/ / How useful are dates?

Than useful dates?

Dried dates, with their rough oblonga solid bone with which we gladly enjoyed instead of sweets in childhood, is not only delicious, but also very useful. Their benefits are mentioned, in particular, in the most famous sources of world culture - the Bible and the Koran.

In places where date palms aremainly Arab countries), this fruit is considered almost a "bread of the desert" - and this is true, because in its nutritional properties dates are equated with cereals. Therefore, going on long trips to the Arabian deserts, travelers necessarily took with them a substantial stock of these high-calorie dried fruits in order to maintain endurance and resist various infections.

So all the same, what are the useful dates and what is their composition?

Если разложить финик на составляющие, то it turns out that it contains such important trace elements and substances as iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, copper, 23 kinds of amino acids, mineral salts, proteins, as well as vitamins of groups A and B, and many other things - here you are The answer to the question of how useful the dates are. But that's not all.

Финики, состав которых столь богат минералами, contain, including, and such a rare element, like selenium, which, like potassium, has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle, and therefore dates are recommended for use by people suffering from heart disease, as well as for the prevention of these ailments. In addition, dates do not contain cholesterol.

Than useful dates yet?It is proved that their dietary fiber can reduce the risk of getting cancer, and the regular use of these delicious fruits of the date palm (whose species, as it turned out, very much) generally strengthens the body's immune system.

It should be noted that dates in dried and driedform - a very sweet product, the content of sugars, they occupy, perhaps, the first place among all dried fruits. But the fact is that basically these sugars are presented in the form of glucose and fructose, the use of which, in comparison with sucrose, for the organism does not have such negative consequences. That is why dates are often recommended for use in diabetes as a substitute for beet and cane sugar (without abusing, of course, this high-calorie dried fruit). It is enough to eat quite a bit of this valuable product and you are provided with excellent health. After all, it's a treat, besides - an excellent antidepressant for diabetics. And this is not one more answer to the question: "How useful is the date?"

If you suffer from breast diseases - and then the date will help you, it can calm the cough and sputum.

These dried fruits are very useful for both women andand for men. In particular, the use of dates promotes the beginning of the production of breast milk in nursing mothers, if there is a problem with this, and during pregnancy, when many women suffer from anemia, the dates will come in handy.

Men, using them, will significantly increase their male power.

The only minus of dates is that they are extremelysticky, and if stored incorrectly on their surface, dust and bacteria can accumulate, so it is very important not to keep them for a long time in the open air, and do not forget to wash before eating.

On assurances of dieticians, dates are excellentare combined with milk - a glass of milk and only one (!) dates a day are already able to meet the human need for the minimum necessary amount of nutrients.

Enter into your diet dates - it really isvery useful product! However, do not forget that it is extremely caloric. Therefore, those who are afraid to get well and keep track of their weight, remembering what the dates are useful, it is not worthwhile to lean on them all the same. Limit a few fruits a day and everything will be fine!