/ / Shortness of breath: treatment and reasons

Shortness of breath: treatment and reasons

Everyone was faced with the fact that it became difficult to breatheIt was hard, and the air that got into the lungs simply was not enough. As a rule, this followed immediately after the body was given any physical load.

There is nothing strange in the fact that it's hard for a personto breathe after he had to run, if he is a low-active lifestyle and in poor physical condition. This is easy to fix - a couple of weeks of special exercises will lead the body into a normal state. It is much worse when breathing becomes difficult with minimal loads or without them at all. Shortness of breath, the treatment of which will be considered here, is an insidious disease capable of torturing even the most hardy person.

It is connected not only with the fact that air is notenough, but also because a person can not bring himself into a normal state. He loses the ability not to work, but even to move normally.

What are the causes of this ailment?

It is worth starting with the fact that there is shortness of breath and a dyspnea of ​​the heart. The treatment, symptoms and causes of these varieties are similar in many respects, but there are differences.

Yes, dyspnea may be directly related toheart problems. It can also be caused by diseases of the liver, kidneys, some other organs and, of course, a disease of the lungs themselves. That is, we can conclude that dyspnea is often not an independent disease, but only a symptom of some disease.

Кроме заболеваний, стоит упомянуть такие possible causes of dyspnea, such as obesity, improper diet, alcohol, smoking, sedentary lifestyle. Everyone understands that a fat person is not in an ideal condition: it is very difficult for him to move, and the body must constantly withstand just huge loads. With those who drink alcohol and smoke, too, everything is clear - such negative factors have a disastrous effect on health, and so there is shortness of breath. Treatment, of course, begins with a search for a cause, and the methods by which the body is brought to normal, are different - adjusting the way of life to serious medications.

Shortness of breath: treatment

Treat this illness both at home and at the doctor. It is recommended to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • if there was previously asthma or any other serious illness of the respiratory system;
  • if in addition to dyspnea you have a cough with phlegm, and breathing is hoarse and very difficult;
  • breathing fast, but there is not enough air;
  • there is severe pain in the chest, legs grow numb, the head turns and so on.

It has already been said that dyspnea is most often a symptom of a disease, which means that it can be cured by getting rid of the main ailment. I think that everything is clear here and without further explanation.

But the ways to treat shortness of breath, which is caused by other reasons, I would like to consider in more detail.

Stop smoking!This has long been not fashionable, and a cigarette in the teeth no one is surprised. Realize that it does not give you anything, except for numerous problems with the lungs. For the sake of experiment, do not smoke for two weeks and observe how the breathing will change. The result will surprise you.

Питайтесь правильно.Switch from fatty foods and fast food to healthy foods. Fruits and vegetables will fill your body with vitamins, and various porridges will give strength. Of course, after switching to healthy food, shortness of breath will disappear.

Stop sitting at home!Go in for sports, go to the gym or on the horizontal bars, try to run in the morning. For those who suffer from shortness of breath, you can recommend swimming, as this sport in this case will be very useful.

Do yoga and learn to breathe properly - it is very effective and useful for the whole body.

Treatment of dyspnea folk remedies

Here are a few recipes:

  1. Spoon one tablespoon of Ledum with water (1 glass) and boil for ten minutes. Use two tablespoons three times a day. Do this before eating.
  2. Twenty grams of dried leaves of melissa pour a glass of boiling water and wait about ten minutes. Use up to three times a day.
  3. Pour vodka (one liter) kilogram of honey and kilogram of goose fat. Stir well and put in heat for two weeks. Take a tablespoon thirty minutes before meals.

The dyspnea, the treatment of which we have been considering, is very insidious, which means that it can come back again and again even after all the causes are eliminated.