Alzheimer's Syndrome in Modern Medicineconsidered one of the most common diseases that leads to death. The situation is aggravated by the fact that today the reasons for its development, as well as the methods of treatment, are not fully known.
Alzheimer's syndrome and its causes. As already mentioned, the reasons for the development of suchviolations are not fully understood - only some risk factors are known. With such a disease, the structure and functionality of the brain is disturbed - at first slowly, and then more and more quickly. On average, the life expectancy of people after a diagnosis is 9 years.
Синдром Альцгеймера сопровождается скоплением в brain tissue of protein, from which plaques are subsequently formed. At the same time, neurons begin to gradually transform into balls. It is these processes that lead to the so-called dementia. But their reasons have not been studied.
It is believed that one of the risk factors isthe age of the patient, since the probability of developing the disease increases after people aged over 60-70 years. However, this syndrome cannot be considered natural in the process of aging - it is a pathology.
Another reason is genetic material, as it is proved that the disease can be transmitted from parents to descendants, but this is not always necessary.
Alzheimer's Disease: Symptoms. In fact, the first signs of the disease cango unnoticed. A person becomes a little distracted, forgets where he put things, can not remember the names or surnames of familiar people. But this does not always happen and in most cases no one pays attention to it, especially if the sick person is at a respectful age.
But the disease begins graduallyprogress. At the same time, there is a violation of the so-called cognitive functions of the brain. There is a partial loss of memory, as well as the absence of abstract thinking, the inability to solve even the simplest mathematical problem or example.
In the middle stage of development, Alzheimer's symptomsare becoming more pronounced. A person can repeat the same question or story absolutely literally several times, but he is not able to realize this. The patient loses his skills - for example, he forgets how to brush his teeth, make tea, dress, etc.
In addition, his behavior is becoming increasinglydisturbing. For example, he may be aggressive, or, conversely, too frightened. In the conversation can not follow the logical development. He perceives what he saw on TV close to his heart - he may confuse what he saw there with reality. Not able to move independently on the street, as it can get lost even in familiar places. A sick person is hard to read and write. There are problems with speech - the patient understands everything perfectly, but cannot build a sentence.
Alzheimer's syndrome causes physical changes - trembling in limbs, shuffling, slow gait. The patient often falls, does not hold the balance.
In a serious condition, the human brain beginsto erase even inborn reflexes from memory. For example, in such patients a choking attack may occur just because they forgot how to breathe. Or when eating the patient suddenly forgets that it needs to be swallowed. Very often, at this stage of development, a person loses the gift of speech and therefore refuses to communicate with his relatives. Involuntary urination appears. The patient begins to sleep much more.
To cure Alzheimer's syndrome at the moment is impossible. In treating these patients, only those drugs are used that make life easier and partially slow down the process of degeneration of brain tissue.