What is Koporsky tea?Not many people know the answer to this question. Ivan-tea was widely used in the practice of traditional healers. Thanks to the leaves and flowers of the plant, it is possible to improve digestion, increase immunity, reduce pressure and regain a vigorous mood. In the scientific community, willow tea is called narrow-leaved fireweed, and the drink from its fermented raw materials is the famous Koporsky tea. Contraindications, useful properties, methods of preparation and preparation - all this in our article.
Healing flower grows very close
From the end of spring all over Russia beginemerge shoots of fire. The plant has a tall stem covered with narrow leaves, and a fluffy inflorescence of purple flowers is on top. The grass was chosen for deforestation, meadows, fires, as well as the roadsides. It was from Ivan-tea in Russia since ancient times that raw materials were harvested to make an incredibly tasty and healthy drink. Traditions are back, and herbal medicine offers to start preparing such an inexpensive, but effective Koporsky tea.
History of occurrence
Alexander Nevsky in the XII century took by stormimpregnable fortress of the Teutons, and on the battlefield and there was a small village Koporye. Locals noticed narrow-leaved bushes and brought the art of preparing and making the drink to perfection. Merchants came here from all around to buy valuable tea, which received its name from the area. Then the fragrant drink was surrounded by other names: Russian and Ivan-tea. The guests were treated to fragrant tea at the time of the founding of Moscow, which is mentioned in ancient Russian chronicles. Britain bought Russian tea in thousands of tons, although it already had impressive tea plantations in South Asia. But they started a rumor that unscrupulous merchants add clay to Koporsky tea, so the demand for it fell, and Koporye went into oblivion.
The composition of Ivan-tea
Nearly 70 microelements were gathered in the narrow-leaved firewood, among them the maximum amount of manganese, iron, copper, slightly less calcium, titanium, potassium, boron, molybdenum, boron and nickel.
Also in the composition of the medicinal plant there are many useful compounds:
- tannins have a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effect;
- alkaloids stabilize the circulatory and nervous system, act as an anesthetic and participate in metabolism;
- flavonoids are known for their urinary and choleretic properties;
- pectin takes harmful substances out;
- Chlorophyll localizes malignant cells, stimulates rapid healing of wounds;
- vitamin A is involved in the growth of epithelial cells;
- B vitamins are important for the activation of biochemical reactions, regulate the normalization of the nervous system;
- Oatmeal contains a huge amount of vitamin C, but it is mostly destroyed when the leaves are boiled with boiling water.
Useful properties of Kopor tea
If you regularly drink a drink from the firewormnarrow-leaved, you can permanently get rid of headaches, migraines, normalize sleep. Tea will be a salvation for tired people, well invigorate and give strength. It is worth noting that there is no caffeine in the plant, therefore the beneficial components of willow tea act gently and gently. Koporsky tea is recommended in the following cases:
- In the period of rampant viral infections.Ivan tea strengthens the walls of blood vessels, prevents the flu and ARVI. At elevated body temperature, not only take the drink inside, but make it compresses on the forehead, to bring the temperature to normal levels. Hot tea drink to liquefy sputum with a dry cough.
- Крепким раствором чая прополаскивают ротовую cavity with stomatitis, with bleeding gums and diseases of the oral cavity. Thanks to tannin, damaged gum tissue regenerates faster. When rinsing, the pathogenic bacteria are washed out, so the antibacterial effect is immediately noticeable.
- It is useful to drink healing tea during lactation.It promotes milk production, strengthens the ducts, saturates milk with all useful components. Koporsky tea manifests itself as a folk remedy for dysbiosis. The baby gets all the healing substances from the milk, so it reduces gas and colic.
- When anxiety-depressive state facilitatescondition of patients, normalizes the nervous system after stress, improves performance in the treatment of mental disorders, makes life easier for epileptic diseases.
- Used to treat inflammation of the respiratory and genitourinary system, due to its unrivaled anti-inflammatory properties.
- Tea helps to recover from anemia, because it contains a large amount of minerals and trace elements.
For a quick sleep it is enough to drink in the evening.a glass of herbal tea and combine it with a relaxing temporal area massage. So, tiredness and irritation are quickly removed, and sleep will bring relaxation and peace. The recipe for harvesting Koporskogo tea will be told to the reader further.
Time to harvest raw materials
Collection time begins in July and continues untilSeptember The leaves are harvested very carefully, it is advisable to choose and not sweep all the plants in a row. After flowering, it makes no sense to harvest the firewood, it becomes unsuitable for processing. Begin collecting in the morning on a sunny afternoon to keep the material dry. There are several ways to collect:
- Together with the leaves and peduncle to break off the upper part of the plants (this method is chosen when they are not engaged in fermentation).
