/ Endothelial dystrophy of Fuchs. What is Fuchs's Dystrophy

Endothelial dystrophy of Fuchs. What is Fuchs's Dystrophy

The cornea of ​​the eye is an externalfront shell, designed to perform a protective, light-conducting, refractive and moisture-producing function. The cornea is more prone to injury than other parts of the eye, which can lead to its dystrophy.

fuchsia's dystrophy

What is dystrophy: forms of dystrophy

Dystrophy of the cornea includes a wide spectrumdiseases, which leads to turbidity of the anterior outer shell of the eye. Depending on which layer of the cornea is affected (and there are only five), several forms of the disease are distinguished:

  • epithelial form of dystrophy, consists in inability of epithelial cells to protect or in insufficient quantity;
  • membranous dystrophy, which provokes the wrong synthesis of proteins of the cornea;
  • stromal forms of dystrophy, arise due to changes in the composition of the stroma;
  • endothelial forms of dystrophy - this is Fuchs's dystrophy.

Causes of dystrophy

The root cause of dystrophy lies in the damagespecific genes. Localization of violations will help only a narrowly focused analysis, after which you can talk about the primary or secondary form of dystrophy.

clinical manifestations of fuchs dystrophy

Primary dystrophies are hereditary.This disease is bilateral. Development occurs in childhood or adolescence, is not accompanied by inflammatory processes. Sensitivity of the body decreases slowly, most often unnoticeable for the patient.

Secondary dystrophy occurs as a result of eye injuries, after surgical interventions, inflammatory or autoimmune diseases.

Endothelial form of the disease

The endothelial disease, called Fuchs dystrophy, refers to the primary, genetic types of the disease. Let's talk about it more in detail.

What is Fuchs's Dystrophy?It damages the inner layer of the cornea, which performs the function of the pump, evacuating the fluid from its thickness. Excess of fluid in the cornea leads to its turbidity. Progressing, Fuchs's dystrophy leads to a phased death of endothelial cells.

Over a period of timethe lack of cells is replaced by the hard work of the remaining ones. Patients with an early stage of the disease report a temporary deterioration of vision in the morning. This is due to the impossibility of moisture from the surface of the cornea at night, which leads to its accumulation. Open eyelids allow moisture to evaporate naturally, resulting in a normal state during the day. And since the restoration of endothelial cells are not subject to, they gradually die, because vision remains reduced. At a critical drop in vision, a corneal transplant operation can be prescribed.

Symptoms of endothelial dystrophy

Clinical manifestations of Fuchs's dystrophy can be expressed in different ways: from asymptomatic to severe cuts and visible erosion.

fuchs endothelial dystrophy

At the initial stages there is:

  • blurred vision, which will improve throughout the day;
  • light when looking at the light source;
  • sensation of the presence of a foreign body in the eyes.

Progressing pathology has these manifestations:

  • rubbing and redness of the mucosa;
  • photophobia;
  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • swelling of the outer shell of the eye.

Edema degeneration of the cornea: Fuchs's dystrophy

Epithelial-endothelial dystrophy can beand primary and secondary. Its secondary appearance arises as a result of trauma or after surgical intervention. The disease develops on one eye. Bullous dystrophy Fuchs has a pronounced root cause in the form of a domestic, industrial or surgical trauma. And the main difference from primary edematous dystrophy is a limited area of ​​edema, around which healthy cells are located, capable of replacing defective ones. To start the disease is characterized by a slight opacity in the deep layers of the cornea and a small swelling. Progression of the disease leads to an increase in the degree and extent of turbidity, to the appearance of irregularities and small vesicles on the cornea. There is an increase in photophobia and pain syndrome.

Diagnosis of the disease

Endothelial dystrophy of Fuchs is diagnoseddoctor-ophthalmologist. During the reception the doctor not only examines the cornea with a slit lamp, but also collects an anamnesis of the disease. In addition, ultrasonic pachymetry, which will show the thickness of the cornea and help assess the degree of edema, can be used.

edematous degeneration of the cornea, fuchsia dystrophy

Endothelial microscopy allows you to count the number of endothelial cells per square millimeter of area.

Treatment of dystrophy

The initial stages of the disease involvetraditional treatment with the use of drops and eye ointments, which contribute to the elimination of fluid from the cornea. But conservative treatment only slows the process of destruction of the cornea. Recovery can only guarantee surgical intervention. With epithelial or membrane damage, laser removal of the pathogenic site is used. Damage to deeper layers is fraught with transplantation of the cornea. Sometimes a complete central removal of the cornea is necessary. Transparency of the cornea after surgical manipulation is restored, the symptoms go away. But sometimes Fuchs's dystrophy may appear again after a few years, which will lead to a re-operation.

Preventive measures

Patients who applied for medical care atearly stages of the course of the disease, it is easier to help. The complex of their preventive measures should include a good diet, since the nutrition of the corneal cells directly depends on what the patient eats. Food should be nutritious and balanced with included vegetables and fruits. Naturally, one should avoid all traumas and consult a doctor if the first unpleasant sensations in the eye occur.

what is fuchsia degeneration

Duration of sleep of the patient withpredisposition to the disease should be at least eight hours, which will allow the body to have a good and full rest, and this, in turn, will prevent the appearance of problems with the cornea of ​​the eye. When detecting dystrophy, you should not wear contact lenses, which can worsen the situation.

To corneal dystrophy, the eyes can cause bothhereditary factors, and trauma, injury or illness in the body of vision. Timely appeal for medical help and periodic preventive examinations will help not to aggravate the situation and significantly improve the condition of the sick body.