Test strips for determining ovulationthey allow at home and with a high degree of accuracy to determine the days when a woman’s body is most ready for conception. Relatively recently, tests for ovulation have appeared, there is little feedback about them, since not all women who are planning a pregnancy know about such a diagnostic device. Next, we consider the principle of operation of such tests, their types and diagnostic features. Also, instructions will be given to tests for ovulation and a list of the most popular.
The principle of determining ovulation test
Immediately after the next menstrual periodbleeding in every healthy woman of reproductive age begins to mature egg. Sometimes two or more of them ripen in one cycle, which increases the chances of a multiple pregnancy if conception takes place at that time. There are also anovulatory cycles during which the egg does not mature. This condition can be caused by both physiological and pathological causes. As a variant of the norm, a healthy woman may have one or two anovulatory cycles per year.
Before the egg matures and leavesfollicle, the body is undergoing a hormonal adjustment. In the blood, for example, increases the amount of the hormone, which is responsible for maintaining pregnancy in the event of its occurrence. There are other signs that allow you to determine ovulation. These include pain in the lower abdomen, a decrease in basal temperature, a change in the nature of the discharge, and the like. Such signs are subjective and may not manifest in all women, so that only the sensations can determine ovulation.
The hormone mentioned above is calledluteinizing (LH). It can be detected in the blood, saliva, urine of a woman. It is on the definition of this hormone that the diagnosis is built. Thus, a positive test for ovulation "Ovuplan" or any other will indicate that the egg is ready for conception.
What should be the test for ovulation
The technique is very significant for the possibility of conception, so it should highlight the criteria that should meet the best test:
- exact result (it is better if the percentage of ovulation determination is as high as possible);
- ease of use (the woman must clearly understand how to perform the test and evaluate the result);
- convenience (it is not always possible to use the test in a comfortable environment, you also need to think about it when planning a purchase);
- cost (if it is necessary to carry out several tests, then the price of the diagnostic device also matters).
When to do an ovulation test
How to do an ovulation test on which daymenstrual cycle study will be effective? Dates need to count on the duration of the cycle. With an average menstrual cycle (28 days), the study should be started from the 11th day, starting from the first day of the last menstrual period. If the cycle is longer than normal, then the tests can be started from the 17th day. For different durations of the interval between ovulations, the shortest cycle should be taken as a basis: 24 days - you can do the test from the 7th day, 26 days from the 9th day, 32 days from the 15th day. How many days do an ovulation test? Diagnostics should be carried out for five days in a row. Instructions for ovulation tests says that research should be done at the same time, in the morning and in the evening, or only in the morning, without gaps.
Can I do tests every day
The use of tests to determine ovulation eachThe day is inexpedient from a financial point of view, however it is completely harmless. Such behavior is typical for women who suffer from infertility or are suspicious of it. Here you can advise only to let go of the situation, have a good rest, take care of your own health in general and lifestyle. Then, in a short time, two cherished stripes will appear on the pregnancy test.
Is mid-cycle ovulation always
Even an absolutely healthy woman has no ovulationalways falls exactly in the middle of the cycle, that is, about the 14th day. This is a variant of the norm and does not carry any danger if there are no deviations. There are many cases where conception occurred a couple of days before the next menstruation, which never came, or immediately after it, that is, on “safe” days. The time of onset of ovulation is affected by stress, physical strain, climate change, infectious diseases and much more. So it is possible to “catch” a high level of the hormone not only in the middle of the cycle, but also sooner or later than the periods indicated above, if it is really important for a woman.
Types of tests and diagnostic features
Tests for ovulation of Clearblue Digital and othersManufacturers are very reminiscent of stripes for determining pregnancy. In this case, urine is also used for diagnosis. Manufacturers produce various types of diagnostic devices with different price categories, diagnostic features and reliability.
The most familiar to most women testis a strip or strip. Such a device for determining the onset of ovulation is a paper strip, on the part of which a reagent is applied up to the control strip. How to do an ovulation test? To carry out such a test, it is necessary to prepare a clean urine container. In the material collected for the study, the strip is lowered to the control mark for ten seconds. Then you need to put a strip test on a clean and dry horizontal surface and wait five to ten minutes. After a time, you can read the result.
