/ / Treatment of trichomoniasis in women

Treatment of trichomoniasis in women

One of the most common diseases,transmitted sexually, is trichomoniasis. Its causative agents are the simplest unicellular organisms - vaginal trichomonads, which parasitize exclusively in the human body. Trichomoniasis is not transmitted by everyday means, as Trichomonas do not survive outside the human body.

Men, like women, are subject to thisillness, only symptoms of it are almost not observed, and most often they themselves do not suspect that they are carriers of this infection. The appearance of trichomonads in the prostate gland causes pain, burning, frequent urination when urinating. If Trichomonas settle in the upper part of the genitourinary system, they can lead to prostatitis.

In women, trichomoniasis is more pronounced.The ingestion of trichomonads in the vagina is accompanied by the presence of foamy precipitations of yellow color. This causes irritation on the external genitalia, the inner sides of the thighs. All this causes itching and burning. When urinating, feel the rez, and when the sexual act there are painful sensations. It is also possible to bleed uterine, and the treatment of trichomoniasis in women can take a more serious nature. The course of the disease is accompanied by nervousness and irritability of the patient.

Only strict adherence to all the rules will help get rid of this disease.

First of all, the treatment of trichomoniasis in womenshould be accompanied simultaneously with the treatment of the sexual partner, since a one-sided struggle with this ailment will lead to nothing. Another condition is the complete exclusion of sexual contact.

Treatment of trichomoniasis, drugs, which in this caseit is necessary to take - all this should be under the supervision of a gynecologist. Self-medication in this case is unacceptable. The duration of the medication is determined by the doctor. Sometimes after two or three days of taking the symptoms, the symptoms may disappear, and the patient will feel that he has recovered. The patient stops taking medication and this makes a gross mistake. The disease resumes with renewed vigor. Treatment of trichomoniasis in women is a long process, accompanied not only by the long-term administration of medications, but also by the continuous delivery of tests to determine the presence or disappearance of trichomonads. Duration of treatment can be up to several months. During this time, a woman needs to produce a so-called provocation, which is carried out by introducing into the body a proginal - an injection that weakens the woman's immunity. Trichomonads, if they are available, immediately make themselves felt, and if the patient does not bring the treatment to completion, then the doctor will find them in the smear. Also, the treatment of trichomoniasis in women can be carried out by the appointment of vaginal suppositories - "Pimafucin", "Kliona-D", "Ginalgina", "Flagila".

To finally get rid of this infection,may need from one and half to three years. But this is only if the treatment is carried out simultaneously by both partners. Trichomoniasis is a curable disease, but the timing of its treatment directly depends on how quickly the patient turned for help to a doctor.

Especially cautiously and with a high proportionresponsibility is treated with trichomoniasis during pregnancy, since in this case two people - the mother and her future child - are immediately at risk. The administration of antibiotics is carried out only as a last resort. Baths with the use of chamomile, furatsilina and other means, are the basis of treatment. These solutions can produce douche, and candles are also used. In order for the body of a pregnant woman to independently fight the disease, it needs to strengthen immunity. This is achieved by taking multivitamins and vitamins with minerals.

At the end of the full course of treatment, it is necessary not to interrupt medical supervision for two to three months. And most importantly - compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.