/ / How many packs of cigarettes that can make your life shorter?

How many cigarettes in a pack can make your life shorter?

Unfortunately, many cigarettes have longassociated with the ability to relieve stress, relax and even have fun. And of course, any smoker is aware that he does irreparable harm to himself and to those who unwittingly inhale his cigarette smoke, but still the demand for this type of product does not fall, and newcomers who join the ranks of smokers are taken to find out how much a pack of cigarettes. Let's take a closer look at the pack and its contents - maybe this will help to cope with the addiction?

how many in a pack of cigarettes

How many packs of cigarettes in a box

Holding a pack, you can easily make sure thatit contains 20 cigarettes (although there are special packages, where they can be from 10 to 25 pieces). Fans of buying this pleasure in blocks know that it has 10 packs, or, respectively, 200 cigarettes. Standard boxes usually contain 50 blocks of cigarettes, although there are some in which you can find 20, 25, 70 and even more blocks.

By the way, there are rumors among smokers thatpack format corresponds to the box with cartridges. That is, it is possible to answer the question about how many cigarettes in a pack: as much as in a package designed for the destruction of a platoon of nine people (meaning the probability of getting 50% and 2 cartridges “for oneself”). Well, very significant, is not it? Yes, and the diameter of each cigarette is equal to the diameter of the cartridge. Just like that - just some suicide!

how many packs of cigarettes in a box

How much does a pack of cigarettes weigh

To find out the weight of a pack of cigarettespeople going on a trip abroad. In order not to have an advantage in hand luggage, travelers have to take everything into account, and smokers also have the weight of the cigarettes they stocked up on the road. To help them with this, we will immediately answer: a standard pack, as a rule, weighs 22.5 grams. So, a block of cigarettes, in which 10 packs, will pull to 225 g.

Although compliance professionalsmanufactured cigarettes standards, claim that they began to weigh much less than 10 years ago. The reason for this, they explain, is the clearly deteriorated packing density of each unit and the quality of the mixture of which the packing consists.

Smoker dependence not only on nicotine

We have specified both the weight and the number of cigarettes ina pack, but you will surely be interested to know one more detail: how much tobacco is in a pack of cigarettes? We hurry to disappoint you! There is practically no tobacco in cigarettes! Instead, companies use about 400 chemical compounds that permeate paper. There also add waste from tobacco production (boiled veins of tobacco leaves) and the whole mixture, after drying, pressed.

To make it clearer, we give the following figures: the cost of one pack of cigarettes made by the above method is 1 cent. Can you imagine that you actually smoke ?!

And the most shocking thing is that the mixture describedadditionally soaked with cow urine. Yes Yes! Do not faint - it is the urea contained in cigarette smoke that makes smokers want to "raise" again and again. It is she who is guilty of a rapidly developing nicotine addiction, as it boosts the process of nicotine exposure on brain neurons.

how many cigarettes in a pack of kent

Read the inscriptions on the pack

And now, counting how many cigarettes are in a pack,let's consider the truthful information placed on it (meaning the content of tar and nicotine). As it turned out in the study by independent experts, the true amount of harmful substances, as a rule, is 2 times higher than the figures indicated on the package.

The fact is that the so-called "smoke machines"checking the amount of tar and nicotine in a cigarette has remained unchanged for fifty years. But the technology of production of cigarettes during this time has changed a lot. If earlier they were stronger and were produced without a filter, which is why a smoker could do only superficial puffs (no more than 60 seconds later), then modern tobacco products allow you to tighten every 10 seconds. That is, the smoker actually receives 6 times more toxic substances contained in cigarette smoke than it is fixed by the above-mentioned device.

The researchers calculated that if 10 mg of resin is indicated on the pack, in the worst case, a person smokes all 60 mg, and at best 20 mg!

how much tobacco is in a pack of cigarettes

Do you think cigarettes shorten life?

"Well, again about the dangers of health!" - You say.Yes, about him. And not easy! Specific figures will now be given, which we hope will cause the smoker a chill in the shower every time he takes a cigarette out of the package to take the first puff.

So, serious research has proven that eachof smoked cigarettes makes a person's life shorter by 5.5 minutes. And how many cigarettes in a pack of "Kent", for example, remember? So anyone who smokes a whole pack a day reduces their life by 110 minutes or 1 hour and 50 minutes (count by multiplying 5.5 by 20). Dreadful arithmetic! You give money to make your life shorter ... Where is the logic?

how much does a pack of cigarettes weigh

Passive smoking is also dangerous!

To the already listed unpleasant, and sometimes justfrightening facts want to add one more. The smoker kills not only himself, but also those who are nearby. Imagine, considering yourself a loving father or mother, a caring husband or wife, in fact, methodically ruining the health of your family!

Ведь сигаретный дым разделяется на 2 струи.One of them gets into the smoker’s lungs when tightened, and the other, resulting from the glow on the tip of a cigarette, turns into the lungs of those around him. And, as it turned out, the concentration of toxic substances in it is 100 times greater! Imagine?

Knowing how much in a pack of cigarettes, think, and how much your child gets during the day all kinds of nasty things, living next to a smoking parent! Stop! Now you are responsible not only for your health.