/ / "Betaloc", instructions for use

Betaloc, instructions for use

"Betalok" instructions for use describesas a drug related to the pharmacological group of beta 1-adrenoblockers. The main active substance of this drug is metoprolol tartrate. It is produced by manufacturers in the form of tablets weighing 100 milligrams, which are packed in plastic bottles of 100 pieces each.

"Metoprolol" has pharmacologicalproperties based on the ability of the drug to have antihypertensive and antianginal effects. The drug effectively reduces heart rate, contractility and excitability of the myocardium, it contributes to the slowing down of AV-conduction. The preparation "Betaloc" instructions for use describes as a means to reduce the cardiac output and the amount of oxygen consumed by the myocardium. "Metoprolol" has the ability to reduce the stimulating effects of catecholamines when they affect the patient's heart during psychophysical loads. The drug has antihypertensive effect, stabilized after two weeks of admission. "Metoprolol" shows the effectiveness in the treatment of a fairly wide range of cardiovascular diseases, among which you can specify myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia of various types, is effective as a preventive tool in preventing recurrence of the infarction.

Pharmacokinetic properties of drugmeans "Betalok" instructions for use describes this way. After taking the drug almost all and in a short time is absorbed from the digestive tract, its maximum concentration in the plasma is reached within one to two hours. The drug is able to be extensively metabolized in the liver tissues, while the metabolites formed do not practically have activity in relation to any organs of the body. The half-life of the components of the drug is about three to four hours, and for the entire period of taking the drug is virtually unchanged. The excretion of metoprolol is mainly performed by the kidneys - more than 95% of the dose of the substance, while no more than three percent is excreted unchanged.

"Betalok" instruction recommends taking incases of the following diseases: for the treatment of arterial hypertension, as a therapeutic agent is used to prevent attacks of angina pectoris. The medication is indicated in cases of cardiac arrhythmias, as well as for the secondary prevention required after the transferred cardiovascular diseases.

Dosage regimen of the preparation "Betaloc" instructionon application recommends to install such. The average dose of the drug for a two-time intake is 100 milligrams per day. In some cases, the instruction stipulates the possibility of a gradual increase in the dose twice. If the drug is administered intravenously, a single dose is 2 to 5 mg. If the desired effect is not achieved in this case, the drug can be reintroduced after 5 minutes.

The dosage regimen must take into account that the maximum dose of the drug is 400 mg per day.

At reception of a tablet "Betalok" can cause by-effects from various systems of an organism. A detailed listing and description of the symptoms is given in the instructions for using the drug.

Contraindications to taking medication aredifferent in type and nature of the course of cardiovascular blockade, arterial hypotension, cardiogenic shock and other diseases. Contraindicated with the reception, if the patient has a hypersensitivity to its components. Do not take the drug during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Special care should be taken when using medication for patients with COPD.

diabetes mellitus, Raynaud's disease.

Cessation of medication is recommended to be carried out gradually, this process should last at least ten days.

The drug has a number of special forms of action, with its combined use with other drugs. About this there is detailed information in the instructions for use.