- Cut off the green leaves, but do not touch the inflorescences (for subsequent fermentation). With this method, the plants are selectively disrupted, therefore, the stems with flowers remain, on which the seeds mature.
- In the first half of May, the upper parts of the stems are cut, with such a collection the most vitamin tea.
Attention! For fermentation, only leaves are collected, flowers are collected and dried separately, adding to the finished tea for aroma.
Secrets of cooking at home
Cooking Kopor tea at home- the process is not complicated at all. The most important thing in the preparation of medicinal raw materials is to make fermentation correctly, during this process, the insoluble substances are converted into a soluble form, which makes it easy for the body to assimilate all the natural gifts of fireweed. These substances give the tea a unique taste, but you need to act in stages in order to get the most healthy drink from the raw materials.
Curl - the initial stage
To extract the liquid from the leaves produce themwithering Examine vegetable raw materials, discard damaged leaves. No need to wash, so as not to wash off the substances involved in the fermentation. A thin layer of five centimeters laid out raw materials on linen in the room, not forgetting to regularly stir the leaves. The sun's rays should not penetrate the leaves, so as not to overdry them. Also, you can not sulk on the street, you get a completely different result, and the tea will be of poor quality. Curling on average takes about 12 hours. The readiness of the leaves is checked, squeezing them in half, if they are still crunching, they are not ready for further processing. If you take in a lump of raw materials, it should not crumble.
If you do not have time to engage in leaves, you can facilitate the process. They take the old dense sheet and spread a ball of leaves over it, then twist it tightly so that the fabric absorbs the excess moisture.
Preparing raw materials for fermentation
Теперь необходимо разрушить структуру листьев, to stand out juice. If it appears too small, then the fermentation will be bad, and the tea will show not the best characteristics. You can choose the most suitable method of preparation:
- Manually twist the raw material.Take a few leaves and pumped in the palms until the leaves begin to darken from the released juice. Sausages should be made up to a thickness of 1 cm and a length of about 10 cm. After the sausage is cut, it is subsequently turned into a small leaf tea.
- Kneading leaves. For 20 minutes, the leaves are kneaded in a deep bowl, like dough. This breaks down the structure of the leaves, as a result of which the raw material for large leaf tea is released.
- Twisting the leaves with a meat grinder, so produce granulated tea.
Fermentation of leaves
Before you start cooking copor tea inhome conditions, it is necessary to ferment the leaves. The prepared raw material is laid in a layer of 10 cm in a plastic or ceramic container, covered with a damp linen cloth on top and set aside for fermentation in a dark place. Do not exceed the temperature indicators of 22-26 degrees Celsius. The mass begins to heat up, which is enough to start the fermentation process. If the room is cool, it is better to cover the container blankets. At the end of the process, the mass will change color from green to brownish and acquire a fruity-floral scent. The process lasts from 6 to 36 hours, depending on the preferences in tea, because one likes a drink with a light floral aroma (3-6 hours), while others like tart tea almost odorless (20-36 hours).
Drying after fermentation
Cover the baking sheets with parchment paper andlay out the finished mass of 1 centimeter. Open the oven door and dry at a temperature of 100 degrees for about two hours, then reduce the heat and finally dry. How to make Koporsky tea? About this and talk further.
How to drink tea
How to drink Koporsky tea? Recommend twice a day, but whenwill like it. Do not throw tea leaves, if you just drank tea, it is still useful. From one serving you can still get five servings of flavored tea. You just need to pour boiling water over tea leaves. Each portion of the healing properties are preserved. Tea is tasty even when cooled, and sugar is better not to add to it, but to taste the taste of nature itself. For sweetness, tea can be supplemented with dried fruit, honey or halvah.
The easiest way to cook Kopor tea:0.5 liters of boiling water enough to take 2 teaspoons of fireweed. First pour the kettle on the third, wait a few minutes and add boiling water. To enhance the taste of Koporsky tea, you can add a few dried flowers of ivan-tea, mint leaves, strawberries or black currants. It is not necessary to wrap a kettle, but after 10 minutes you can already try real Koporsky tea.
But besides all the above useful properties, Koporsky tea also has contraindications. True, there are not so many of them, but they need to be taken into account.
Koporsky tea: contraindications
If you drink the drink constantly formonths, there may be interruptions in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. Koporsky tea has contraindications for problems with blood clotting (thrombophlebitis or varicose veins). With caution, they offer to give the drink to children under 2 years old, but such an assertion has no basis; on the contrary, if you take it in doses, it will be only good.
The joy of taste
Когда вы сможете попробовать первую порцию Koporskogo tea, do not try to measure its taste with other famous teas. The drink is unparalleled, it does not look like anything, has its own magical aroma and a range of unique harmonies of taste. It's time to bring yourself real pleasure and at the same time improve your health with a cup of Koporsky tea!