/ / Anapa, sanatorium "Nadezhda": reviews of tourists

Anapa, sanatorium "Hope": reviews of tourists

Меняются времена, уходят в историю государства, а A small island of serene sunny happiness continues to please us with its hospitality. This, of course, Anapa. Sanatorium "Hope", reviews of which are often undeservedly negative because of the fact that tourists do not differentiate the notion of a health resort and entertainment center, has been receiving tourists for 75 years and continues to be exceptionally cordial. For such a long period of work, the staff has accumulated a unique experience in organizing the right therapeutic rest.

anapa sanatorium hope reviews

Sanatorium "Nadezhda": location

In order to have a good rest, do not go tothe end of the world, the sunny Anapa will always open before you. Sanatorium "Hope" (reviews we will consider in detail below) - this is the heart of the city, its central part and pride. It consists of five buildings and is capable of simultaneously hosting about 1000 vacationers. Distance to the coastline is small, only 700 meters. You are sure to enjoy the surrounding nature. Around the sanatorium - an amazing park area, in which rare species of mountain-steppe vegetation grow. Near the sanatorium there is an ancient monument of architecture - the museum "Gorgippia". Flocks of swans, floating very close to the sanatorium, always please the guests with their graceful look. Quite recently, in 2007, the sanatorium opened a new medical building, which is one of the most modern in the whole country. By special order, unique equipment is delivered here, which provides the most progressive methods of diagnosis and treatment.

reviews sanatorium hope anapa

Description of the complex

Это крупнейший лечебно-профилактический центр из those that Anapa offers you. Sanatorium "Hope" reviews visitors every year in huge numbers. In the overwhelming majority of these are sincere words of gratitude. Other information is placed by competitors or people waiting for bright shows and unforgettable extreme, rather than a quiet rest in the family circle.

As already mentioned, the sanatorium has its ownmedical facilities and medical equipment. This is not the health resort that Soviet citizens knew. Upon arrival, the patient is sent to a modern diagnostic center, which will help to identify any disease, and this is the first step to recovery. In most cases, treatment is ineffective precisely because of diagnostic errors. It is hardly likely that Anapa can boast of such a center where such experienced personnel work. Sanatorium "Hope", reviews of which are read even abroad, has always been famous for its specialists.

sanatorium hope anapa reviews


But the vacation consists not only of their treatment.To the services of holidaymakers there are ample opportunities for rest to be not only useful, but also memorable. At any time you can swim in the pool with mineral water. Depending on your desire and recommendations of the attending physician, you can visit numerous sports grounds and gyms, spend time in the library. If you come with children, they will really like the local water park and special playgrounds.

If you love a sauna or a sauna, then thesepleasure can be received daily. A rich bath complex, which includes a variety of steam rooms, will not leave anyone indifferent. Are you tired and want to relax? The spa offers you a choice of spa, gym or fitness center - depending on the preferences of active and passive recreation. For fun, there is a children's animation and much more. Those who have visited here one day will necessarily leave warm reviews. Sanatorium "Nadezhda" (Anapa) is the center of coziness and warmth, where you want to come again.

sanatorium hope anapa krasnodar region


This is a general-purpose sanatorium, whichwill be useful to every person. The health resort specializes in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the musculoskeletal system, the nervous system, gynecological and dermatological diseases. In addition to the classical methods, iridodiagnostics, acupuncture, aromatherapy and many other types of medical treatment are also used. Like all other health resorts, Nadezhda offers its patients a large number of healing baths (about 17 species). Widely used mud treatment and several types of massage.

To get the full picture of the profilehealth resorts, you need to see the reviews. Sanatorium "Nadezhda" (Anapa) for the year receives a variety of patients, and they all leave with positive dynamics. These are people with metabolic disorders, chronic respiratory diseases, allergies and various skin diseases. Very good reviews leave those who have treated here chronic diseases of the spine and reproductive system. Very effective is the treatment of the male sexual sphere. After a joint rest, many couples found hope for pregnancy and the birth of a long-awaited baby. This category of tourists is never forgotten by the sanatorium "Nadezhda" (Anapa). Comments containing so much warmth and gratitude for the work of doctors and the entire health resort staff can be found on all sites that somehow relate to its services.

reviews about the sanatorium hope the city of anapa

Number of rooms

Despite the fact that we come here to be treated,the impression of rest is formed from the living conditions. And here at the height of the sanatorium "Hope" (Anapa). Reviews call the situation in the rooms modern and homely. At the same time, the number of rooms is constantly being upgraded and replenished, which allows the sanatorium to keep pace with the times. Despite the cost of living, there is everything you need for a comfortable stay. This is a modern furniture and air conditioning, telephone, TV, refrigerator. Each room has free space to accommodate an extra cot or sofa.