If a positive result on the test will appearsecond strip. This indicates a high concentration of LH in the urine of a woman and readiness for conception. A weak strip on the test for ovulation may appear from the first day of the study, but for reliability it is necessary to wait for the moment when it will be expressed in the same way as the control one. This usually occurs on the third or fourth day of diagnosis.
The test tablet is a plastic tablet, onwhich has two windows. How to use the test for ovulation? In the first you need to drop the material for research, in the second in two or three minutes the result will be visible. With a high level of LG, the test will show two bars. The reliability of such devices is estimated higher than strips.
Inkjet test is convenient to use.Diagnosis does not require collecting urine in a prepared container and / or using a pipette. The strip, covered with a special reagent, you need to substitute a stream of urine and evaluate the result in three to five minutes. With a high level of the hormone responsible for preparing the female body for a possible pregnancy, two stripes will appear on the test.
The reusable ovulation test isa set of strips designed for immersion in freshly collected material for research, and a special electronic device. Such systems allow diagnostics on different days of the cycle and are distinguished by a high level of information. Portable reusable ovulation test will determine the optimal time for conception.
Another reusable device - digitaltest. Unlike others, such a device determines LH not in the urine, but in the saliva of a woman. This is a miniature microscope, which in appearance resembles lipstick. Digital test - the most accurate diagnostic method, which eliminates the erroneous result. How to use the test for ovulation? It is necessary to transfer the saliva to the control area and evaluate it with a magnifying instrument. Before the egg leaves the ovary, a frosty or fern-like pattern appears.
Comparison of different types of tests
In terms of diagnostic accuracy, digitaltests, strip and inkjet tests are also quite reliable, but a false positive or false negative result is possible. For ease of use, all tests are equally easy to perform, and as for convenience, there are some special features. So, for research using strips, you need a vessel for collecting material, it is enough to substitute the jet tests under a stream of urine, and it is enough to buy an electronic one based on diagnostics using saliva once to use for a long time. At cost the cheapest are strip strips, inexpensive are jet tests. Much more expensive will cost electronic (digital) tests to determine ovulation.
Features home use
The test captures only elevated levels of LH, and notdirectly indicates the onset of ovulation. If there are two strips, it means that with the help of the reagent was recorded hormonal surge, which precedes the release of the egg, ready for fertilization. A high level of the hormone is maintained throughout the day, so the instructions for ovulation tests recommend conducting the test twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. This will give more chance to catch the moment that is optimal for conception.
It is important that two or three hours before the diagnosis can notdrink plenty of fluids. It can dilute urine, which distorts the results of the study. If you use a digital test, then the result must be compared with an example picture, and a weak strip on the test for ovulation, as a rule, does not indicate an increased level of PH. In this case, you need to conduct a study the next day or in the evening / morning.
When will one strip appear?
The test will be negative ifovulation is still far away or it has already passed. Immediately after the release of the egg hormone levels in the urine falls. Also, a false negative or a false positive (the second strip on the ovulation test, although in fact the egg is not expected to be released in the near future) can be obtained if the test was overdue, stored in improper conditions, is of poor quality.
When to start conceiving after the test
Инструкция к тесту на овуляцию говорит, что две stripes indicate the imminent release of the egg, ready for fertilization. But when to start trying to conceive? The egg cell remains viable and can only be fertilized within a day from the moment it leaves the follicle.
It turns out that immediately after the test andget a positive result early to start trying to conceive. You need to wait a few hours until the sex cell leaves the follicle. The optimal time for sex is five to ten hours after the diagnosis.
Hope for the last hours of the day, forwhich egg can be fertilized by sperm, not worth it. The fact is that the male cell fertilizes the female cell not immediately after ejaculation, but after a few hours, during which the sperm cell and the egg cell move towards each other.
