/ / How to reduce intracranial pressure: drugs and traditional methods

How to reduce intracranial pressure: drugs and traditional methods

Проблема повышенного внутричерепного давления не hearsay is familiar to a huge number of people. And if earlier the elderly suffered more from this disease, nowadays it is increasingly being diagnosed in the young. Therefore, each person should know how to reduce intracranial pressure, because sometimes it rises suddenly and causes serious discomfort.

how to reduce intracranial pressure

Changing lifestyle and nutrition

If you identify high blood pressure firstIt is necessary to make certain adjustments in your lifestyle and diet. The main causes of violations of the vessels of the heart and heart are malnutrition and nervous tension. How to relieve intracranial pressure? You should observe sleep patterns, try to avoid stress, move more, stop smoking, minimize the use of alcohol, fatty and salty foods that negatively affect the state of the entire circulatory system.

If the pressure is slightly deviated from the norm,then you can lower it without taking medication. It will help in this matter the use of such products as green tea, walnuts, garlic, vegetable juices, berries, grapefruit, grapes. You should also enrich the diet with foods containing calcium and potassium, or use appropriate nutritional supplements.


If intracranial pressure is elevated, folkremedies will help to effectively eliminate headaches. However, it must be borne in mind that these methods do not treat the root cause, and therefore can only be considered as a way to achieve a temporary relief of the condition or an auxiliary measure to the traditional complex treatment.

Herbal infusions and decoctions

To reduce intracranial pressure folkmedicine recommends the use of decoctions and infusions of various medicinal plants. So, perfect for these purposes decoction of lavender. It is necessary to take dry flowers of this plant (1 teaspoon), pour them with hot water (200 ml), boil for several minutes and let stand for at least 30 minutes. The resulting product should drink 1 tbsp. l in the 2nd half of the day during the month, and after taking a two-week break, repeat the course again. In order to achieve the maximum effect, this broth can also be rubbed into the scalp at night.

how to relieve intracranial pressure
Another plant that normalizes pressure,is mulberry. How to reduce intracranial pressure with it? In order to prepare the broth, you need to take 1 liter of water, pour a small bunch of branches of this plant and boil it for 10 minutes. Chilled broth strain and divide into three approximately equal parts, which should be drunk during the day.

Alcohol tinctures

To cope with hypertension, and so onIt is accepted to call medical language elevated pressure; alcoholic tinctures made from medicinal plants also help. The prescription for clover tincture is very popular, as it will not be difficult to relieve intracranial pressure. Clover flowers must be well dried and covered in a liter jar, so that they occupy half of its volume. The rest of the space should take vodka. A jar with a future tincture should be sent to a dark place for 14 days, do not forget to stir its contents every couple of days. It is necessary to drink means twice a day, course of treatment - 3 months.

intracranial pressure folk remedies
Excellent comprehensive tool for normalizingpressure is an infusion prepared from a mixture of different medicinal tinctures, which can be purchased at each pharmacy. There is nothing difficult in how to reduce intracranial pressure in this way. To do this, combine the eucalyptus, hawthorn valerian, mint and motherwort tinctures in equal proportions to end up with about 500 ml of the mixture, let it brew for 2 weeks and drink 2 tsp daily, preliminarily spreading the tincture in water.


intracranial pressure drugs

In a critical situation, when necessaryeffectively and very quickly to normalize the pressure, as a rule, resort to the use of drugs. If intracranial pressure is increased, the drugs should not be used without prior consultation with a specialist. There are several groups of drugs whose action is aimed at lowering the pressure. First of all, it is diuretic ("Gipotasit", "Furosemide"), vasodilators ("Phentolamine", "Propranolol") and reducing spasm ("Analopril", "Captopril") drugs. Beta-blockers (Atenolol, Bisoprolol), angiotensin receptor blockers (Irbesartan, Lozartan), and calcium channel antagonists (Kordaflex, Amlodipine) are also used. Expressed reduce the pressure of alpha-one-blockers, a prominent representative of which is "Doxazosin". However, this medicine is used in the most urgent cases, with hypertensive crises.

Knowing how to reduce intracranial pressure, and following the above recipes, you can get rid of the annoying headache, as well as try to prevent its recurrence.