/ / Crepitation is what?

Crepitation is what?

In medicine, there are many different terms,which are clear only to doctors. If they are heard by a person who has nothing to do with the medical case, he does not understand what is at stake. One of the most common concepts is "crepitation." This word can be heard from many doctors during the test. What is crepitation? This will be discussed in this article.

Crepitation: description and types of symptom

crepitation is

The term in the medical field denotes a crisp, characteristic sound that is detected by palpation (probing) or auscultation (listening).

There are several types of crepitations:

  • Bony.A crunchy sound appears due to the friction between the bone fragments that are touching each other. This type is revealed by listening and probing, and also as a specific symptom for bone fracture. Can serve to diagnose fractures at the time of the first examination of the victim.
  • Subcutaneous crepitation.This is a symptom that occurs when you listen or palpate in those moments when there is pressure on the head of the membrane with the areas of the body that have accumulations of gas bubbles in the subcutaneous tissue. Symptom is typical for subcutaneous emphysema or anaerobic infection.
  • Alveolar crepitation.This is a symptom determined by listening to the lungs. It resembles the sound produced by rubbing the hair, which is sandwiched between the fingers. This specific symptom occurs with acute pneumonia. They are accompanied by stages of appearance and resorption of exudate in the alveoli. Alveolar crepitation is heard as a series of clicks in the higher phase of inspiration.

You can also highlight a kind of tendon crepitus that occurs when probing the swelling in the tendon site, which is struck by tendovaginitis.

During movement in joints also canthere is a crunching sound. Articular crepitation is a characteristic symptom of osteoarthritis. Yet this disease is called osteoarthrosis. With it, the cartilaginous tissue of the surfaces of the joints is affected, and the treatment takes a very long time.

Crepitation: the causes of the onset of a symptom

what is crepitation

The main reason is the friction of tissues in the body, which goes beyond the norm.

Alveolar crepitation occurs due to"Splitting" at the moments of inhalation of the alveolar walls, which were stuck together during exhalation due to the presence of transudate, exudate or blood in the alveoli. This type of crepitus is heard in the following cases:

  • At the 1st and 3rd stages of croupous pneumonia.
  • In the case of a lung infarction.
  • With congestion in the lungs.

Also, the symptom can be heard in the lungs with alveolar lesions, which are caused by systemic diseases.

The subcutaneous type of crepitation is found when:

  • With subcutaneous emphysema.
  • Presence of anaerobic pathogens.

It is also possible to detect this type when gas is injected into various parts of the body for the purpose of diagnosis or treatment.

Crepitation, which occurs in the joints, is observed:

  • With rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Osteoarthritis.
  • Knee dysfunction.

Symptoms of crepitus

crepitation of the cause of the onset of a symptom

Если присутствует хруст, вполне возможно, что это a symptom of a disease that can endanger human life. It is very difficult to independently identify crepitation. Other symptoms that accompany it, depend on the causes and location of localization.

Crepitation in the lungs can be accompanied by cyanosis of the skin and lips, rapid breathing, shortness of breath and coughing, nausea or vomiting, a feeling of pressure or chest pain.

The following symptoms are also possible, depending on the disease:

  • A liquid stool.
  • Sweating.
  • Hemoplegia.
  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Loss of consciousness.

The main symptom of subcutaneous creping is the presence of swelling of the subcutaneous tissue.

The crepitation of bone fragments can be accompanied by impaired functions, pain in the injured area, swelling and bruising, which may appear later.

Articular crepitation is accompanied by pain in unhealthy joints, which is aggravated by stress, swelling, poor mobility. It is also possible local fever and redness of the skin.


crepitation description and types of symptom

The most common symptom in the lungs is listening. The sound can resemble wheezing and crunching, which change their caliber in times of coughing.

Also, crepitation can manifest itself as a noise that occurs when rubbing the pleura, which is inflamed. Noise can have a long duration and can be heard with both inspiration and exhalation.

The bone symptom is revealed by feeling the place of the fracture, and the sound is often heard even from a distance.

Subcutaneous crepitation is also diagnosed by palpation.

The joint is determined by feeling the patient's joint. At the same time complaints of the patient are taken into account. The cause is established by X-ray examination.

Treatment of crepitus

Since this is a symptom, not a disease, treatmentit is impossible. And eliminate crepitations will be obtained only in the case of treatment of the pathology that caused it. Depending on the underlying disease, only the doctor can prescribe the right treatment, as a result of which the symptom will disappear.