/ / "Augmentin", suspension for children: instructions for use

"Augmentin", suspension for children: instructions for use

If a child is sick at home, parents oftenfall into a panic and are ready with all their might to alleviate the sufferings of the crumbs. Not only recommendations of friends and relatives, but also well-known folk methods are used. However, modern medicine warns parents against such methods and advises to immediately contact the experts, so as not to run the disease. If your child is infected with a bacterial infection, then, unfortunately, you can’t do without an antibiotic. Therefore, most often the kids from three to twelve years prescribed suspension "Augmentin." For children, this drug is as safe and effective as possible. However, many parents face problems in preparing the suspension and calculating its dosage. Therefore, today we will give the most detailed and useful information about the suspension "Augmentin": dosage for children, instructions for use, side effects and contraindications of the drug.

Augmentin Suspension for Children

Drug description

Most parents are wary ofprescribed antibiotics by a doctor. However, they should not be neglected, because they are very effective in the fight against infectious and bacterial diseases. It is impossible to cope with them without the use of such drugs, so the consequences for the child can be very deplorable. Suspension for children "Augmentin" is a broad-spectrum antibiotic that successfully copes with a large type of bacteria. Most often, this drug is prescribed for diseases of the respiratory tract. These include bronchitis, pneumonia and similar diseases. Also effective drug in the fight against otitis media, tonsillitis. It is often prescribed to patients in the postoperative period in order to avoid infection of a weakened organism. Often, "Augmentin" is prescribed for cystitis and other diseases of the genitourinary system.

In general, experts characterize the suspension forchildren "Augmentin" as a drug that gives a high result with a minimum of negative effects. Therefore, it is often prescribed to children from an early age, and even to women awaiting the birth of a baby.

Forms of release: we understand names

The subject of our article is a suspension for children."Augmentin", but as such a special form for the child does not exist in the drug. In reality, the drug has several specific forms of release. In the Russian sale you can find "Augmentin", "Augmentin EU" and "Augmentin SR".

The first type is produced in three versions:

  • pills;
  • powder in ampoules for injections;
  • "Augmentin" suspension (the dosage for children is determined based on age and body weight).

If it is the suspension that interests you, then you can purchase Augmentin EC. It is a powder from which the suspension is prepared for oral administration.

"Augmentin CP" manufacturer produces only in the form of tablets. They differ in prolonged action and a high amount of auxiliary components in the composition.

You must understand that all of the abovespecies diversity of the drug is absolutely identical to each other in composition and indications for administration. For example, a suspension "Augmentin" instructions for children and adults will have exactly the same as tablets or powder for injections. But the concentration of the main substance in the composition may be different. Therefore, the doctor rarely reports at discharge the drug its full name. Most often mentioned is its form and concentration. For example, the attending doctor may prescribe a 400 or 125 Augmentin suspension without specifying the type of agent. However, the pharmacist at the pharmacy will know exactly what you need.

Augmentin for children suspension dosage

Composition of the medicinal product

Suspended "Augmentin" 125has a composition identical to other types of drug. On this basis, doctors often prescribe a suspension for adults to treat infectious diseases. This usually happens when the patient cannot swallow the capsules and it is easier for him to be treated with an agent in liquid form. Therefore, the active substances of all varieties of this antibiotic are the same, the difference lies only in concentration.

So, the main components of the drug are the following substances:

  • Amoxicillin.This antibiotic is well known to most doctors, it belongs to the group of penicillins and has a wide spectrum of action. It acts on almost all bacteria that cause the most common infectious diseases of various organs. At the same time, of the huge amount of antibiotics used in medicine, this drug is considered the safest. It is suitable even for pregnant women and babies and is often prescribed for women who are breastfeeding. The disadvantages of amoxicillin include the high adaptability of bacteria to its dosage. They extremely quickly begin to produce special substances that can destroy the antibiotic entering the body. Therefore, amoxicillin separately has a very limited spectrum of action, but in Augmentin it is combined with another substance.
  • Clavulanic acid.This component blocks substances produced by microorganisms against amoxicillin. This fact contributes to the fact that the treatment continues to be effective. Quite often, clavulanic acid makes microorganisms that are not previously sensitive to its action sensitive to the first component of the drug.

