/ / Inguinal hernia in a child

Inguinal hernia in a child

Hernias are called the displacement of internal organs(uterus, intestine, bladder, omentum, etc.) into nearby cavities or under the skin through the natural (umbilical ring, inguinal canal) or artificial (abdominal rupture) holes together with the peritoneum that covers the above organs.

inguinal hernia
Inguinal hernia in a child - displacement of internalorgans (omentum, bladder, intestinal loops) through the inguinal canal into the scrotum. Herniated gates - enlarged abdominal inguinal ring. The abdominal wall in the groin has two channels of the same name (left and right). In the prenatal period, the parietal leaf of the peritoneum extends into the inguinal canal, which lining the inguinal canal and forms a vaginal canal. Lowering below, the parietal leaf of the peritoneum lays the cavity of the scrotum (common vaginal membrane). Through the vaginal canal in the process of development of the body, the testes descend into the sperm sac (scrotum).

The vaginal canal is a funnel-shaped gap that forms between the inner and oblique abdominal muscles.

umbilical hernia after birth
The channel starts with an inner hole thatcalled the abdominal (internal) inguinal ring, and ends with an external opening - the outer (subcutaneous) inguinal ring. The abdominal inguinal ring is an elongated opening that forms between the posterior part of the aponeurosis of the inner oblique muscle of the peritoneum and the puarth (ligament) ligament.

As a rule, a child's inguinal hernia iscongenital. This pathology occurs due to a violation of the obliteration of the vaginal process of the peritoneum. The latter in turn participates in the migration of the testis from the peritoneal cavity to the testis sac in boys or in the failure of the walls of the inguinal canal in girls.

umbilical hernia in infants
If the vaginal process does not disappear,inguinal hernia or dropsy. As a rule, most often one-sided inguinal hernia in a child is recorded, and to the right three times more often. In boys, this pathology is observed more often, which is associated with the lowering of the testis. Acquired inguinal hernia in a child is recorded very rarely. Usually, such hernias are observed in boys over the age of ten with severe weakness of the anterior abdominal wall or under increased stress. Hernial contents in a child are usually represented by loops of the intestine, in the older age - by the epiploon and loops of the intestine. Quite often in the hernial sac, the girls fall into the ovaries.

Inguinal hernia: treatment

treatment of umbilical hernia

Основное лечение паховой грыжи – хирургическое intervention. Innovative methods of anesthesia allow to carry out operations at any age. The main goal of surgical treatment is the ligation of the hernial sac.

Umbilical hernia after childbirth is a frequent phenomenon.The mechanism of the disease is associated with a deficiency of collagen in the connective tissue. In infants, the umbilical ring is very wide, which facilitates the exit of the intestinal loops into the hernial sac. Since by the age of one year the umbilical ring in a child is closed, so the umbilical hernia in infants is rarely recorded. If the umbilical ring does not close, then this problem is solved by surgical methods.