/ / Tablets "Solpadein" from what is prescribed? Instructions for use, composition, reviews

Tablets "Solpadein" from what appoint? Instructions for use, composition, reviews

Advertising recently began to promote frequently.to the masses all new and new medicines. These include "Solpadein". From what this drug, what are the indications and contraindications to its use, we will tell in the article.

Solpadein from what

About the drug

The remedy has appeared in our pharmacies relativelyrecently. It comes in three forms: tablets, capsules and effervescent soluble tablets. Produced by the famous pharmaceutical company of Spain, SmithKline Beecham.

This medication is an anesthetic.means (analgesics). The difference between the means is the following: “Solpadein” effervescent works very quickly, than it stands out among other means of a similar orientation.

Радует широкий спектр действия препарата.In his "jurisdiction" - the fight against headache, dental, postoperative and post-traumatic, menstrual pain. He has relatively few side effects and contraindications. The biggest disadvantage is perhaps that the price of funds.


The effectiveness of the drug due to its composition.However, Solpadein, which is quite simple and convenient, does not contain any rare or unusual components. Before us is a complex preparation consisting of several components. The main active ingredient is paracetamol, known to us from childhood - an analgesic and antipyretic agent. It has a slight anti-inflammatory effect.

The second component of the drug "Solpadein" (from whathe, we will describe in more detail below) acts caffeine. This substance is known for its stimulating effect on the nervous system. The positive effects include the effect on the production of adrenaline and dopamine (substances that can reduce pain), a favorable, mobilizing effect on the muscles.

"Solpadein" also contains a small amount of codeine phosphate - an analgesic drug with a strong analgesic effect.

All components in the aggregate act on the central nervous system, eliminate spasm, minimize pain and discomfort after injuries and operations.

solpadein effervescent instruction

Tablets "Solpadein". Instruction

The drug should be taken only as prescribed or after consulting a doctor.

The maximum daily dose for an adult is eight capsules. Application for more than three days must necessarily be negotiated with a specialist.

The drug, depending on the form of release is taken in capsules or dissolved in warm water, juice. With intense pain, it is recommended to drink one or two capsules every four hours.

Solpadein effervescent

"Solpadein" from what helps?

We turn to the main issue. From what, in what cases it is recommended to use Solpadein for getting rid of pain?

The drug is recommended for:

  • Headaches of various etiologies (including migraine).
  • Neuralgia, lumbago and sciatica.
  • Pain in the back of any origin.
  • Toothache (in inflammatory processes, during treatment, after tooth extraction and other manipulations in the oral cavity).
  • Severe pain in the joints and muscles (with arthritis and arthrosis, injuries, inflammation and in the postoperative period).
  • Periodic pain in women.

The tool is effective and fast.But do not forget that his goal of application is not treatment, but relief from pain. If they are so intense that a person needs a painkiller, consult a doctor. "Solpadein" (effervescent tablets, capsules or ordinary tablets - choose a form together with a specialist) will relieve you of discomfort, but not from the disease itself.

tablets solpadein instruction

Indications for use

Most cases where the drug will help, welisted above. Sometimes the tool is mistakenly used for fever and temperature. This is not entirely advisable, since in this case, the usual “Paracetamol”, which most likely is in each first-aid kit, would have done fine. "Solpadein" from which helps was considered.

Contraindications. Who can not "Solpadein"

The tool, like any other, has a number of contraindications. Among them are the following:

  • You are not shown Solpadein if you have a history of an allergic reaction to opiate analgesics.
  • If previously there was a head injury and / or increased intracranial pressure.
  • When severe violations of the kidneys and liver.
  • Thrombosis and thrombophlebitis.
  • Bronchial asthma or a tendency to bronchospasmodic conditions.
  • Ailments of the cardiovascular system, including heart failure and coronary heart disease.
  • Diabetes mellitus and hyperthyroidism.
  • Sleep disturbances, depression or nervous tension.
  • Epilepsy or susceptibility to this disease.