It is the combination of the two components described above.makes Augmentin so effective that it is prescribed not only in the initial stages of the disease, but also in neglected situations or when a latent course of illness is detected

Powder for injection, tablets and suspension "Augmentin": dosage

For children and adults specialist selectsa certain concentration of the drug and writes an individual regimen. We will discuss this in detail in one of the following sections of the article. But before that, it is necessary to understand how the dosage of the drug is indicated on its packaging.

Since we found out that the drugconsists of only two components, the dosage is always indicated for both of the substances. Both figures can be seen, for example, in the instructions for use of the Augmentin suspension (for children and adults, the method of diluting the mixture to a ready-to-use product will be identical). The first number printed on the package indicates the concentration of amoxicillin, and the next - clavulanic acid. However, pharmacists and doctors often omit the second indicator, focusing on the first of the numbers. Therefore, we often see in the recipe, for example, Augmentin 400 suspension (for children, this concentration is considered to be quite strong). It is the concentration of amoxicillin that determines the effectiveness of the drug in many situations.

To date, there are several dosages of suspensions "Augmentin":

  • 200 (for children, a dosage equal to that is prescribed quite often);
  • 125;
  • 400.

It should be borne in mind that the medicine looks likethe bottle with the fine whitish powder contained in it, and in the finished form the concentration of the antibiotic in the solution is measured only focusing on the volume of five milliliters of the latter. That is, if you were prescribed Augmentin 125 suspension, the dosage for children and adults will be calculated as follows: in five milliliters of solution - one hundred twenty-five milligrams of amoxicillin. Other dosages are calculated in the same way.

Interestingly, most patients considersuspension "Augmentin" for children. In the instructions for use, by the way, this moment is not reflected. Since this form of the drug is used by patients regardless of the severity of the infection and has no age limit. Therefore, it is not necessary to consider the suspension as a purely children's drug, although this form is most likely assigned to a child under twelve years of age.

Augmentin for children suspension instruction

Indications for use

Наиболее активно используется в медицине antibiotic, described by us, produced in three different types. For example, regardless of the reception schedule and the daily dosage, the Augmentin 400 suspension for children and adults will also be as effective as capsules and shots. And because all these forms of the drug are allocated with identical indications for use:

  • Otitis, sinusitis and rhinitis in the initial stages and with frequent relapses.
  • Chronic bronchitis and other respiratory diseases.
  • Infectious infection of the urogenital system in patients of any gender.
  • Infectious problems with skin and soft tissues (abscess or furuncles, for example).
  • Osteomyelitis.

It should be borne in mind that in the form of a suspensionproduced and "Augmentin EU." This drug is prescribed only when a short course of treatment is necessary. Indications for its use are very limited:

  • Pneumonia (not related to hospital form).
  • Bronchitis in the chronic and acute stages.
  • Sinusitis in acute form caused by bacteria.
  • Preventive measures to prevent infectious diseases after surgery in the dental area.

Injections of the drug have their own list of indications, but in our article we will not give it.

General scheme of application

Suspension "Augmentin 200" (we will talk about the dosage for children a little later) and the means in a different concentration differ in certain rules of administration, which are important for patients of any age to follow.

Before any use the medicine is measured.a special cap with a scale or a syringe with special divisions. It is best to take the solution with the very first piece of food, as this greatly reduces the risk of negative effects. In situations where, due to taste preferences, children refuse to drink the product in its pure form can be diluted with water. The proportion in such situations is built at the rate of one to one.

Учитывайте, что принимать лекарство необходимо at identical time intervals. If you are assigned to receive twice a day, then this is done strictly after twelve hours. The course of drug treatment prescribed by the doctor, but it can not be less than five days. The maximum possible treatment period is limited to two weeks. After the doctor must conduct a series of examinations. If they reveal a slow but positive trend, then a specialist can extend the treatment for another one or two weeks.

In particularly difficult cases, the doctor prescribes a stepped course of treatment. It is a combination of several forms of the drug sequentially.

Be sure to purchase the drug specified in the prescription dosage. You can not take medicine of lower concentration, but in double volume. Such replacements cannot be considered identical.

Augmentin 400 suspension for children

How to understand that you need a suspension?

If your child is under twelve,or its weight is less than forty kilograms, then only the suspension is shown to you. Crumbs up to three months of age tolerate only one concentration of amoxicillin - 125 milligrams. This must be considered when buying an antibiotic.

