/ / Is psoriasis contagious?

Psoriasis is contagious?

Despite the high level of development of modernthere are a number of diseases that are only partially explained from the scientific point of view. Psoriasis refers specifically to this category of diseases. Scientists for many years are trying to find out the causes of the "devil rose" (the so-called psoriasis in antiquity) and find a medicine that can once and for all rid the person of psoriatic plaques.

Unwanted gift named "Psoriasis"

While scientists are engaged in research, patientspsoriasis after desperate attempts to recover from this misfortune get used to the disease and look forward to a period of calm (remission). Despite the fact that there is no serious harm to the health of psoriasis, these "lucky beggars" have a hard time. It is quite difficult to reconcile with a life-long neighbor, a disease, but in addition to their own experiences and fears, one has to fight also with fears of others who believe that psoriasis is contagious.

Faced with unfriendly people,who, unknowingly, fear of infection, psoriasis patients are gradually removed from the society, at a subconscious level limiting themselves from regular grievances. It is clear that people do not seek to offend someone who has been a victim of psoriasis, but only a few disapproving glances behind which the unpronounceable "Do not Come, psoriasis is contagious" is hidden, can drive you into the deepest depression. And then the patients begin to hesitate about their illness, to be ashamed of it and to limit the circle of friends and acquaintances.

"Psoriasis is contagious" - is it true or false?

The instinct of self-preservation, in this case, an attemptprotect themselves from possible danger when dealing with people with psoriasis, generate doubt, excessive caution and various speculations. One of them is the assumption that psoriasis is contagious. In fact, this disease can not be transmitted from a sick person to a healthy person, neither in contact, nor with kisses, nor with household contacts, nor with sexual contacts-in a word, psoriasis is not contagious. The origin of the disease is not associated with pathogens, but with the leukocytes of the patient himself, for this reason a person with psoriasis is not dangerous to others.

A dangerous legacy: psoriasis. How is the disease transmitted?

Studies of a family history of victims of psoriasisallowed to make an assumption about the genetic predisposition to this disease. Practically every patient has a relative suffering from the same problem. In this case, it is not necessary that the disease is pursued by each generation, it can manifest itself both in the son and in the great grandson of a patient with psoriasis. Thus, if someone from your family has had psoriasis, you are at risk.

Unpublished territory: psoriasis. Causes of the disease.

Psoriasis is one of the most mysterious diseases,which have so far not succumbed to the "deciphering" of scientists. Doctors still can not call an undeniable reason, because of which the disease appears in humans. They only name factors that can trigger the appearance (and later relapse) of psoriasis.

First, these genes, although still notestablished specific genes responsible for the appearance of the disease. Genetic predisposition at the moment is the background on the basis of which psoriasis develops under the influence of various factors (see below).

Secondly, immunological abilities, andspecifically inflammatory processes in the epidermis. The patient with psoriasis skin is renewed six times faster than healthy, and the components of the epidermis-keratinocytes are to blame for this.

Thirdly, stress and strong emotional turmoil.

Fourth, mechanical damage to the skin.

Fifth, the use of certain medications (quinolines, lithium, beta-adrenoblockers) or a sharp abolition of glucocarcitoids.

This is only part of the reasons that canprovoke the appearance of psoriasis. In children, the appearance of the disease can also be associated with streptococcal infection. In addition, provoking causes are considered bad habits and their consequences (alcohol, smoking, excess weight, etc.). American doctor Pegano on the basis of his research came to the conclusion that the cause of psoriasis is intoxication of the body. According to his works, psoriasis is a manifestation of auxiliary work to cleanse the body of toxins, for which the skin is taken, when the self-cleaning system does not cope with its duties.