Amphetamine is a fairly well-known substance thatwas first used exclusively for medical purposes. Unfortunately, over time, amphetamine drugs began to be used as narcotic drugs. What is amphetamine? What is the mechanism of its impact? What are the adverse reactions from the use of this substance? To date, these are quite topical issues.
What is amphetamine? A bit of history
This substance was first obtained in 1887Berlin researchers. But the active study of amphetamine began a little later - in 1927. It was at this time that the pharmacologist G. Ayles re-synthesized the substance and began to conduct research.
Mass production of amphetamine began in 1933year, when a well-known American company began to produce the drug "Benzedrine." The first known scientific research began in 1935 in Los Angeles. Dr. M. Nathanson studied the effects of taking the drug on the staff of the hospital. And already in the 1950s there were replacements of the first outbreaks of teenage addiction. Since 1964, amphetamine drugs have only been released on prescription. At one time, this substance was used by American sailors and pilots, as quickly removed fatigue and drowsiness, increased the ability to concentrate. And to this day, these drugs are sometimes used among the military. Unfortunately, the abuse of amphetamine and its use as a drug have not disappeared.
What is amphetamine and how does it affect the human body?
As early as 1935, during the researchIt was noticed that his reception increases activity and relieves fatigue. Nevertheless, amphetamine is a very powerful psychotropic drug that stimulates the work of the central nervous system.
Фармакологические свойства подобных препаратов are based on increasing the level of catecholamines (adrenaline, norepinephrine) in the blood. As a result of taking the drug, an increase in activity is observed. Among other effects, you can notice cheerfulness, a beautiful emotional state, the ability to have an excellent concentration of attention, reduce the body's need for rest, and a decrease in appetite (incidentally, it was for this reason that small doses of amphetamine were added to diet pills).
Эффект от малых доз препарата длится от 4 до 8 hours, and when used in high - up to three days. It was during this period that a person observes a surge of strength, an increase in mental and physical activity, the appearance of an unprecedented confidence in one's own strengths. Interestingly, in a small number of people (10%), taking such drugs causes a completely different, paradoxical reaction - they complain of drowsiness and lethargy.
When the action of a narcotic substanceends, a person, as a rule, is tired fatigue, irritability and drowsiness. Activity and concentration are quickly replaced by apathy, and sometimes even depression. The fact is that amphetamine drugs use reserve reserves of the body, which need to be restored.
What is amphetamine? Signs and consequences of its use
Reception of amphetamines is characterized by a number ofphysiological effects - it's dilated pupils, increased sweating, rapid pulse and breathing. Regular use of such drugs, of course, affects the human body and its behavior. The need for sleep decreases, the activity and sense of sexual attraction increase. A person becomes too talkative, quickly loses weight. The use of amphetamines is accompanied, as a rule, by auditory and visual hallucinations.
Prolonged use of this narcoticsubstance causes health problems, as well as various kinds of mental disorders. For such people is characterized by very aggressive behavior, excessive excitement, unreasonable panic, hallucinations, memory problems, paranoia.
An overdose of amphetamine often leads to such dangerous complications as a heart attack or a stroke.