/ / Placenta is the main organ for mother and baby!

The placenta is the main organ for mom and baby!

Плацента – это уникальный и крайне важный для the normal course of pregnancy is an organ that allows the transportation of nutrients, vitamins from the mother to the baby. It is from this organ that the viability of the fetus largely depends. Therefore, it is almost impossible to overestimate the placenta.

placenta is
It is safe to say that the placenta isa body that helps maintain normal fetal development throughout the nine months. In appearance, the placenta resembles a circular disk. One side is turned to the fetus, and the other to the mother’s womb. The umbilical cord leaves the fruit side of this peculiar barrier. The size of the mature placenta is normal - from 15 to 25 cm in diameter. The thickness of the body is about 2 cm.

The placenta is located directly in the uterus, asusually in the back wall mucosa. But for various reasons, it can be located in the front and at the bottom, sometimes even blocking the exit for the child. Such an irregular situation (especially when the placenta is low) can have a very negative effect on natural birth. That is why doctors prescribe in such situations a planned caesarean section.

degree of placenta
But if such a diagnosis was made duringinspection in the first semester, you can not worry. The placenta is a rapidly developing organ. It grows and changes throughout the entire period of gestation and, most likely, no one will remember this diagnosis in the third semester. The structure of the placenta lobular. Each such “slice” is called cotiledone. They are separated by septa. The part of the placenta facing the fetus is additionally covered with amnion. The umbilical cord is also formed on this part. This cord-like formation connects the placenta with the fetus. There are three large blood vessels in the umbilical cord, and a specially produced substance completely envelops these vessels, protecting them from mechanical damage.

low placenta
It is also important that the placenta ismultifunctional body. Its main function, of course, is to ensure the full delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the baby. This is what primarily ensures the normal development of the fetus. The placenta is also responsible for the production of certain specific hormones. They are necessary to maintain pregnancy. These are human chorionic gonadotropin and progesterone. Another important feature is protective. The placenta is a kind of barrier, through it is strictly selective penetration of substances. But for a number of reasons, this function is impaired, and the child can still get various harmful substances that can cause harm. That is why it is so important for the future mother to lead a healthy lifestyle. The placenta helps the baby to acquire a natural innate immunity.

Knowing the state of the placenta helpsultrasound procedure. It is planned for every trimester. The survey reveals the extent of the placenta. Only 4 degrees are known (0,1,2,3), each is characteristic for a certain period of pregnancy. If the body matures faster than expected, then they talk about the aging of the placenta.