The most important genital organ of the femaleThe organism is the uterus, which is located inside the small pelvis. The uterine cavity connects with the vaginal cavity with the uterine neck, inside which the cervical canal is located.
Structure and functions of the cervical canal.
The cervical canal is the portion of the uterine neck,which connects the vagina and the uterine cavity. From the inside, it is covered with a massive mucosa, which has a large number of elastic fibers, which determines its high plasticity and elasticity. In addition, the mucous forms the so-called crypts - creases on the walls, which increase the working area of the shell.
The main function of the mucosa isproduction of viscous and viscous mucus, which subsequently forms the so-called Kristeller plug. This plug has a pronounced alkaline reaction and is responsible for protecting against penetration into the uterine cavity of bacteria and foreign bodies.
Cervical canal: when its research is needed?
Studies of the cervix are the simplest and mostan easy way to determine the presence of diseases. Such an examination is performed with the help of gynecological mirrors. Normally, the cervix has a pinkish hue, while the mucous membrane of the cervical canal is a transparent, whitish structure.
In the presence of cysts, tumors, precancerousdiseases, polyps, erosion and many other diseases, the cervix changes markedly, as does the cervical canal. That is why timely gynecological examination helps to notice the disease in time and immediately begin treatment.
Cervical canal: additional research methods.
If during the gynecological examination there weredeviations from the norm were found, then a number of important additional studies are assigned to women. If you suspect a development of inflammation, you need to take a smear. The laboratory analysis of the seized material helps to determine the nature of the pathogen, as well as its sensitivity to antibiotics.
A Pap smear is taken when a tumor is suspected. During laboratory smear tests, it is possible to see deviations and mutations in the structure of epithelial cells.
In addition, in some cases, spend and kolkoskopiyu, during which a special device to inspect the mucous membrane of the uterine neck.
Cervical canal during pregnancy.
Since the onset of pregnancy,intensive changes in the structure of female genital organs. For example, the cervical canal in the first few weeks acquires a characteristic cyanotic shade (by the way, this is how the gynecologist determines pregnancy in the early stages).
Throughout the time of gestationThe cervical canal is closed by a very tight stopper, formed from the excreted mucus. The function of this formation is to protect the fetus and placenta from infection. The cork goes away before the birth, and some women have a few hours before the onset of labor, and others - two weeks before the birth. Immediately before the birth process, the cervical canal widens and reaches a diameter of almost 10 centimeters.
Possible disorders during pregnancy.
The most common violation isisthmic-cervical insufficiency, which means that the uterus can not keep an actively growing fetus in its cavity. As a result, the cervical canal expands already in the early stages of pregnancy. Most often this occurs around the 16th week, since it is during this period that the developing child begins to grow strongly and actively move. Fortunately, if you find such a failure in time, pregnancy can be saved. Very often, for this purpose, the doctor puts seams on the cervical canal, which are removed already a few weeks before the expected delivery. In some cases, so-called obstetric rings are used to support the uterus.