/ / Dostinex and pregnancy. Features of the drug

"Dostinex" and pregnancy. Features of the drug

In medicine, there are a large numberdrugs with hypoprolactinemic effect. In this article we will look at one of them called Dostinex. All information contained in the publication is strictly for informational purposes only. It should be noted that before taking the drug must be mandatory consultation of the attending physician. In the context of this publication, we propose to consider such an issue as the use of Dostinex and pregnancy.

Properties and features of the drug?

Dostinex is a synthetic agent forsuppressing or preventing lactation; and treating amenorrhea, galactorrhea, and anovulation. Before taking the medicine, they pass tests, undergo a full diagnosis and consult a doctor.

Available in the form of tablets, packaged in dark glass jars, each of which is packed in a cardboard box.

How to use Dostinex

The drug is recommended to takeeating time. The required dose should be prescribed by your doctor. In this article, we indicate only an approximate dosage. This information should be used only for general information purposes. To prevent postpartum lactation, take 1 mg on the first day after birth. In order to interrupt the already established production of breast milk glands, the drug is taken 2 days at 0.25 mg after 12 hours. Dose means in the treatment of hyperprolactinemia depends on the content of prolactin in the blood (measurement is carried out 1 time per week). Begin taking the medication with 0.25 mg per week and gradually, increasing to 4.5 mg in 7 days, depending on the effectiveness of the therapy, which will be determined by a qualified specialist. Combining the drug "Dostinex" and pregnancy is possible only with the appointment of minimal doses.

Indications for admission

The tool is recommended to take women withhyperprolactinemia, manifested by infertility, galactorrhea, as well as oligomenorrhea, amenorrhea, anovulatory menstrual cycles. Men with hyperprolactinemia, manifested by decreased libido or impotence.

For the treatment of prolactin-secreting adenomahypophysis, idiopathic hyperprolactinemia, empty Turkish saddle syndrome. In addition, Dostinex is used to suppress physiological lactation after delivery, if necessary indications (stillbirth, abortion, contraindications to breastfeeding) are available.

Taking the drug "Dostinex" and pregnancy can be combined only if it is extremely necessary and only by prescription.

Contra-indications for taking medication

Dostinex is not recommended if takenliver failure, late gestosis, high sensitivity to any components of the drug, postpartum psychosis, pulmonary, pericardial, retropericardial fibrotic diseases.

Combine Dostinex and pregnancycontraindicated. The exceptions are cases when the benefit to the mother will exceed the harm to the child. The doctor prescribes this drug with extreme caution and in the required dosage.

Side effects of the drug "Dostinex"

When taking can occur such reactions as:

- headache;

- Insomnia;

- dizziness;

- weakness;

- paresthesia;

- depression;

- vomiting or nausea;

- abdominal pain;

- dyspepsia or constipation;

- gastritis, rush of blood to the face.

During treatment may occurpremature ovulation. Research confirms that ovulation and Dostinex are interrelated. To be more precise, the drug can provoke changes in rhythms.

In order to avoid the occurrence of adverseaction, you must take the medicine only under the supervision of a physician and in prescribed doses. If any negative reactions occur, you should immediately reduce the dosage or stop taking the drug.

Those who become pregnant with Dostinex are recommended to immediately stop therapy.