/ / Instructions for the use of "Piperazine adipate". Can I give the drug to animals?

Instructions for the use of "Piperazine adipate". Can I give the drug to animals?

"Piperazine andipinate" - inexpensive and effective(in certain cases) an antihelminthic drug. It is prescribed to patients of all age categories suffering from helminthic invasion. Instructions for the use of "Piperazine adipate" recommends the use of the drug when infecting specific types of parasitic worms. Often, the agent is used to treat helminthiasis in domestic animals.

Description of the tool

Parasitic worms significantly impairfeeling, releasing toxic substances in the process of vital activity. They feed on useful substances that enter the body together with food. To treat worms, many drugs are produced that differ in price, the active substance and the manufacturer. To select a medicine is necessary after the appearance of a parasite living in the human body will be established. When infected with pinworms and ascarids, you can use the drug "Piperazine adipate."

instructions for the use of piperazine adipate

Instructions for use position the medicineas the least toxic of all anthelmintic agents. Issue it in the form of tablets, which contain 200 or 500 mg of the active component - adipate piperazine. The substance affects the motor activity of worms, reduces their muscle tone. This leads to the fact that parasites are excreted from the body along with the calves.

Indications for use

Tablets have a narrow spectrum of action thatis their main disadvantage. The effect of the drug only applies to ascarids and pinworms. In the first case, parasites cause the development of such a disease as ascariasis, and in the second - enterobiosis. High therapeutic effectiveness of the drug is manifested when applied at the initial stage of infection.

Instructions for the use of "Piperazine adipinate"Do not recommend the use of tablets to treat other types of helminths because of low efficiency. The drug does not affect the eggs of parasitic worms. With its help, it is possible to remove from the body only young and mature individuals.

piperazine adipate instructions for use in pregnancy

With a single use of the drug,the efficiency reaches 95%. If you take the pill again, de-worming will be 100%. An important advantage is that the active ingredient only leads to parasitic parasites. This makes it possible to avoid the decay of dead individuals and poisoning of the body with toxic substances.

Treatment Scheme

Dosage and medication regimen depends onage of the patient suffering from helminthiasis. The maximum daily intake for adults is 4 g of the active ingredient. In the treatment of ascariasis instructions for the use of "Piperazine adipate" recommends to drink tablets for two days in the appropriate dosage. Tablets can be given to children for up to a year, but only for the purpose of a specialist. A single dose in this case should not exceed 200 mg.

piperazine adipate instructions for use

Children from 1 to 3 years are shown to take 300 mgadipate piperazine once. To treat ascariasis in children 4-5 years of age give 500 mg of the active substance. During the treatment period, you do not need to follow a diet or take laxatives.

Drink tablets should be at least an hour before meals. Adult patients at a time can take 1.5-2 g of a drug called "Piperazine adipate."

Instructions for use in pregnancy

According to the annotation, the drug is not recommendedused to treat pregnant women. However, some doctors still prescribe a low-toxic anthelminthic agent in low dosage to women in the position. This is due to the fact that the active ingredient does not adversely affect the developing fetus. It should be borne in mind that helminthiasis during pregnancy is a rather dangerous pathological condition. Therefore, it is still necessary to treat it, but only under the strict supervision of a doctor.

Side effects, contraindications

An anthelminthic agent usually does not causedevelopment of negative reactions from internal organs and systems. To avoid the occurrence of side effects, you should follow the recommendations for taking tablets and do not increase the dosage.

piperazine adipate instruction manual for dogs

Instructions for the use of "Piperazine adipinate"warns about the presence of contraindications to the prescription of the medicine. Such conditions include intolerance of the drug components, severe renal or hepatic insufficiency, epilepsy, disorders of the nervous system.

Among the side effects are often the following:

  • hives;
  • bronchospasm;
  • itching of the skin;
  • Stephen-Jobs syndrome;
  • stomach ache;
  • dizziness;
  • muscle weakness;
  • nausea;
  • diarrhea.

The listed conditions are more likely to occur in individuals,suffering from kidney diseases. If you experience similar symptoms, you should cancel treatment with an anthelmintic remedy and consult a specialist. Usually in such cases, doctors prescribe analogues of the drug: "Pirantel", "Decaris".

If an overdose of the drug recommends washing the stomach. Enrich the body will help enterosorbents. In some cases, laxatives and infusion therapy should be used.

Can I give the animals tablets "Piperazina adipinat"?

Instructions for use by cats and other domesticthe animal does not recommend giving this anthelmintic. On the basis of the same active substance, a special powder is produced for use in veterinary medicine. It is convenient to add it to food and other food for animals.

piperazine adipate instruction for use by cats

The dosage depends on the weight of the pet.In the absence of a veterinary drug, you can take pills "Piperazina adipinat". Instructions for use for dogs recommend taking 0.5 g of active substance per kg of animal weight. The same dosage is suitable for cats. Duration of treatment of helminthic invasion in domestic animals - 1 day. Repeat the drug should be after 21 days.