/ / What if my toes are itching? Causes of itching

What if the toes are itchy? Causes of itching

Attentive attitude to your bodyallows us to hear the alarming signals that it gives us in time and prevent various serious consequences from developing. Unfortunately, many are waiting for serious symptoms and serious conditions before they go to the survey. Often such an innocuous phenomenon, when the toes on the legs itch and ache a bit, will not make you run to the doctor and look for the cause. And in vain!

toes itch

What does itching toes say?

One should distinguish the appearance of unpleasant symptomson the fingers depending on their intensity and duration. After observing for several days, we can talk about one reason or another for the appearance of itching.

If your thumb is itchy or upperpart of the remaining fingers once, after removing the tight shoes, then, most likely, the reason for the latter. Too narrow or tight shoes lead to impaired blood circulation in the limbs. After the legs are released from the "vice", it may feel like itching and tingling.

Кроме этого, если чешутся большие пальцы ног, especially in the area of ​​their base and bone, we can assume a change in the bone structure of the foot, characteristic of flatfoot. This phenomenon develops gradually, but the consequences are almost irreversible. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the first alarming symptoms.

Постоянный, сильный зуд, ощущение жжения и irritations in the toes and between them indicate a skin or fungal disease. In this case, consultation of a specialist and urgent treatment is necessary.

Likely causes of itching

When toes are scratched, then any shoes andmovement will bring discomfort. To properly assess the situation, you need to know the most frequent causes leading to unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the feet and toes:

  • Circulatory disorders. It may occur due to temperature changes, hypothermia or overheating, as well as wearing the wrong shoes.
  • Deformation in the foot. The development of flatfoot or valgus deformity leads to squeezing of nerve endings in the toes. The result is itching as well as soreness.
  • Allergic reaction. Itching in the toes can be the result of both general intoxication of the body from the allergen, and the result of a local reaction, such as synthetic socks.
  • Chronic skin disease. The feet and toes are most often prone to manifestations of eczema, psoriasis and neurodermatitis. The manifestation of these diseases along with other signs is itching.
  • Fungal lesions, or mycoses. One of the main distinguishing symptoms of fungal diseases is that the skin turns red, flakes and itches between the toes.

itchy big toe

Mycoses are the leaders among the skin problems on the feet, so they should be given special attention.

Symptoms and diagnosis of fungal diseases

Most often the toes are suffering for a long time.from fungus. The disease begins with an unpleasant feeling of discomfort and itching between the fourth and fifth toes. The fungus can affect only one leg, but more often the disease concerns two feet simultaneously.

The skin between the fingers flakes, reddens and disappears. Accompanying the disease is severe itching, which can be intensified and complemented by a burning sensation.

Если не принимать никакие меры, то грибок будет grow and affect the rest of the toes. In this case, any shoes will bring discomfort, the affected areas - it is unpleasant to give at each step, and the legs will get a persistent unpleasant smell.

itchy big toes

Confirm the diagnosis of "mycosis" can dermatologist.Based on a visual inspection and laboratory diagnosis of scraping from diseased skin, a specialist will not only determine the type of fungus, but also its sensitivity to the preparations.

If your toes are itching all the time, the feeling of discomfort does not leave, you should not neglect the visit to the doctor. Fungus is a disease that requires long-term and systemic treatment.

Pain Therapy

Схема лечения кожи стоп напрямую зависит от reasons causing painful and itchy sensations. If itching is triggered by irritation from shoes, synthetic socks, hypothermia, or mild skin trauma, then the best way is to eliminate the cause and foot bath with water at room temperature.

При системных заболеваниях, таких как аллергия or chronic dermatitis, treatment can only select a dermatologist. It consists in cleansing the body and keeping to a diet; external means are only an auxiliary phenomenon.

Fungal diseases, many treat themselves.On the basis of advertising or advice from friends, they buy ointments and relentlessly, and often smear them to no avail. The treatment of the fungus must be prescribed by a specialist, since each type of fungus is susceptible only to certain antifungal drugs.

In advanced cases, you may need to receiveantifungal medication inside for a complex effect. During treatment it is necessary to observe the strictest hygiene: wear clothing only from natural fabrics, wash it at high temperatures and always iron it on both sides, change socks several times a day after each treatment.

toes itch

The treatment of the fungus is long, sometimes tedious for the patient. But only by following all the recommendations of a dermatologist without question, can you overcome this unpleasant disease.

Preventive measures

When toes itch and hurt all the time,This means that you already need medical care. But as with any disease, the appearance of discomfort on the feet is much easier to prevent than to cure. To do this, follow simple rules:

  • not to wear or measure other people's shoes without a sock;
  • do not walk barefoot in public places (swimming pool, shower, hotel room);
  • before going for a new shoe take care of taking clean socks with you;
  • if necessary, change socks to clean, but at least once a day;
  • pick shoes from natural materials clearly in size, do not allow it to crush or sting;
  • Wear socks only from natural fabrics.

itching between your toes

The fungus can be hidden on the skin.condition for a long time and wake up with a decrease in immunity. Therefore, it is important to monitor your health in general: eat right, do physical exercises, maintain an active lifestyle and monitor hygiene. And then the problem of itching toes, will bypass you.