/ / "Dramina": instructions for use, feedback

"Dramina": instructions for use, reviews

Drimin drug helpsdecrease in excitability in the vomiting center and helps to get rid of motion sickness. Produced in the form of tablets and discharged by a doctor. Each patient needs to be aware of the dosage characteristics and side effects that may occur. Instructions for the application of "Drama" will be presented below.

Drama instruction manual

Indications for use

Specialists prescribe the drug to eliminatevomiting and nausea in air and sea sickness. The product is good for man when driving in transport and prevents the urge to vomit. It can be used after radiation therapy to remove unpleasant symptoms. In some cases, specialists prescribe the remedy after using drugs that cause nausea. It can also be used after surgery.

The indications in the instructions for use are described in detail. For children, "Dramin" is also suitable.

In the form of symptomatic treatment, medication can be used in Meniere's disease. It is well suited for patients with impaired vestibular apparatus.

When is the drug contraindicated?

According to the instructions for application to "Drama", taking the drug in a number of cases is fraught with complications and is dangerous.

Drama instruction manual for children

There are some contraindications allocated by doctors:

  • epilepsy in childhood;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • It is dangerous during eclampsia;
  • severe kidney failure;
  • pathology of liver function;
  • in the presence of porphyria;
  • at attacks of an asthma;
  • with hyperplasia in the prostate;
  • with pheochromocytoma;
  • with glaucoma;
  • with increased pressure in the patient;
  • it is forbidden to use pregnant women, as well as when breastfeeding;
  • you can not drink children until the age of two.

In these cases, the remedy can not be taken, so that there are no dangerous complications that could harm the patient's health.

This is confirmed by the instruction on the application to "Drama" for adults and children.

Drama instruction on application reviews

When should I apply with caution?

Experts do not prescribe the drug in highdosage to elderly patients. It is necessary to take it in a minimal amount, that is, 225 milligrams. In addition, you need to monitor the condition of a person with pathologies of the kidneys and liver.

Transport management and drug use

In accordance with the instructions for use,"Dramina" promotes the appearance of dizziness in a person, causes a feeling of drowsiness. That's why during the use of this drug you can not drive, you should also abandon the activity with serious mechanisms, otherwise because of side effects, an emergency situation can occur.

Drama instructions for use for children

Rules for taking the drug

Specialists prescribe the drug to adult patientsin the amount of 50 milligrams, that is, one tablet. Take it you need thirty minutes before going on a ship or plane. In addition, after five hours you can repeat the procedure to avoid the appearance of symptoms of nausea. But during the day you can not drink more than 400 milligrams of the drug. What else do we get the instructions for the application to "Drama"?

Children from six to twelve are discharged from25 to 50 milligrams of the drug. Tablets are allowed to be taken every five hours. In this case, the maximum dose within a day is not more than 150 milligrams. To children from two to six years - on 25 milligramme of a preparation, that is half of a tablet. In a day you can drink up to 75 milligrams. To cure Meniere's disease, experts prescribe from 50 to 100 milligrams of the drug, that is, 1-2 tablets, and take them every five to six hours. A day should drink no more than eight tablets.

Elderly patients are prescribed 25 milligramsfacilities. In the presence of human pathologies of the kidneys and liver, half of the smallest dose is prescribed. This is stated in the instructions for the application of "Drama".

Drug overdose

In the event that a person drank too much of the drug, the following symptoms of overdose may be observed:

  • a feeling of dryness in the nose and mouth;
  • redness of facial skin;
  • Redout;
  • pathology of breathing;
  • severe arrhythmia;
  • red rashes on the body;
  • tachycardic attacks;
  • a sharp drop in pressure;
  • the onset of weakness and drowsiness;
  • the patient may suddenly lose consciousness;
  • problems in the functioning of the nervous system;
  • convulsions.

It is also necessary to note the rare symptoms that appear when using a large dose of the drug "Dramina":

  • decreased patient's vision;
  • the occurrence of unpleasant ear noise;
  • pathology of urination;
  • a decrease in appetite;
  • pain in the abdomen.

If the first signs are foundan overdose, the patient must be immediately delivered to a specialist. The doctor will perform symptomatic treatment and will do a gastric lavage. During an overdose, drugs are taken that increase blood pressure, as well as enterosorbents.

Drama user's manual for adults

Side effects of the drug

According to the instructions for the use of "Dramine" tablets, if the dosage is incorrect or an allergic reaction to the drug composition may occur, pathological side effects may occur.

The following complications are typical for the nervous system:

  • persistent drowsiness;
  • the patient is dizzy;
  • serious overexcitation;
  • paroxysmal headaches;
  • inability to sleep at night;
  • depression and depression;
  • weakness in the whole body;
  • the appearance of a tremor;
  • coordination violations.

Reactions of the cardiac system:

  • tachycardic attacks;
  • severe arrhythmia;
  • the onset of arterial hypotension in the patient;
  • the occurrence of angina pectoris.

Side effects from the stomach:

  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • bouts of diarrhea;
  • dryness in the oral cavity;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • constipation;
  • weight gain of the patient;
  • a sharp increase in appetite.

Other side effects:

  • the appearance of arthralgia;
  • occurrence of dryness of mucous membranes;
  • the patient sweats less;
  • pathology of urination;
  • the appearance of angioedema;
  • occurrence of urticaria;
  • skin rash.

We reviewed the instructions for using the "Drama". Feedback is provided below.

instructions for use

Doctor's comments

Experts say that the drug "Dramina" is mostly positive.

Doctors say that the drug is goodquality and expressed efficiency, copes well with the signs of motion sickness, eliminates nausea and has an affordable cost. Its use is effective for preventive purposes, when it is required to prevent motion sickness of adult patients and children.

Among the shortcomings, experts indicate the reactionon the drug - a feeling of dryness in the mouth. Also, there may be side effects such as attention disturbance, drowsiness, so "Dramina" is not recommended for those who are engaged in activities that require serious concentration, as well as patients who drive vehicles.

Patient Reviews

Patients also respond to the drug "Dramina" in most cases positively.

The drug helps to savechildren from motion sickness during trips. It works effectively for long journeys over long distances. For the baby, the fourth part of the pill is enough, and this dose ensures the absence of nausea in a taxi, plane and buses. Thanks to the use of the drug, one can not avoid traveling with children.

"Drama" is advised by many people as a beautifula remedy that cope with nausea and vomiting. Its effect exceeds all expectations of patients. In addition, an undoubted advantage, bribing people - is affordable.

Препарат помогает не только маленьким пациентам, but also for adults. He relieves them of terrible tortures on trips, whether it be air, sea or land transport. There is "Dramina" in ten minutes, dizziness and nausea pass very quickly. Most patients note that there are no side effects, and its analogs are difficult to find.

dermina indication for application instruction

However, there is a small amountnegative feedback. So, soaking up before the trip, the tablet relieved of nausea and lowered the pressure, but the patient's state of health deteriorated significantly. Most likely, the tablets were not suitable for him.

Also, some patients note thatused the "Drama" for several years. After taking the pill, there was drowsiness. At first, such an effect did not cause concern, but in the future excessive irritability, long sleep, too strong appetite were added to it. Such symptoms, most likely, were caused by a long period of drug use, but patients for this reason try to use the remedy as little as possible, trying to endure nausea and vomiting. But it is worth noting that such negative effects occur very rarely, especially if you follow the instructions to "Drama". Indications for use and contraindications should be strictly observed.