obstruction. In many patients, marked fatigue.

Extreme caution is to use the drug drivers of vehicles and working with mechanisms, as the drug can lead to drowsiness.

Release form, packaging and composition

Each capsule (tablet) contains twomilligram loperamide hydrochloride. In addition to the main medicinal substance, the drug contains auxiliary, namely: talc, magnesium stearate, corn starch and lactose monohydrate.

Pills are sold in plates of ten pieces. In the package can be from one to five blisters.

The tablets are white in color and round in shape, convex on one side.

The drug must be stored in a dark, dry place.reach of children. The temperature should not exceed twenty-five degrees. The shelf life is five years from the date of manufacture. The drug can be purchased at any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. However, do not forget that self-treatment can lead to negative consequences.