Rest on the territory

You have never visited the sanatorium "Nadezhda" (St.Anapa)? Krasnodar region is rich in natural beauty, there is clean sea air and sandy beaches, so the rest will be remembered for a long time. Since 2011, the hotel infrastructure has reached such a level that it is possible to fully live, relax and undergo treatment without the need to go to the city. With vacationers, various classes are held, these are medical and recreational activities. Professional outdoor coaches hold sessions of gymnastics and aerobics, swimming and water aerobics. The whole territory of the sanatorium is a huge green park, which is great for walks and family vacations.

reviews of travelers about the sanatorium hope

Information for tourists

Do not forget to cook all the necessarydocuments if you are going to the sanatorium "Hope" (Anapa). Krasnodar region is famous for its hospitality, but in order to avoid problems with the staff of the recreation complex, you must prepare a passport and insurance policy, vaccination card, certificate from a dermatologist and therapist who will ensure that you have not contacted infectious diseases in the past 5 days. In addition, you should have a spa card on your hand, which is issued at least one month before arriving at the resort. Be sure to read the reviews before the trip travelers about the sanatorium "Hope" (Anapa). Analyzing a large number of them, one can come to the conclusion that this is a great health resort with excellent staff and excellent conditions for rest and treatment. There are negative reviews, but the information in them, to put it mildly, unreliable.

who rested in the sanatorium hope


Это обычно самый сложный момент, так как угодить not even the best cooks can do anything. Guest reviews about the sanatorium "Hope" suggests that the administration strictly monitors the quality of services provided. Especially strictly controlled dining here. The choice of visitors is organized three times a day by the system of "buffet" or "individual order." Depending on the treatment, a special dietary table is suggested. It can be 4-, 5- and 6 meals a day. Depending on the claims of the client, you can order food in the dining room or restaurant, where by your order you will prepare amazing delicacies.

Services and cost

Those who rested in the sanatorium "Hope" know thatits cosiness is worth ten fashionable hotels where discos thunder. Here rest is completely different, calm and measured, focused on the restoration of health. At your request, the experts organize excursion tours in the wonderful surroundings, orienting them to the individual characteristics of each group (walking, car, long or short). The cost of rest in the summer is 3700 per person per day. This price includes buffet meals or a choice of customized menus. The same price includes treatment.

Sanatorium Hope Mr. Anapa Russia


For lovers to lie on the golden sand thereown fenced beach, part of the hotel. But the sea waves are not to everyone's taste, but because in the pension built a special complex of water entertainment. It includes an outdoor heated saltwater pool. And this is not a tiny reservoir, in which not to turn around, but a huge water area with a total volume of up to 750 square meters. Nearby there are shower cabins and sun beds, there is a small bar with soft drinks. And for lovers of bubble baths there are three Jacuzzi pools that will help you relax. Come relax here and you will see that it is very difficult to find a better option than the Nadezhda sanatorium in the city of Anapa (Krasnodar region).

Vacation with children

Often for holidays with children they chooseSanatorium "Hope" (Anapa, Russia). At the same time, family rest is quite inexpensive. Children under four years old are provided with a special menu for an additional 500 rubles per day. Accommodation in the parents' room is free without a separate bed. If your child is from 4 to 10 years old, they can be provided with a separate place and provide meals for 1300 rubles per day. Children from 10 years old pay 70% of the ticket price. Against others, the Nadezhda sanatorium (the city of Anapa) looks very economical. Photos taken on walks in the park area, will long be reminded of a wonderful holiday. Your children will love the special excursions and entertainment, water park and development program. Here are working nannies and animators who will give the baby a real holiday, while adults are busy.

How to get there?

The route will depend on your destination.original stay. First of all, you should call the sanatorium "Hope" (Anapa). Contact administration: 8-928-041-04-22. By this phone you can make a reservation. To get to the sanatorium, you need to get to Anapa, and the path can be any: by air, road or rail. From the railway station to the bus station runs the shuttle bus number 100. From here to the resort area you can get by route number 2, 7, 9, 14, 24 to the stop "Resort Polyclinic".