The drug is also contraindicated in pregnancy and lactation, and elderly patients.

It is unsafe to use "Solpadein" (tabletseffervescent, the use of which, like capsules, can be harmful to health, should not be taken without the recommendation of a doctor) with a single use of alcohol or alcoholism. Any amount of alcohol consumed is equally dangerous.

Solpadein Effervescent Tablets

Special instructions. What you need to pay attention

As we remember from the instructions above,in the composition of "Solpadine" there is caffeine in a high dose. This means that the drug will be contraindicated in fierce “coffee lovers” who cannot imagine their life without a few cups of strong coffee a day. As you understand, the amount of caffeine in the human body, consuming a lot of this invigorating drink, is already quite high. Intake of “Solpadein” in this case can cause a serious overdose of caffeine, the mildest consequences of which will be insomnia, heart palpitations, a feeling of gratuitous anxiety and depression.

Another note: do not forget that a significant amount of caffeine is contained not only in coffee, but also in tea, including green varieties of this drink.

Unacceptable when taking "Solpadein" useanyone, even weak alcohol. It is also worth remembering that the drug contains a high dose of paracetamol, so it is not recommended to combine these drugs.

solpadein application

Side effects

As with the use of any drugs, the use of the drug may be a manifestation of side effects.

On the part of the cardiovascular systemtachycardia and arrhythmia; the gastrointestinal tract may respond to the intake of “Solpadine” with nausea and retching, discomfort in the epigastric region, with prolonged use - constipation.

There is a possibility of allergic reactions fromskin, such as itching, rash, urticaria, etc. In very rare cases, angioedema is fixed. It is also worth considering that with long-term use of the drug its toxic effect on the liver is enhanced. Consequences can be an increase in liver enzymes, severe vomiting, and sensations of pain and heaviness in the right side. Treatment in these cases involves stopping the medication and eliminating the symptoms.

При употреблении барбитуратов (седативные drugs, the most famous of which - “Valocordin”, “Nitrazepam) and“ Rifampicin ”effect on the liver increases significantly. It is worth being very careful when combining these medicines with the one we are considering.

"Solpadein" and cough

Another feature of the drug is thathe can save you from a strong cough. Codeine has a strong influence on cough centers and is able to stop and stop severe bouts of residual cough after bronchitis or ARVI. However, it is worth remembering that the drug in any case is not a panacea for treating cough! It only removes unpleasant symptoms in case of acute need (for example, during a scheduled lecture or meeting). Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor, based on history and received tests.


Наиболее популярная форма препарата "Солпадеин" - effervescent tablets (instructions for the drug are presented above). They are the first aid for pain syndromes of various etiologies. The tool is easy to use and works pretty quickly.

The reviews on the drug are positive, many people taking it underscore its quick action and escape from pain for a long time.

Negative feedback is related to exposure.drug on the liver. There are also comments from patients that with long-term use the medication becomes less effective. But It is worth noting that Solpadein effervescent (the instruction above) is not intended for long-term use. Its functions are one-time relief of painful symptoms in emergency cases. Moreover, long-term use is contraindicated due to its negative impact on the liver and addiction to the drug.

Solpadein effervescent tablets instruction


The drug "Solpadein" is a comprehensive tool designed to relieve pain in a variety of cases.

Users especially note that the facilityworks quickly, is convenient to use and is presented in several forms - tablets, capsules and effervescent soluble tablets (the latter are considered the most fast-acting).

Another little-known advantage of the drug is its ability to stop a strong cough.

Experts especially warn that “Solpadine” is not intended for long-term use either, since it causes the body to become addicted and increases the risk of side effects.

In case of pain in any caseIt is recommended to start by contacting your doctor so that he can determine the cause of the problem and prescribe adequate treatment. Unauthorized use of certain medicines may adversely affect your health. Do not be ill!