Preparation "Fezam" improves cerebral blood supplyand provides brain cells with oxygen, as well as nutrients. This nootropic agent, which combines pyracetam and cinnarizine. To learn more about the preparation "Fezam", the instruction manual is the best option. The components of this drug have a complex effect on the hematopoietic system. Thus, the walls of the vessels of the brain relax, the outflow increases, as well as the flow of blood. This is a combination drug, which is quite pronounced antihypoxic and vasodilating action.
When asked what effect the compoundpreparation "Fezam", the instruction on application gives such an answer: cinnarizine shows sedative abilities, it acts soothing on the central nervous system, so the vessels come into tone, the blood flow is normalized. Thanks to pyracetam, glucose is well absorbed, metabolic processes are improving. Thus, using this tool in the treatment of a patient, it is possible to protect the cells of his brain from toxic effects.
This medicine is available in the form of capsules. To determine the dosage and eliminate contraindications, be sure to consult a doctor who will make the scheme of taking the drug.
If to speak about indications for capsules "Fezam",the instructions for use highlight the elimination of pathologies of cerebral vessels, as well as the vestibular apparatus. With the help of this medication you can cure a heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis, and also reduce problems with speech. Memory impairment is also amenable to treatment with this drug. If a patient has craniocerebral trauma, he is prescribed Fezam. In addition, during the rehabilitation period, it is simply necessary.
From contraindications to the use of the remedy"Fezam" instruction for use identifies pregnancy and lactation, as well as individual intolerance of individual components of this drug. In this list, you can add liver and kidney disease. It is not allowed to take this medicine for children under the age of five.
No matter how effective Fezam is, the remedy ishas a side effect. For example, there may be digestive disorders, a person can vomit, he has heartburn or belching. To this list, you can add bloating. Some complain about the appearance of headaches, allergic skin rashes, insomnia.
It is very important to take the drug "Fezam" correctly.Otherwise, an overdose is possible. It often manifests itself in irritability. In this case, you need to do everything to remove the medicine as quickly as possible from the body.
Looking in the instruction, it is possible to learn thatthis drug, getting into the digestive tract, is quickly absorbed. Already after a lapse of two hours after admission, the greatest concentration of Fezam occurs in the body. Adults are usually prescribed two capsules three times a day, the course of treatment is three months. As for children older than five years, the dosage is the same here, but capsules are taken twice a day, and the course of treatment is a maximum of three months. In a year it is useful to pass from two to three courses of therapy with the help of Fezam, but everything is decided by the doctor. Therefore, before using this medication, always consult a specialist.
It is very important that with kidney failureThe therapeutic dosage of the drug decreases or the interval between its administration increases. If the patient has a dysfunction of the liver, then hepatic enzymes should be monitored. When taking this medication, you should never drink alcohol. If you have increased intraocular pressure, then this drug is administered individually. In the event that the patient takes antipsychotic medications, Fezam improves their tolerability. The same applies to tricyclic antidepressants.