How to conceive a boy or girl
There is a theory that helps some couples“Plan” the gender of the unborn child. So, it is known that a boy is born if the female cell with the X chromosome was fertilized with a sperm cell with a Y chromosome. If the egg cell is fertilized by the sperm with the X chromosome, then the "get" girl. Male cells with the Y chromosome, that is, those that allow you to conceive a boy, live no more than one or two days, but move faster than more resilient cells with the X chromosome. So, if sexual intercourse happened at the peak of ovulation, then a couple is more likely to conceive a boy, and if some time before her - a girl.
Ovulation and pregnancy test
On numerous women's forums held andfuture mothers are discussing the fact that some of them, Frautest, an ovulation test, helped to determine not only the release of the egg from the follicle, but also the long-awaited pregnancy. At the same time, according to women, the pregnancy test showed one strip. But it should be understood that such a situation is simply impossible. The fact is that the test for ovulation after it will be negative regardless of whether the woman managed to get pregnant in this cycle or not.
Tests for pregnancy and ovulation determinethe content in the urine of different hormones - hCG and LH, respectively. They cannot react to another hormone. So, if the test for ovulation "Ovuplan" or any other showed the second strip, then this is a sign of the approaching time, during which most likely to get pregnant, and not the pregnancy itself.
Overview of popular ovulation tests
Для многих женщин, безуспешно предпринимающих Attempts to conceive a child, the best test for ovulation is the one that will allow you to find happiness in being a mother. High-quality strips or digital devices from reputable manufacturers will help. Here are a few tests for ovulation, reviews of which women leave positive:
- "Eviplan".Included are five test strips and one pregnancy test. The cost is about 310 rubles, the reliability is high. The fair sex likes the fact that manufacturers put in a package also a pregnancy test.
- Test for ovulation "Clear Blue".The digital test, in a set is delivered seven strips and one control device. If the result is positive, the screen shows not two bars, but a smiling emoticon. The cost is 1000 rubles. As popular as the Frau. Women note in their responses high information content, availability in pharmacies, ease of use.
- Ledy-q.Reusable device that promises 100% accuracy. Saliva is used for diagnosis. Included are control drawings, removable glass, miniature microscope and instructions. It costs about 2000 rubles. The reviews are positive. But not all women buy such an expensive device, trying to get pregnant. Many prefer cheaper strips.
- Insure. Test strips of domestic production. In one package five strip tests that promise 99% accuracy. Such tests are chosen for a low price - 150 rubles.
- Тест на овуляцию «Фраутест».The company produces several tests: test strips (five pieces); test strips (five pieces) + pregnancy tests (2 pcs.); test cassettes (7 pieces), which are suitable for women with an irregular menstrual cycle. Cost respectively 300, 420 and 750 rubles. This type of test is most popular among women, women show that the tests are informative, easy to use and simply high-quality.
- Ovuplan. Test strips are reliable at 99%, but are not popular with women. The price is about 200 rubles.
Cons testing for ovulation
No matter how accurate the test is, it always remainsprobability of error. Strips and electronic devices determine only the possible release of the egg from the follicle, but an increase in the level of the hormone does not guarantee the onset of ovulation. In addition, there is the possibility of obtaining an unreliable or doubtful result. Some types of testing are not very convenient and are quite complex. You also need to know that even when ovulation is detected, there is no guarantee of pregnancy, and any test is only a guideline.
Determination of basal temperature
Plotting basal temperature isAnother effective way to determine the onset of ovulation and the most optimal time for conceiving. The essence of the method lies in the fact that throughout the entire cycle (and preferably two or three cycles) it is necessary to measure the temperature at the same time every day immediately after waking up. It is measured in the rectum. You can not get out of bed or actively move. The technique is applied if pregnancy does not occur for a long time.
A few days before ovulation, it can be noted thatthe temperature dropped to 32.3-35.5 degrees Celsius. When the day of maturation of the egg comes, then BT rises to 37-37.5 degrees. This temperature lasts for several days. Two days before the start of the next menstruation, BT is again decreasing. In the event that the temperature is maintained at 37 degrees and above, we can talk about the onset of pregnancy.