The instructions for the Augmentin 400 suspension for children indicate the age over twelve years. The same dosage is ideal for adults. Lower concentrations will not be effective.

Suspension preparation: general scheme

Patients who have purchased in the pharmacy powder forpreparation of medicines, must understand that it must be prepared immediately. It is strictly forbidden to divide it into several parts. The suspension should be prepared in one step and only then measured in the amount indicated by the doctor.

Properly prepare the suspension is quite simple, we give the scheme below:

  • add sixty milliliters of water to the vial;
  • shake the vessel to completely dissolve the grains;
  • leave the container on a level surface for about five minutes;
  • see if there is a sediment at the bottom;
  • shake the vessel one more time if necessary;
  • ready suspension should not contain not dissolved grains of powder.

At the final stage, add boiled water.to the label indicated on the bottle. Keep in mind that the finished product should be stored in the refrigerator, but not longer than one week. If you are assigned a longer treatment, you will need to purchase a new package and prepare a fresh medicine. Use of the drug over seven days is strictly prohibited.

Augmentin for children suspension 125

Instructions for suspension for children "Augmentin 200"

В текущем разделе мы рассмотрим правила use of the drug is not only the specified dosage, but any other. In addition, we will show you how to calculate the concentration of the main components for small patients of different ages.

So it is important for parents to remember that before eachApply the medicine bottle to shake. The dosage is selected by the doctor individually. It comes from the disease itself, the severity of its course, as well as the age and weight of the child.

Be sure to keep in mind that smallA patient under two years old should prescribe a medicine with a “125” mark. Older kids are free to take a higher concentration product. But we should make a reservation that it is necessary to clarify all such nuances only at the attending physician.

For babies up to three months, the dosage is calculated as follows:

  • for a crumb at this age, a ratio of thirty milligrams of antibiotic per kilogram of its own weight is safe;
  • the resulting volume must be converted to milliliters;
  • this dose should be divided into two doses at regular time intervals.

For a small patient from three months toAt twelve, the calculation will be a little different. But in each situation, the age and weight of the baby is taken into account. For example, if you are assigned "Augmentin 125", then all calculations will be guided by twenty to forty milligrams per kilogram of weight. For Augmentin 200 and Augmentin 400, twenty-five to forty-five milligrams per kilogram is taken.

And it is extremely important to consider that the lower thresholdsuitable for determining the concentration of tonsillitis or infectious infections of the skin. The highest possible dosage can be taken in situations when it comes to all other infections that can be treated with this drug.

Не стоит забывать и о том, что "Аугментин 125" usually taken three times a day after eight hours. Other dosages should be calculated for two times in twelve hours. This factor must be taken into account when making dosage calculations for a child.

There is also a general approximate scheme. We give it below.

Augmentin instruction for children suspension 200

A number of contraindications

Although the Augmentin is prettycommon and popular among doctors, it still has its contraindications. First of all, the drug should not be used for people with an allergic reaction to its components, as well as patients suffering from jaundice and other liver problems.

Суспензия противопоказана детям с некоторыми disorders of the brain and very carefully should be appointed crumbs up to three months. The whole course of treatment they need to be under the close supervision of a physician.


In general, the drug is considered the maximumsafe, but as a result of clinical studies, pharmacists have identified all possible side effects. It is worth noting that they appear extremely rarely, but we cannot not talk about them.

Candida is one of the side effects.mucous membranes. In the course of treatment, fluctuations in the level of leukocytes, platelets and eosinophils are possible. It is also quite possible the development of anemia and a decrease in blood clotting.

Nervous system may respond to antibioticvarious problems. These include anxiety, insomnia, seizures and hyperactivity. These symptoms may be accompanied by dizziness, headaches and migraines.

There are situations when taking the drug causes diarrhea, indigestion, digestive problems, exacerbation of colitis and gastritis, stomach pain and even darkening of the teeth enamel.

On the skin of some patients were observed rash in the form of urticaria, accompanied by itching and rash. In certain cases, dermatitis of different nature and localization was noted.

Augmentin Suspension Dosage for Children Instruction

In conclusion, I would like to add that "Augmentin" -it is a quality drug that is very effective in the fight against infectious diseases. In the case of treating children, it is the safest option for health, which will help to quickly cope even with the most severe form of the disease.