/ / Is there a better fat burner?

Is there a better fat burner?

What is the basis of the work of a fat burner? How to maximize its effectiveness and choose the best option? The answers to these questions you get from this article.

Fat Burners is one of the most populartypes of sports nutrition. Stable demand allows manufacturers to earn millions on their products. Because of this, manufacturers will constantly convince you of the need to purchase new and new drugs, regardless of the evidence base of their effectiveness.

Even if you got the best fat burner and heIt really works (which happens very rarely), it contains basic and very inexpensive ingredients that the manufacturer wants to sell at the highest possible price. Therefore, inventing a lot of new stories about the magic components.

In fact, there are drugsable to reduce fat mass, without forcing you to resort to increased training or diets (clenbuterol), but such substances belong to the group of steroids and their distribution is a criminal offense.

Products that are commercially available, in fact, cannot contain such substances. Remember that even the best fat burner can significantly undermine your health.

If we talk about the use of quite legalsubstances, it is worth noting the very popular at the moment fat burner L-carnitine. According to reviews, the theoretical part looks very well, but the real effectiveness of this drug is refuted.

Its application gave the effect of weight loss only inelderly vegetarians. For people of any other ages, the effectiveness of the drug is promised only if a strict diet is observed and if there are intense loads. So does this fat burner really have any effect?

There is another type of fat burner thatcontains diuretic components. They remove excess water from the body, and even with brief use, a person sees certain results on the scales, but at the same time he categorically refuses to believe that this is just water that will soon return.

Another drug that is marketed asThe most effective fat burner is Chromium picolinate. In fact, it all belongs to the same category of dummy additives. Studies have found that this supplement does not have the slightest effect on muscle growth or in getting rid of fat. Moreover, it does not even reduce the appetite.

About reducing appetite worth talking separately.Often in the fat burners contain substances that suppress the appetite, which in turn leads to a slight weight loss. Unfortunately, such substances have a inhibitory effect on other processes in the body, as a result of which irritability and blurred consciousness appear.

It is also worth knowing that often the bestfat burner contains substances that do not allow fats to digest in the stomach. They are also called "calorie blockers". Such substances are extremely dangerous to human health, as fats are necessary for a healthy body and proper metabolism.

The principle of operation of fat burners is quite simple.Caffeine, appetite suppressants and diuretics are the basis of any effective drug. Caffeine allows you to increase endurance with aerobic exercise, because of what you can run longer or ride a bike.

In some fat burners, for example, in OxyElitePro, contains yohimbinin. This substance increases the synthesis of adrenaline. In turn, the hormone has a certain fat burning effect, if you do not forget about training.

How does the best fat burner work?The basis of the work of such drugs is a negative energy balance. You will have to eat less than what your body requires. As a result, in order to cover the deficit, the body is forced to burn existing reserves.

Also yohimbinin increases adrenaline andIt has a beneficial effect on fat burning only if there is no glucose in the blood. Simply put, the substance has a certain effect only when aerobic exercise on an empty stomach. If you take it under the usual conditions of life - no effect, you can not even wait.

Do not fool yourself and look for the most powerfulfat burner, because it is impossible to lose weight, lying on the couch, eating chips and occasionally taking certain drugs. You can lose weight only with a diet and a negative rate of calories. Fat burner - it's just an assistant, but not the main element in the system of losing weight.