/ / "Thyreodeide compositum" (Thyreoidea compositum): instructions for use, description of the preparation

"Thyreodeide compositum" (Thyreoidea compositum): instructions for use, description of the preparation

According to statistics, disruption of the thyroidglands are the most common endocrine pathologies. Naturally, in such cases, patients need medical care. And today homeopathic remedies are becoming more popular, in particular, the drug "Thyroid Compositum". So what are the active components of the drug and how does it affect the body? How correctly to take the drug? What do the doctors say?

Composition and form of release

thyroiditis compositum

The drug "Thyreodea Compositum" is available inform of solution for oral administration or injection. One glass ampoule contains 2.2 ml of solution. In the pharmacy you can buy packages of five or ten ampoules. It should be said that this is a homeopathic preparation, which consists of 22 different components, including plant extracts. As a solvent, water for injection is used. In the composition there is also sodium chloride.

Description of pharmacological properties of the drug

Due to the combined composition of the drug"Thyroid Compositum" affects the thyroid gland, regulating its secretory activity. Moreover, the drug promotes the circulation of lymph, accelerates the elimination of toxins, and also has mild anti-inflammatory properties. In addition, the correct use of the drug helps to activate the immune system, increase the body's resistance to external influences.

In what cases is the patient prescribed a drug?

thyroiditis compositum reviews

Of course, the first interesting point isindications for the use of the drug "Thyroid Compositum". Most often it is prescribed to patients suffering from various thyroid dysfunctions, as well as autoimmune thyroiditis. In some cases, the solution is used as the main agent, while in other diseases it is used only as part of a complex therapy.

There are also some other cases in which the drug can be included in the treatment regimen:

  • different forms of scleroderma;
  • myxedema;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • severe obesity;
  • muscular dystrophy;
  • fibroplastic induction of the penis;
  • precancerous conditions;
  • hypernephroma.

Sometimes the drug is prescribed to patients with arthrosis andosteochondrosis - in such cases, homeopathic solution helps regulate the endocrine system, normalize the condition and function of connective tissue elements.

Autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid: what is it?

Atomimum thyroiditis of the thyroid gland what is it?

As you can see, there are many problems,with which this medicine can cope. Nevertheless, the main indication for the therapy is autoimmune thyroiditis of the thyroid gland. What is it and what symptoms are accompanied?

This disease is accompanied by chronicinflammation of the tissues of the thyroid gland. Its causes are not fully understood - for one reason or another, the immune system begins to produce antibodies that attack and damage the cells of the thyroid gland. It is believed that such a violation can be associated with the presence of foci of chronic infection in the body, poor ecology, radiation, iodine excess in the body, psychological trauma.

This chronic disease can develop over the yearswithout any symptoms. Only sometimes patients have an increase in the thyroid gland, there is a feeling of pressure in the throat. Symptoms include occasional pain in the joints, as well as general weakness, fatigue. In the first years, patients may show signs of thyrotoxicosis, but as the disease progresses, the functional tissues of the thyroid gland will atrophy, resulting in the development of hypothyroidism.

The drug "Thyroid Composite": instructions and approximate dosage

thyroid compositum instruction

This solution is used in different ways - it is administered intramuscularly, intracutaneously, subcutaneously, as well as intravenously (by infusion). Oral administration is also possible.

Разовая доза равно объему одной ампулы (2,2 мл).Depending on the patient's condition and the severity of the disease, injections are performed 1-3 times per week. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. If we are talking about oral administration, the contents of the ampoule are recommended to be diluted with 1-2 teaspoons of plain water, and then to drink.

Are there any contraindications to treatment?

thyreoidea compositum

Despite the fact that the medicine is homeopathic and is considered to be fairly safe, there are still some limitations in its use. Contraindications include:

  • allergic sensitivity to any of the components of the solution;
  • hyperthyroidism, accompanied by unbalanced metabolic disorders;
  • autoimmunopathy;
  • chronic granulomatous diseases;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (no studies were conducted on these groups of patients, and therefore there are simply no data on possible complications);
  • children's age (the drug is not used to treat children under twelve years of age).

As the medicine sometimes causes abruptchanges in blood glucose levels, as well as fluctuations in blood pressure, immediately after injection is not recommended to get behind the wheel of a car or work with potentially dangerous mechanisms that require a quick reaction.

Description of possible side effects

Статистические данные, равно как и отзывы Patients say that the drug "Tireoida Compositum" is well tolerated, and adverse reactions occur rarely. People suffering from hypersensitivity to any of the components of the drug, sometimes during therapy develop allergic reactions, which can be expressed in the appearance of skin rash, itching, swelling and urticaria.

Some patients reported a minordecrease in body temperature along with an increase in some lymph nodes. Doctors say that this phenomenon goes away by itself and does not require the abolition of the medication.

There were also isolated cases whereagainst the background of treatment, people complained of nausea, dizziness, dyspeptic phenomena. Extremely rarely, the drug causes an increase in blood pressure, as well as fluctuations in blood sugar levels.

Если вы заметили ухудшения, которые могут быть associated with taking the medication, be sure to report them to your doctor. In most cases, adverse reactions are harmless and disappear after the first 2-3 injections, but some patients need drug withdrawal.

Analogs and Substitutes

thyroid compositum analogues

This is not suitable for some patients.drug, and the reasons for this can be many. Is it possible to replace the drug "Tireoida Compositum"? Analogues of it, of course, exist, but when choosing one should take into account one fact - not all of them are homeopathic.

In some cases, as a substitute for a doctormay appoint Mercazolin. The list of drugs with similar properties may include "Metabolites", "Hyptireonorm", "Eutiroks" and "Endonorm". In any case, do not forget that in no case should you take such drugs yourself - only a doctor who is well acquainted with your medical history can pick up substitutes.

How much is the drug?

For many patients, the important point iscost of one or another medicine. So how much will the drug "Tireoida Compositum"? The price, of course, will vary depending on the pharmacy, the financial policies of the company - the manufacturer and distributor. On average, the cost ranges from 3,700 to 4,000 rubles per pack of ten ampoules of solution. Naturally, the price is far from low, but nonetheless the drug does produce results.

Reviews of patients and specialists about the effect of medication

thyroid compositum Price

After talking with patients, you can sometimes getmuch more useful information about a particular tool. So what about the drug "Tireoida Compositum"? The reviews are almost without exception positive, and not only patients, but also doctors are of good opinion about the medicine.

Препарат действительно дает положительные results that can be seen and checked by blood tests after the first course of treatment. The solution must be injected slowly and the injection is painful, at least testimony from patients testifies to this. Nevertheless, the procedure is often repeated once every few days, and therefore it is quite possible to put up with discomfort.

The only really serious drawbackmedication is its high cost. On the other hand, Thyreoidea Compositum is considered almost the most effective drugs in the fight against autoimmune thyroiditis. Health is worth any money.